Help! Not losing despite doing everything right!

Disclaimer: I did lose some weight starting out. However, now my weight loss is slowing to a crawl! I eat about 1600-1700 cals a day, I give myself 250 for breastfeeding my 13 month old, and then I usually earn about 300-400 via my steps that sync via my Fitbit. I really would like to be losing faster. It's so frustrating to get on the scale and hover at the same weight for weeks when I feel I am working so hard. I even weigh and measure foods, so I do feel my calorie counts are accurate. My "net" calories are always 1100-1200. What could I be doing wrong?!


  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    Open diary might help.

    So typically you eat how many calories ? Weight and height ? Grams of protein per day ?
  • Ok, I changed my diary to public. I'm 5'5", 212 lbs. Protein is usually 15-20%. I'm eating 1600-1700 cals daily.
  • lorib642
    lorib642 Posts: 1,942 Member
    I am new to dieting/weight loss. My only comment is that you probably don't want to go much lower on the calories since you are breast feeding.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Probably retaining water like crazy from all that processed food.

    Also, probably eating more than you think. You seem to eat prepared food all the time without knowing the exact calorie content (or just estimate by volume, which is way off), so I'm guessing you're underestimating the calories of what you're eating most of the time.
  • debubbie
    debubbie Posts: 767 Member
    One thing you may want to consider is the calories burned from your steps each day. Are these steps part of your daily routine that MFP calculated as part of your activity level, or are they from walking in the neighborhood while pushing a stroller type of activity? I ask because when I was counting my normal steps as exercise my weight loss was almost nonexistent, but when I use them as a guideline to help get me moving more during the day and started doing exercise routines (elliptical, riding a bike, kettlebell routines) did my weight loss ramp up. I also found using a heart rate monitor during my exercise to get a better idea of the number of calories that I burned during exercise helped me to see how many calories I was really burning and could eat back. I hope this helps. Feel free to add me if you need some friends. :)
  • I have my net calories manually set to 1200.