Looking for Friends 20s 30s 40s 50s 60s any and all

Hi. I am a stay at home Mom. I previously lost 60 pounds. but I regained it when I quit smoking. Now I am at my highest weight. I am so disgusted that I have let myself go so far!! I have way OVER 100 pounds to lose. I know my main problem is I am home alone while my husband is at work and my children are in school. I NEED some friends on here to help me stay accountable PLEASE.!! I know I can do this with the support. Thanks


  • I am a stay at home mom as well. I am also struggling with weight issues as well as stress issues. I am an emotional eater and I have had to battle it for a while. Feel free to add me as a friend and maybe it will help! :smile:


  • 0424hb
    0424hb Posts: 4 Member
    add me up if you want and we can keep motivating each other :) . i lost a bunch of weight too and found myself back to where i started because of the stress in college. I'm on my 2nd day of what I call "my new healthy lifestyle" and this time I am more motivated than ever.
  • bartenderchic
    bartenderchic Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, I'm sort of in the same boat as far as being at home alone most days. I also desperately need a support system.
  • DaMarion1998
    DaMarion1998 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello Everyone!!!!!!! I hope that we can all be a support for each other:flowerforyou:
  • Hello, I am also in search of accountability partners! I have quite a bit to lose myself!
  • dwalt15110
    dwalt15110 Posts: 246 Member
    Old lady here. I homeschool my grandson, so I understand the pitfalls of being at home and the refrigerator "calling" my name. I lost 140 pounds when my son was deployed to Iraq, but I have put that on again. I am trying to get back into the routine I had once established and had been so successful with. I always say I will start tomorrow. Well I want to start before I have no more tomorrows left. Anyone can feel free to add me if they wish. I am really good at being supportive.
  • monkeymachelle
    monkeymachelle Posts: 5 Member
    Thank you all. I added you . Its great to get some support. I will give it and receive it lol