
Hello, I have been eating REALLY clean for the last 2 weeks almost, and exercising a bit in terms of walking home etc but not actually hitting the gym (yet).

I feel like my clothes are fitting a bit better but when I look in the mirror I think I look just as fat as I did before I started healthy eating. Can anyone suggest how long it will be until I start to show progress? Or do I need to start really exercising at the gym etc to get proper results?

Thanks all


  • juggernaut1974
    juggernaut1974 Posts: 6,212 Member
    Are you just eating "clean" (which is a nonsense term that means nothing) or are you measuring your caloric intake?

    The latter is required (well...maybe not required, but strongly recommended. Especially for beginners); the former is not.
  • Tydeclare44
    Tydeclare44 Posts: 572 Member
    Nothing happens overnight dear, this is a lifelong process that we are all chasing! Some people just take longer to drop the weight than others.

    After looking at your diary, you're under 1200 many days. This isn't exactly the most healthy. I was eating 1700 and scratching my head why I wasn't losing weight. Then I bumped my daily calories up to almost 2500 and I've been consistently dropping weight! So, please make sure you are eating enough, and under eating can contribute to the body not giving up fat.

    As for working out, I would suggest doing HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) about 3 times a week, but if you are going to do this, eat more! Especially on these days!
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    Two weeks isn't long enough. Give it two months.

    When you see the loss really depends a lot on how fat you are. It's also difficult, when you see yourself every day, to notice the changes.

    If you eat right and exercise, you'll see the results eventually. Be patient! :)
  • juggernaut1974
    juggernaut1974 Posts: 6,212 Member
    Duh I didn't think to look at your diary...

    Assuming you're measuring accurately, you're eating far too little. Such drastic measures are not needed to lose weight.

    What is your current height & weight, and what is your goal?

    It's quite possible you just need to start some resistance training to maintain muscle mass while you shed the last few pounds of fat (just going off your avatar, in which your face at least appears that you are close to if not already at a healthy weight).
  • MC_JC
    MC_JC Posts: 91 Member
    Subtle changes on yourself in a short period of is nearly imposable to notice after all you see your self every day. How your cloths fit and how you feel about yourself would indicate your on the right path. I started taking picture of myself (front, back and side) in the same spot once a week, you will see the changes that you have made doing this.
  • pander101
    pander101 Posts: 677 Member
    It's taken me almost 2-3 months to see a difference. Two weeks isn't nearly enough time.
  • Early_Riser
    Early_Riser Posts: 127 Member
    I do a once a month photo shoot..
  • nicolawinehouse
    nicolawinehouse Posts: 14 Member
    Hello, sorry yeah I am monitoring my calories and weighing/measuring all my food. My diary is open! Aiming for 1200 each day :)
  • nicolawinehouse
    nicolawinehouse Posts: 14 Member
    Duh I didn't think to look at your diary...

    Assuming you're measuring accurately, you're eating far too little. Such drastic measures are not needed to lose weight.

    What is your current height & weight, and what is your goal?

    It's quite possible you just need to start some resistance training to maintain muscle mass while you shed the last few pounds of fat (just going off your avatar, in which your face at least appears that you are close to if not already at a healthy weight).

    Thanks for your advice. I'm 173cm and about 75kg. I don't have loads to lose, hopefully around 10kg. Ok I am going to make sure I eat more (but the right foods). Is resistance training weights and such? I'm rubbish at the gym, I normally just do cardio (running/rowing)
  • nicolawinehouse
    nicolawinehouse Posts: 14 Member
    Nothing happens overnight dear, this is a lifelong process that we are all chasing! Some people just take longer to drop the weight than others.

    After looking at your diary, you're under 1200 many days. This isn't exactly the most healthy. I was eating 1700 and scratching my head why I wasn't losing weight. Then I bumped my daily calories up to almost 2500 and I've been consistently dropping weight! So, please make sure you are eating enough, and under eating can contribute to the body not giving up fat.

    As for working out, I would suggest doing HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) about 3 times a week, but if you are going to do this, eat more! Especially on these days!

    Aw thank you, that makes sense I guess. Will try and cram some more food into my day. Just hard trying to find all the right foods each day!
  • nicolawinehouse
    nicolawinehouse Posts: 14 Member
    I do a once a month photo shoot..

    That's a good idea. I took some before photos but they're so gross I can bear to look at them!! I will try and take another lot and hopefully be able to see the diff. It's really hard when you're looking at yourself every day to notice changes I guess :)
  • debrag12
    debrag12 Posts: 1,071 Member
    Please tell me you have more food to log for today? So far only 392 calories,