New and 100+ to lose

New to the site and app. Haven't been using it very long, but I find it very user friendly and it keeps me more accountable! I log in a lot during the day to update food, exercise and anything else. Looking for other like minded people to support and be supported so we all reach our goals!

I myself do have Lupus which makes this very important but also very hard at times. I also have had two ankle surgeries (one each ankle) which failed miserably so it is always fun to get moving with big old swollen ankles! I am 37 years old and I just cannot keep doing the yo-yo diet or staying at this weight! I want to go hiking, boating and do amusement parks like I used to. I want to be able to play with my nieces and nephews. Most of all I want to have my picture taken again! I have been so embarrassed about my weight that I am the one taking the pictures so I am not in them. Looking back that was a stupid thing to do and I regret it, but again I am not happy in front of the lens.


  • BramageOMG
    BramageOMG Posts: 319 Member
    Add some active friends. Find some people that had 100+ to lose and are on their way. This works great, its just a mater of "doing it". Good luck!! Glad you are here!! One on my awesome friends just went past the - 200 mark. You can do this!
  • lisanangel
    lisanangel Posts: 148 Member
    Feel free to add me I'm trying to lose my last 27 pounds. I'm on daily
  • SuperHero_Girl
    SuperHero_Girl Posts: 72 Member
    Welcome to MFP!! It's very user friendly and such a great tool to use for getting healthier and fitter.

    I was once in similar shoes to you, with 100+ pounds to lose - it actually was seeing a photo of myself that woke me up to how serious things had become with my health and weight. After I realized how bad of a situation I was in, I definitely preferred not to have my photo taken, however, I couldn't be happier that sometimes people caught me off guard and got photos of me. Now that I'm nearing my goal, I can look back at those photos and see how far I've come.

    I would highly recommend photo-logging your transformation, even if you keep it only for your eyes. More than the changes on the scale or with the measuring tape, seeing photos of myself from month to month was really the biggest motivator for me. Being able to see the changes is amazing and inspiring.

    Good luck with everything - you can do it!
  • Cerakoala
    Cerakoala Posts: 2,547 Member
    Hi nice to meet you :) I find this site is very encouraging and I have learned so much :). I started at 465lbs 3 years ago and this site is one of the main reasons I have been able to dedicate myself and not give up. Having lupus may make the weight loss harder but it is do-able. The main things I can suggest is always log all food you put into your body. Purchase a food scale if you don't have one :) Be honest with yourself and your diary. I started with small changes first like just trying to stay under calories and also walking 5 minutes each day. As time went on I made other changes such as the types of foods I ate and working on increasing how long I walked and pace. This journey has been ever changing for me. :) IF you are looking for people to help encourage and motivate you feel free to add me. Best of luck on your journey :)
  • I am right where you are...100+ pounds to lose....add me if you like - I log on daily - I have to to keep this journey going; to get me motivated.....
    This site is amazing, and you will go far on this weight got my support all the way :):):)!
  • StarFall90
    StarFall90 Posts: 133 Member
    I have 130 left to lose. Feel free to add me :)
  • hoovified
    hoovified Posts: 46 Member
    I have 104 pounds to lose until my major goal of 180. After that, I will reevaluate and see what happens. I don't remember ever being in onederland... I've been overweight my entire life.

    My biggest concentration right now is on logging my foods... I used to hate it! Lol. This is the longest I have stuck with it (day 5) and I am determined to continue breaking records. Of course, I am trying to stay under my calorie goal but I went slightly over last night. It's not that big of a deal to me... we're all human. I'm just proud of the 3 pounds I lost since I started using MFP religiously! Anyone, please feel free to add me! I am online like 50 times a day lol.
  • beautifuldisasta
    beautifuldisasta Posts: 89 Member
    Hi, I'm also new (been on just over week) and have 99lbs to lose. I log daily and on here all the time lol. I'll send you a friend request, always looking for new friends anyone is welcome to add me :flowerforyou:
  • frisco111
    frisco111 Posts: 44 Member

    I would highly recommend photo-logging your transformation, even if you keep it only for your eyes. More than the changes on the scale or with the measuring tape, seeing photos of myself from month to month was really the biggest motivator for me. Being able to see the changes is amazing and inspiring.

    ^^^ so true- start taking pictures just for yourself and in half a year you will have great motivator for the rest of your journey
  • ljpjones
    ljpjones Posts: 49 Member
    I've have over 100 to loose , I log in regularly and check in often. So feel free to add me. :)
  • I'm on here daily, so very active on here! I've lost 103 pounds so far, with 29 to go. Feel free to add me :)
  • That's so great ! My goal is over a 100 too. You can add me as well.