Apples just make me feel more hungry



  • siqiniq
    siqiniq Posts: 237 Member
    Hmmmm. Apples keep me full for hours. Maybe because I've had gastroplasty surgery and so they stay in my stomach longer before digesting. I often eat oatmeal for breakfast, and I NEED that apple around 10 AM to hold me until lunch time. The oatmeal, milk, and fruit doesn't last.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    That's the opposite of my experience. An apple sets me up for a long time. Same with bananas.
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    I had the same experience as OP. But now I slice them up to eat between workouts for a shot of sugar. And yes they taste damn good with peanut butter. Who cares how soon I want to eat again? :laugh: Other than workouts or peanut butter I usually pack them as a snack for work but there's something about apples. Like I have to be truly desperate for food to eat one so they're the perfect snack for me. Other snacks (like a handful of nuts....Hahahahahaha) would disappear within minutes of being packed.
  • TehandonKelly
    OMG I HATE this feeling of insatiable hunger after eating an apple. My am snack this week is an apple and I swear the time between that and my lunch is the most miserable 3 hours of the day!
  • moraiwebird
    moraiwebird Posts: 71 Member
    My fiance has this problem with apples and I thought he was crazy because I have pretty much the opposite response!

    So thanks all for sharing!
  • Texnell
    Texnell Posts: 20 Member
    add protein ... string cheese with apple is delish.
    oatmeal .... I pair with a soft boiled egg.