Apples just make me feel more hungry



  • Oatmeal does that to me, too! I haven't noticed it about apples. I'm curious why, for both, too!
  • But I have noticed that, personally, I have to eat protein every couple of hours. For me it has to do with my metabolism, according to my doctors, but a friend of mine (who is an R.N,) said something about protein stablizing my blood sugar.
  • LynnBirchfield
    LynnBirchfield Posts: 581 Member
    Oatmeal NEVER fills me up!
  • I'm just now reading this thread about apples making you more hungry. This happens to me too, but I eat them anyway because they really help my digestion. My theory was always that all of the fiber in them worked like Roto-rooter in the stomach and cleaned it out! Not sure if I buy the adding protein thing, because protein does NOT make me feel full. I had eggs with veggies this morning and was ravenous a half hour later. Complex carbs that that are slow to digest fill me up the most, like a muesli that I make with uncooked oats and other grains. Can't eat that now though because I've started the 17 day diet. Weird.
  • farfromthetree
    farfromthetree Posts: 982 Member
    This is a quote on this subject from

    Individuals who experience hunger after ingesting an apple may be lacking protein in their diet. A study published in the May 2008 edition of "American Journal of Clinical Nutrition" concluded that ingestion of protein resulted in increased levels of satiety and thermogenesis, as well as improved maintenance of lean muscle mass. For an added boost of protein, consider spreading almond butter on an apple slice or eating the fruit in conjunction with a handful of almonds or string cheese.


    People thought I was crazy when I said this about eating apples. ^Thanks for the explanation!

    I have the same problem with apples. Now I know why!
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    I eat apples with cheese and crackers. Mmm.
  • SharonNehring
    SharonNehring Posts: 535 Member
    I didn't read thru all the posts so this may have been mentioned. Eating some protein with your fruit will help slow digestion and keep you full longer. Try a tsp of peanut butter or some cheese your apple.
  • Loriwebs
    Loriwebs Posts: 32 Member
    I always thought ideas just me!! I have always thought that about apples!!!!
  • momxs2
    momxs2 Posts: 173 Member
    Dip in peanut butter!! :)) love them like that and helps fill you a bit!

    Although I do know what u mean as the same thing happens to me when I eat an apple!
  • KimberlyinMN
    KimberlyinMN Posts: 302 Member
    Interesting... me too!! I also get "cold spots" on my face when I eat an apple. (Kind of the top of my cheeks under my eyes.) Very strange. I still like apples though. It's so hard to find "little" apples that are smaller than my fist. It seems like the apples most grocery stores sell are the size of my cat.
  • siqiniq
    siqiniq Posts: 237 Member
    Hmmmm. Apples keep me full for hours. Maybe because I've had gastroplasty surgery and so they stay in my stomach longer before digesting. I often eat oatmeal for breakfast, and I NEED that apple around 10 AM to hold me until lunch time. The oatmeal, milk, and fruit doesn't last.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    That's the opposite of my experience. An apple sets me up for a long time. Same with bananas.
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,724 Member
    I had the same experience as OP. But now I slice them up to eat between workouts for a shot of sugar. And yes they taste damn good with peanut butter. Who cares how soon I want to eat again? :laugh: Other than workouts or peanut butter I usually pack them as a snack for work but there's something about apples. Like I have to be truly desperate for food to eat one so they're the perfect snack for me. Other snacks (like a handful of nuts....Hahahahahaha) would disappear within minutes of being packed.
  • OMG I HATE this feeling of insatiable hunger after eating an apple. My am snack this week is an apple and I swear the time between that and my lunch is the most miserable 3 hours of the day!
  • moraiwebird
    moraiwebird Posts: 71 Member
    My fiance has this problem with apples and I thought he was crazy because I have pretty much the opposite response!

    So thanks all for sharing!
  • Texnell
    Texnell Posts: 20 Member
    add protein ... string cheese with apple is delish.
    oatmeal .... I pair with a soft boiled egg.
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