Let's lose 30 pounds together



  • searsvls
    searsvls Posts: 164 Member
    Yes. I need the support! I will give support too. Let's do it!
  • marshagarsha
    I too am in the hunt to lose 30 lbs. I just friended Barifeliz. If you'd like to add me too, I am always looking for supportive friends (and will offer the same in return). I am 48, live in the SF Bay Area in California, married, work full time, one kid (13 years old), and am losing slowly but surely (4lbs in a month...sooo slow, but better than gaining).
  • SandyBVTN
    SandyBVTN Posts: 367 Member
    Anyone feel free to add me as well! I have 40 left to lose for my long term goal, but 30 is going to be absolutely awesome and I know I'll look and feel great.

    As far as weight loss strategies go, here are my general ones:

    1200 calories on sedentary days
    Eat back some activity calories
    I pre-log everything
    A couple of flexi days every couple of weeks, where I can indulge a bit (as long as I keep losing)
    Exercise is great but not a part of my commitment at this time - focusing on food instead

    As long as the above is followed and I stay satisfied and continue to lose pounds, I don't stress about carbs, veggie intake, workouts, or anything else. I find if I put too many restrictions on myself I end up setting myself up for failure. Not going to happen this time!
  • cnowotarski
    cnowotarski Posts: 29 Member

    Yes, add me! I'd love to have a little support! I just started my weight loss journey and am on my 5th day of a healthier lifestyle! My ultimate goal is to lose 30 pounds. I have only been at this for 5 days, so I don't think I've lost any yet. I also have my weight loss weekly goal set at .5 pounds a week, because I don't seem to do to well when I try and go too fast. It would be nice to have someone to work with and help keep each other motivated!

  • skinnycaitt
    skinnycaitt Posts: 3 Member
    Anyone is welcome to add me as a friend! Looking to motivate other people and have some motivation sent my way! I am looking to lose 30 pounds as well! We can all do this!!
  • Brina487
    feel free to add me as well ;)
  • MiaisMIAinMiami
    MiaisMIAinMiami Posts: 196 Member
    I think ultimately I want to lose 50-60 lbs, but 35-40 is my first goal to get back down into that "normal" BMI range. Turns out I've become "obese,". Oops! Anyone feel free to add me :)
  • lisanangel
    lisanangel Posts: 148 Member
    Hi mg name is Lisa I'm trying to lose my last 27 pounds. I'm on daily. Feel free to add me
  • dradanyi
    I lost 42lbs when I started on this site however recent events caused a weight gain of 50lbs over the past 2yrs. My goal is to lose 63lbs. Count me in.
  • joyce1129
    joyce1129 Posts: 62 Member
    I am back again. On and off again and again so often it is embarrassing. I've lost about 16 and still have nearly 30 to go. So anyone wishing to add me please do. I promise to check in everyday and together we can get this done.
  • krysstah
    krysstah Posts: 6 Member
    I'm shooting for -30 before my trip to Mexico in February! I'd love to join, just started this yesterday!
  • Aine8046
    Aine8046 Posts: 2,122 Member
    I need to loose 20-25lbs. Close enough to 30 :) Hope to have it done by February.
  • Aine8046
    Aine8046 Posts: 2,122 Member
    I'm shooting for -30 before my trip to Mexico in February! I'd love to join, just started this yesterday!
    Almost same here. Trip to Puerto Rico in February, will try to loose 20-25 lbs by that time :)
  • ronatendy
    Hi, I'm new here. I need to lose 30 lbs as soon as i can. I have my graduation coming up and job interview. Please help me and let's motivate each other !
  • Breezy0987
    Breezy0987 Posts: 8 Member
    Add me... I have a little more than that to go... Ill join you
  • kellyb1024
    kellyb1024 Posts: 3 Member
    I would love to be a part of this group! Just started back and need support. Please add me!
  • txangie
    txangie Posts: 13 Member
    I would love to join you with this. Just restarted on MFP again and want to lost at least 30 pounds.
  • jkterrell
    jkterrell Posts: 10 Member
    Would also love to join, please feel free to add me! My goal is between 30 and 40 depending on how I look after 30 ;-)
  • deb300
    deb300 Posts: 2 Member
    Oh, add me too! 30 lbs is what I am looking to loose as well. I just started back today so would love the support:smile:
  • patticake52
    I'm in as well! I want to find success and not stop following through on a plan. I want to lose 20 pounds and I'm just starting.