
My problem is when I sit and watch T.V. I get anxious. And I think about food. Does any one else feel the same way.


  • Snip8241
    Snip8241 Posts: 767 Member
    I do. US TV has many food commercials. I have started making sure I have an evening snack in my calories. Last week it was even ice cream for the first time.

    I will eat back some of my exercise calories if I have used my calories for the day.

    Some people drink water and see if that takes care of the hunger.

    Send me a FR with a message if you'd like. I am 58 and I have lots of friends around the same age.
  • alidyson64
    alidyson64 Posts: 1 Member
    You are not alone! I have found a childhood favourite hot chocolate helps - low fat of course. I use Jarrahdale Choc-o-lait, only 50 calories. It makes me feel like I'm having a treat and also helps to fill me up.
  • rsclause
    rsclause Posts: 3,103 Member
    The secret weapon, go for a walk and drink a glass of water. You get off your but, burn a few calories and its hard to eat and walk at the same time.
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    Tea (herbal) with milk is my go-to evening treat while watching TV. It also makes me sleepy so I am off to bed shortly after - less time for snacking.
  • floweredsteel
    floweredsteel Posts: 56 Member
    I agree. Television has too many food commercials. In addition, several shows always have food in them! Too much tv makes me snacky and hungry. I try to limit the tv, fast forward through the commercials, and avoid shows with tons of food. Good luck!
  • VelveteenArabian
    VelveteenArabian Posts: 758 Member
    Unless you have an anxiety problem, you're not anxious, you're bored. Use the energy to work out or get a hobby you can keep yourself busy with.
  • exelbyplumpton
    exelbyplumpton Posts: 30 Member
    Hi im still finding my way round this site. Still finding my eating habit while watching t.v.hard. Sometimes im so tired on theevening I just want to do nothing. But eating still in my mind.
  • Tamois
    Tamois Posts: 64 Member
    How about making a fruit platter so you can still snack while watching telly without ruining what you've lost so far. Weightloss is hard! I'm 46 and have yoyo dieted my whole life. The initial buzz of weightloss does dwindle after a few weeks and it's then that the motivation is needed the most. Re-read the posts above and stick with it. Being back at the top of the yoyo with all that weight to lose again is a horrible feeling.
  • exelbyplumpton
    exelbyplumpton Posts: 30 Member
    Good reply.I will try and remember this when I am tempted to eat
  • exelbyplumpton
    exelbyplumpton Posts: 30 Member
    Morning. that's agood idea.I will do this. Or even a salad dish.:-!:drinker: