Fitness Goals Ideas ?

Hi all, just looking for your thoughts and inspiration for fitness goals, as it seems my imagination is out of focus when I try to brainstorm myself :)

Thanks in advance for any suggestions, and keep them flowing :)


  • Pirate_chick
    Pirate_chick Posts: 1,216 Member
    Funny I just posted this on my wall.
    I want to get to the lowest healthy weight for my height,120, bulk 10-15lbs of muscle, then maintain with a fluctuation allowance of +/-5. I would also like to complete the Disney Villain 10 miler without being picked up by the slow movers trolly. lol
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    5k race
    Half Marathon
    Pull ups
    5 minute plank
  • Tree72
    Tree72 Posts: 942 Member
    It will depend on where you are at in your journey. One of my fitness goals is to be able to squat with more weight on the bar than I weigh. I also want to be able to run a 5k in less than half an hour. Do you want to get stronger? Have more endurance? What's your basic, underlying reason for wanting to be more fit?
  • icrushit
    icrushit Posts: 773 Member
    Thanks for the ideas, please keep them coming! :)

    @Pirate_Chick, I'm intrigued by the Disney Villain 10 miler! :) Know what you mean also re: body re-composition, that's part of my current primary goal, as I want to get down to a decent level of body fat, then see if I feel the urge to bolt on some additional musculature to what I already have :) Maintenance of my weight is also definitely in there too - I'm currently sick of weight loss, so intend not to put myself back in the position where I need to lose again in the near future, lol

    @TavistockToad, Yes, few I recognise in there already :) I've been dabbling with some bodyweight exercises, and need to get more serious. Also a 5 min plank shall definitely go on my list, as that is something my back would thank me a lot for! :) I hear Insanity and P90X mentioned here from time to time, but am afraid I shall have to google them, lol

    @Tree72, Yes, know the specifics would depend on where I am currently fitness-wise, so am interested in general types/ areas of fitness goals that I can then fill in the blanks myself in terms of progressions. For example with running, as a non-runner, I would aim for something like a 5k first, then a 10k, then a half, and after that a full marathon eventually :) Oh, as regards my intentions or reasons to get fitter, its basically the pursuit of optimal fitness, as well as having new goals to replace my weight loss goal when I reach that one. Need something to aim for next, as I'm definitely the sort of person that benefits from keeping themselves motivated and aiming for something :)
  • icrushit
    icrushit Posts: 773 Member
    *bump* :)
  • docc30
    docc30 Posts: 33 Member
    Short term: Squat and deadlift over bodyweight. Quit smoking.

    Long term: Squat and deadlift 2x bodyweight. Bench 1.5x bodyweight. Be able to walk up mountains while hunting carrying about 40 lbs of gear without getting winded.

    Really long term: Be like my neighbors. At almost 90 years old they are still living by themselves and do all their own yard work.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Mine short term:

    one arm chinup

    Sally up, sally down squat challenge with 60kg
  • icrushit
    icrushit Posts: 773 Member
    Really long term: Be like my neighbors. At almost 90 years old they are still living by themselves and do all their own yard work.

    I hear you, I had an ex-partner with an 80yo mum, and seeing someone at that age be more active than most people 20 years or more younger, was truly impressive. It was a great inspiration, and part of the reason I want to be a good weight, fit, and healthy, not just the first of the three :)
  • BenjaminMFP88
    BenjaminMFP88 Posts: 660 Member
    I have several goals, mostly which I'm seeking at different times.

    Short term:

    Squat 495 X 1
    Bench Press 365 X 1
    Be able to run an entire 5k without breaking (my cardio is pathetic)

    Long term:

    8% body fat ( or whatever it takes to show my 6 pack)
    25 wide grip pull ups without resting
  • icrushit
    icrushit Posts: 773 Member
    Just to update with a few of my own future goals;

    Running - start, do a 5k, do a 10k, do a half, and then a full marathon. Also would like to do a biathlon & triathlon.

    Bodywise (not true fitness goals, I know) - reach (and maintain) 15% bodyfat minimum

    Strength - be as reasonably strong as I can. Not a guy that looks strong, but a guy that is strong.

    Flexibility - be as reasonably flexible as possible, and push what I am capable of. Yoga is definitely in my future

    Self-defense - learn a martial art, probably jiu-jitsu, although maybe one of the striking ones in the farther term future, just to push what I am capable of in terms of power generation. Will probably precede both by pursuing some tai-chi first

    Swimming - learn to actually swim. I know one stroke, which I can perform adequately, but would like to have several, and also simply be a stronger swimmer

    Back - make my back and supporting framework and alignment as strong/ good as possible. I had disc surgery a few years ago, and don't intend to let my back hold me back from anything! :)

    Nutrition (another not-a-fitness-goal) - develop a level of nutritional knowledge to the point where I have mastery over my body, and know all the available levers to make it do what I need it to :)

    Miscellaneous - find something I can compete in. I've a strong competitive drive, but never got involved in sports as a kid, as most of my childhood was spent heavily overweight. At 35 now I would love to find something I could compete in, where success is within my grasp as someone no longer a young guy in their optimal 20's :)

    Obviously need to flesh out a few of these, but these are just the general thoughts and areas that have been floating around in my head.
  • tedsmama
    tedsmama Posts: 178 Member
    +1 for races. 5k, 10k and am currently training for a half. I've been trying to keep myself registered for one at all times even if it's several months out. Keeps me training :drinker:
  • JojoEffeckt164
    JojoEffeckt164 Posts: 146 Member
    When I realized that I have reached my first goal (normal weight) I started falling off track and become lazy again. So my new goal was a mud/obstacle run. It´s gonna be this weekend

    In order to not completely embarrass myself I have to become more fit! So that´s what I did - getting more fit. It motivates me quite well. I went a lot running and I did a lot for building muscles. When I applied I had 100 days to get ready for it. I hope I will do well this weekend :tongue:

    My goal for next year. Half marathon in colone Germany and a mud/obstacle run with half marathon distance. :bigsmile:
  • Willbenchforcupcakes
    Willbenchforcupcakes Posts: 4,955 Member
    Squat 2x body weight
    Bench body weight
    Deadlift 3x body weight (this ones broken down more ... Pull 175kg, get into the 400 pound club, pull 225kg, and finally around 240 on the platform)