Fall-Thanksgiving Weight Loss Challenge

Hi Everyone!
Happy Hump day!!

I've been seeing a lot of fall challenges creeping up everywhere and the holidays are coming up so I wanted to start a challenge for myself and whoever wants to join!!

I'm a pretty clean eater and try to stray away from anything that is made out of white flour (i.e. all "bad" carbs,) I do work out consistently at boot camp and try to drink a 2 liters of water everyday. I have lost about 30 pounds over the course of the year, but my weight loss always stalls or plateaus-- perhaps because I cheat a lot!

So here are my fall challenges:

30 minutes of cardio at least three times a week
Weight lifting 2-3 times per week.
One cheat day a week
2-3 liters of water a day ( i drink a lot during the week and never get to drink that much water on the weekends)

I would ultimately would like to lose about 10 lbs by Halloween and another 10 by Thanksgiving.

Let me know whoever wants to join and we can start a group.

Weekly Weigh ins every Friday Morning!!

let me know if you would like to join.


  • zharptichka
    zharptichka Posts: 127 Member
    count me in :)
  • Ciler_mcj
    Ciler_mcj Posts: 77 Member
    am in :) plus am doing 3lt a day water challenge for 28 days just my self since I hardly drink any lol so wish me luck and good luck to yall :)
  • emiy1988
    emiy1988 Posts: 24 Member
    Awesome!!! I may join you in on that challenge, when did you begin?

    Should we have our first weigh- in this Friday?
  • tammye87
    tammye87 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello:) i need motivational weight loss friends like you. I have definitely had it being overweight. I have had my mind set.Count me in your challenge:) :wink:
  • Ciler_mcj
    Ciler_mcj Posts: 77 Member
    Friday sounds good to me..and my water challenges I stared this past Monday today is my 3rd day and I think am doing good so far..yeah I would like it if u join me..plus its boring doing it my self lol I almost stop at 2lt but I made my self drink that last 1lt so I did.good for me yay lol :p
  • abortey
    abortey Posts: 3 Member
    I'd like to join your challenge! I've lost about 17 pounds, but when the colder weather starts to roll around I find myself making excuses- but not anymore! I'm excited for this challenge!

    First weigh in on Friday sounds like a good idea
  • Xlyinia
    Xlyinia Posts: 19 Member
    I'd love to get in on this to keep me on track for a fall wedding I have coming up (guest only). And maybe inspire me to actually make a costume this year, not feeling motivated!
  • Xlyinia
    Xlyinia Posts: 19 Member
    I live in a desert so 3 litres a day is low to normal for me. But I have found tips to getting they 6-7 down that I need during the summer. Lemon in the water is a good one, aslo cucumber. But for otc I have to tout the joys of Special K Protein water. It has protein and fiber in a drink! Which helps with being hungry and getting enough protein in my case. I mix one packet per litre and it takes the sickly sweetness out of it.
  • I would love to join this challenge!
  • Buttercupxxx
    Buttercupxxx Posts: 24 Member
    Ok I like this- I'm in.
  • emiy1988
    emiy1988 Posts: 24 Member
    Hi Guys!!! Great Feedback!!! I will make a group with the same exact title, so please join so we can get more familiar with each other!!
  • I'm new to MFP but I think I'd like to join your challenge too. I have in total about 30 pounds to lose but I'm just trying to tackle it 5 pounds at a time.
  • Count me in too!
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    I would like to give it a try. The weights will be a challenge for me, but I will do my best to meet that challenge.
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Your challenges are just what I need at this point.

    I want to shed my final 40-50 pounds by February and losing 20-25 pounds by Thanksgiving would put me on-target.

    Until this past week, I did “0” exercise and my cardiologist has reminded me more than once to drink more water.

    I have weighed-in every Monday for almost a year, so I might be off a couple days from your schedule.

    Shoot me a PM when you start the group.
  • emiy1988
    emiy1988 Posts: 24 Member
    Your challenges are just what I need at this point.

    I want to shed my final 40-50 pounds by February and losing 20-25 pounds by Thanksgiving would put me on-target.

    Until this past week, I did “0” exercise and my cardiologist has reminded me more than once to drink more water.

    I have weighed-in every Monday for almost a year, so I might be off a couple days from your schedule.

    Shoot me a PM when you start the group.

    group is up, it has the same name! http://www.myfitnesspal.com/groups/home/23704-fall-thanksgiving-weight-loss-challenge
  • loridouglass
    loridouglass Posts: 2 Member
    Ok, maybe this will be the motivation that I need. I'm in!
  • mfpc14
    mfpc14 Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks for this challenge! Count me in please. :)
  • mbarton85
    mbarton85 Posts: 4 Member
    count me in! I need to lose this weight and I never drink enough water, so this sounds perfect!