I will.

Tomorrow I will get up at 6 and go for a walk.
I will get up.
I will not press snooze.
I will not roll over.
I will not put it off.
I will not make an "errghghhhh" noise.
I will get up and do it.


  • I will go to the gym after my 12 hour shift
    I will push myself
    I will not give up
    I will pick up really heavy stuff and put it down gently

    Love the attitude DO NOT STOP
  • floweredsteel
    floweredsteel Posts: 56 Member
    I will go to the trainer after work today.
    I will not call to cancel.
    I will put in 100% and not 20%.
    I will go home and eat a moderate healthy dinner.
    I will not devour the entire refrigerator.
    I will go to bed happy and healthy and ready to do it all again tomorrow.

    (Thanks I really needed this today!)