Looking for friends with similar approach to weight loss

Good Morning MFPers!

I'm looking to connect with more MFP folks who think like I do about weight loss. I want to be supportive of you and you of me, but I find it really hard to encourage friends when I don't agree with they way they are trying to lose weight. For me, the biggest thing is friends that eat a minimum of 1200 calories daily and eat back at least half of their calories from exercise regularly. I personally do not agree with eating less (unless you are super small maybe and you have your doctors support). We all have days when we come in way under or over our calorie goal, and that's ok in my book when it's just once in a while, not a way of living.

I'm also trying to lose my weight as realisticly as possibily...not as fast as possible. I've learned the hard way if I push myself too hard and am too strict with my diet I burn out and won't succeed. Slow and steady wins the race in this case :-)

I really like cooking healthy meals too and am always trying out new things, so if you are into that too I'd love to share ideas. I don't care if you don't cook though :-) just putting this interest out there.

If this sounds like you and want to gain some new friends, leave a message below or send me a friend request.


  • Deadlay
    Deadlay Posts: 135 Member
    I have never been accused of under-eating :)
  • Lupuschamp
    Lupuschamp Posts: 22 Member
    In the past I've always followed the advice of eating at a massive deficit....and have always burned out after a few weeks. More recently after starting with lifting and am focusing on taking it slow and steady :).

    I tend to prep my meals every sunday and am always looking for new healthy recipes that will keep me satisfied and fit in my macros.

    Would love to have you as a friends :)
  • heat4212
    heat4212 Posts: 1 Member
    We are on the same page sister! I have had to lose weight under deadlines (for the military) in the past, and now that I am out, I can't bring myself to do those things again! Plus, the number of calories you eat in a day, does not necessarily reflect healthy choices. The first time I ever tried to count calories (sometime in college), this was my "ideal" menu:

    Breakfast: Mt. Dew and Twix bar (450)
    Lunch: Salami sandwich on white bread, an apple, Crystal lite (310)
    Dinner: McD's small fries, plain cheeseburger, small pepsi (660)

    Total: 1420

    So yeah... I had NO desire to eat healthy, I just wanted to maintain my weight. But as I got older, my body started punishing me for this kind of diet.

    So here I am... I started following this great blog a couple years ago (http://blackgirlsguidetoweightloss.com/) that taught me the concept of clean eating. I spent the next two years not caring about my weight -- just learning how to buy, prepare, and eat real food. I feel like I finally have the tools needed to take the next step and actually start losing weight.

    I cook most nights, in part to save money, but in part because you can just eat so much more when you make it yourself! I know I will have a good week when I sit down on Wed and plan my meals for the next 7 days. That is the key for me and what I SHOULD be doing right now! lol
  • Sendyk
    Sendyk Posts: 15 Member
    The first time I ever tried to count calories (sometime in college), this was my "ideal" menu:

    Breakfast: Mt. Dew and Twix bar (450)
    Lunch: Salami sandwich on white bread, an apple, Crystal lite (310)
    Dinner: McD's small fries, plain cheeseburger, small pepsi (660)

    Total: 1420

    I have seen some people on here that would say that's okay just as long as it's within the calorie limit. Makes me INSANE! @heat4212- It's great to know that you're doing a lot better with the healthy eating, so congrats!
    OP- YES! I'm with you girl! I've been trying to change my eating habits so that it more of a lifestyle than a diet and so far it's working for me. YAY! I'd definitely love to swap meal ideas, workout routines or even just positive words of encouragement. Feel free to add me.
  • I agree with your approach and am trying to do the same. I'd love to help each other along this journey, I am determined to reach my goal this time and have fun while doing it!