suggestions please :)

HI Everyone!
So here's the deal.. I started my weightloss journey after the birth of my 4th and final child and honestly.. I am amazed that I have come this far. Obviously i know how i got here but honestly, i still dont believe it. 19.5 months ago i started out at 278, I am now down to 181. My question is... how do i keep this going the way i was? What worked for you? More calorie cutting, more exercise?

I do zumba and i run when i can (i live in the country and we have bear.. yea.. im scared lol) and im active with 4 kids

I have been stuck at this weight for months.. about 4 with no budge.. it feels like it was easier to loose the first 90 lbs then it has been to loose the last 40ish. I eat what i would refer to as "little house on the prairie style" only processed foods that well have to be processed. I have cut most dairy and all red meat out of my diet after a trial to see what was making me sick all the time after i ate(had my gallbladder removed at 20 weeks pregnant-which i think was the culprit) and cut portions on the starches. '

Im sure this is all apart of the adjusting to my new body phase.. but i dont want to sit here adjusting too long lol.. i want to lose lose lose LOL..



  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    For me, when it got down to the home stretch I found that my logging had to be really on point. If I so much as inhale it, I log it. I weigh everything, I got myself a fitbit to give me a rough estimate of how active I really was during the day. I got a little lax the closer I got to goal and now i'm going back to basics.

    Work your numbers, see what's working and what's not - you are your own experiment. If the scale isn't moving then you're not in a calorie deficit.

    You've done SO well thus far - keep going!!

  • Chrisparadise579
    Chrisparadise579 Posts: 411 Member
    Fantastic job on all the weight youve lost so far! That is incredible! Please do not cut more calories though that will only make things worse. You actually need to eat more beleive or not. Try adding about 100 calories a day for 2 weeks and your weight loss should start again! I know this can be scary sometimes because it seems strange that eating more will make us lose more but I promise it works, I stopped losing weight the close I got to my weight loss goal and wasnt able to lose the rest of the weight until I ate a substantial bit more calories.
  • busymomwithboys
    Thank you!.. I have definitely been lacking on the logging part.. i do know that i need to work on this and this could very well be my issue :D i do keep a good tally in my head.. but its easy to get off track that way. its obvious what was working isnt working the same for me now but i wouldnt expect it either.

    Another note adding more calories makes complete sense.. I guess i never thought of that! it could explain how on occasion i would go on 'carb binges' not horrible or anything just to step on the scale the next morning and not had gained a pound or id find that at the end of the week id still lost. I will also work on adding a snack or 2 into my day :D

    I have noticed changes in my body as far has more toned in areas that were not there before..ppl laugh at me.. but hey, when you finally decide your going to lose a significant amount of weight you notice EVERY inch of your body.. so they can just laugh away lol.. but at least i know something is happening..

    I have found through this transformation that not every individual weight loss journey is the same I have tried so many over the last 8 years and not sure what made this time click but i guess all that matters is it happened. it just amazes me how everyone body is so different in its reaction during the journey.. i never thought i would come this far.. and THANK YOU!!!!!!