Todays goin to be a bad day :-(

Been up since 3am with a really bad migraine still hurting when i lean forwards so gonna lay of the exercise today thing is i've only got 800 calories left and its only 1pm :-s bit annoyed with myself because i know that my boyfriends cookin me and my daughter a lovely big meal tonight so im not gonna be able to enjoy it :-( rant over


  • JulsDiane
    JulsDiane Posts: 349 Member
    Sorry :sad:
    Migraines suck, hope it clears overnight.
  • Justpeachy78
    I hope your day got better as it went along:flowerforyou:
  • ashandbensmom
    I would encourage your boyfriend to cook a nice big HEALTHY meal. If that won't fly, then I say "Have fun and make up for it later." There is no point in being thin if you can't be happy as well. Enjoy yourself today and then make up for it with an extra few minutes of cardio tomorrow when you are feeling better. I always allow myself a "cheat" day. The important thing is to get right back on track.
  • DanL66712
    DanL66712 Posts: 135
    That sucks! Have you gone to the doctor about your migraines? I found zomig to be really effective - makes you feel really out of it though. The last thing you are going to want with a migraine is a large meal as well!
  • ThereseL37
    good news is the day is half over. hope your migraine goes away soon.
  • xxMsComptonxx
    Go ahead and enjoy the meal tonight ((all that you want)) and go to sleep tonight ((give your man a little something something=whether you are in the mood or not ((act like it)) <-- This will burn some calories. Then go to sleep with the mindset of getting up in the morning and doing something like: elliptical/running in place/jump rope. Cardio in the morning and the rest of the day go on as normal. Then put in your normal exercise for the ending of the day. This plan will make up for the boyfriend dinner. :D You can do it! Dont get all upset to much. Just make a few tweaks and you can make up for the excess calorie intake.
  • Hannastyrbjorn
    Yes you can! what is a day and you don't have to eat so much you feel like exploding. Eat till you're full and drink a lot of water. it'll get even when the migrane is gone and you can exercise again
  • jessieinblue
    jessieinblue Posts: 287 Member
    Sorry to hear about the migraine -- those are the worst. But I think you should definitely let yourself enjoy a nice home-cooked meal tonight.

    For the rest of the day until dinner, drink a LOT of water. If you get so hungry you can't stand it, eat something very low in calories like green veggies :) Then relax and ENJOY your dinner. You're getting spoiled! Don't waste that away with worry and frustration.

    Then get back to your usual diet tomorrow :)
  • kpower1983
    kpower1983 Posts: 103 Member
    Drinking lots of water may help with your headache too.

    Don't beat yourself up - it's lovely that your boyfriend is cooking for you, enjoy it and make up for it when you feel a little better!

    Hope you feel better soon!:flowerforyou:
  • thebomb4
    thebomb4 Posts: 59 Member
    Hope you feel better soon stacey! migraines suck!! Don't let this turn into a bad day because of it, the exercise can wait for another day don't worry about that. As for calories..... there is so much food you can eat with 800 calories, I'm confident you can do this and even if you do go slightly over with your calories you can just make up for it tomorrow with exercise (if the migraine as decided to do one.)

    Don't let this beat you :)
  • 2bFitNTrim
    2bFitNTrim Posts: 1,209 Member
    I'm sorry you feel so bad. I get cluster migraines, so I know it's miserable! :sick: I hope you feel better in time to enjoy dinner....if so, do! You can eat a lot for 800 calories, and if you go over, start again tomorrow. :flowerforyou:
  • mbmomof4
    mbmomof4 Posts: 172 Member
    I suffer from migraines too. No one can understand what you go through unless they suffer from them too. Don't sweat the calories today. Keep it light, toast, crackers. Try Excedrine Migraine, I use the generic one & it's the only over the counter that stands a chance at working for me. I am on Topmax daily to help curb the migraines, it has definately helped cut down. Then I take Relpax when I feel a bad one coming. Put a cold washcloth on your eyes & try to sleep it off if you can, having kids myself I know that can be difficult. Hopefully by dinner time you will be feeling a bit better, if not explain to your other half that you are not feeling well & you don't want to eat the dinner then get sick. Take a raincheck, I'm sure he will understand. If you haven't seen a doctor for the headaches yet, do so, that way you can get meds that stand a chance on kicking the headache quick. Feel better!!:flowerforyou:
  • kidtechnical
    Sounds to me like you could do with some pampering. Don't throw in the towel just yet, think damage limitation: have a moderate lunch, log everything and come 7pm just step away from the PC/App and enjoy your meal. Start afresh tomorrow. If you look at your calories over a week rather than just one day you'll see that you're still winning and I know you've been working really hard on the exercise front, so give yourself a break lady!! :drinker:
  • staceyb_2003
    staceyb_2003 Posts: 396 Member
    Think i might take a light stroll to gain some calories to play with might actually help with the headache too possibly
  • colochel
    colochel Posts: 263 Member
    eat half the meal, save the other half for later :)
  • fuzzymel
    fuzzymel Posts: 400 Member
    Sorry to hear that. Mirgraines can really stop you in your tracks.

    Hope it clears soon.
  • KanCrav
    KanCrav Posts: 439 Member
    you always have alot of calories left over at the end of your day, enjoy dinner tonight, you can count this as your cheat meal. I hope your migrane gets better!~! I know this is weird but if I eat a small piece of dark chocolate and take a long how shower it helps with my migranes.

    have fun tongiht, you deserve it.
  • staceyb_2003
    staceyb_2003 Posts: 396 Member
    it wasnt as bad as i thought in the end i still came out just in the red by 73 calories so not as many as i thought it would be :-) don't feel as bad as i did earlier now i just have the boyfriends chinese buffet meal to deal with tomorrow evening lol