Wanted: Suggestions for a New Workout Week

So I'm on my 3rd quarter, and honestly I'm starting to plateau on my current workout routine and am feeling uninspired looking at my chart for the next quarter. So I was hoping to get some ideas from people here.
My 2nd quarter's average week looked like:

Sunday- rest(work)
Monday- run-2-3 mile
Tuesday- Full body weights, leg press, leg extensions, bench press, external obliques(either machine or free weight), bicep curls, lat pull, lat fly, russian get ups
Run- 1-2 mile
Wednesday- zumba
run- 1-2 mile
Thurdays Full body weights-same as above
1/2-1 mile swim
Friday-3-4 mile run
Sat- 30 min free swim (work)

so any ideas for my 3rd quarter?


  • natecooper75
    natecooper75 Posts: 72 Member
    I have a couple of questions that would help point you in the right direction for an answer.

    1) What are your goals?


    2) What do you mean by plateau?

    I think these are important for helping you get good answers to your question. Do you just do a 3x10 rep scheme for all your weight lifting sessions?

    I do commend you for putting in that much work each week.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Here you go:

    For the next quarter:
    Sunday - run 6 miles
    Monday - Squats, lunges, deadlifts, 70% 1RM, rep volume of 100 reps per squat and lunge, 50 deads.
    Tuesday - light 2 mile run
    Wednesday - Bench, pull ups (banded), dips, various presses and accessory work, 60-75% 1RM range rep volume 100 per
    Thursday - Squats, lunges, deadlifts
    Friday - 3 miler
    Saturday - Bench, pull ups (banded), dips, various presses and accessory work, 60-75% 1RM, rep volume 100

    Do that for a few weeks to get used to it.
    Then switch weekly between that and this:
    Sunday - run 6.5 miles
    Monday - Squats, lunges, deadlifts, 80-90% 1RM, rep volume of 30-40 reps per squat and lunge, 20 deads.
    Tuesday - light 1 mile run
    Wednesday - Bench, pull ups (banded), dips, various presses and accessory work, 80-90% 1RM range rep volume 20-30 per
    Thursday - Squats, lunges, deadlifts as above
    Friday - 4 miler
    Saturday - Bench, pull ups (banded), dips, various presses and accessory work, as above

    Each of those sessions should be finishable within 45 minutes or so, except for the runs of course, you know what's up with that. Have fun.
  • alecdlewis1
    alecdlewis1 Posts: 46 Member
    I have a couple of questions that would help point you in the right direction for an answer.

    1) What are your goals?


    2) What do you mean by plateau?

    I think these are important for helping you get good answers to your question. Do you just do a 3x10 rep scheme for all your weight lifting sessions?

    I do commend you for putting in that much work each week.
    My main goal is to lose about 80 ish lbs- but rather I'm trying to lose about 8% body fat to be back at what I was in high school. The plateau is more my body just use to the same workout, though I do adjust my weights based off where I was the week prior and how easy or hard the lift was.
    As for my Lift, I usually do 3 sets of 15 reps each unless I felt that the muscle group was particularly easy, then I will usually add another set.
  • alecdlewis1
    alecdlewis1 Posts: 46 Member
    Thanks for the suggestion, the only problem would be that I work sundays from 10 am to 10 pm so trying to fit a workout on sundays usually ends with me hurting myself under a box of books...Also a 6 mile run, though my dogs would love, might kill me. I am barely surviving the 4 mile.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Then make adjustments.
  • natecooper75
    natecooper75 Posts: 72 Member
    If you are trying to lose 80 lbs, diet is going to be your best friend in this situation. You can't just exercise and expect that to be enough. I personally don't believe in doing "hard" exercise everyday. This is most likely because I believe I'm allergic to running any distance over 100 yards.

    If I was in your situation with your goals, I would try to do a beginner friendly free weight program that will give you a total body workout with a lot less movements then you are doing in your weight routine. I would also explore using sprints or HIIT cardio as opposed to distance running. I have had pretty good results in terms of fat loss by doing 10-15 minutes of HIIT cardio on the elliptical. Distance running always seemed counterproductive to me but my goals aren't necessarily the same as yours.

    Also, make sure you are giving yourself adequate time for recovery. Recovery is just as important to your training as performing the exercises themselves.