Headaches.. need help please

Hi all. I'm new to this.. I just signed up. I'm Stephanie.

Anyways... I'm getting headaches and its probably because I'm not eating enough (not on purpose).

Where should I add more food so I can still lose weight but not feel crummy?

I was able to make my food entry thing public so if anyone can please let me know where I need to improve.

I'm 5'3 and I weigh about 235. I have 90 pounds to lose.. I've tried many "diets". I've gotten my hormones checked and everything else is good.

I got a "nutrition plan" from a nutritionist but she just typed up the servings not literary a menu so I'm still struggling a bit with that.

I'm trying to reduce the amount of carbs like bread, tortillas those are my down falls.




  • tibby531
    tibby531 Posts: 717 Member
    I would start with drinking more water. try a glass with each meal.

    put butter on your toast.

    put dressing on your salad.

    and most importantly... have some peanut butter. :wink:

    best of luck! :flowerforyou:
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    Eat calorie dense foods like nuts, avocado, cheese, ice cream. I saw you burned 400 calories with exercise, eat at least half of them back. If eating less food is giving you headaches then eat MORE food.

    PS Staying hydrated helps with headaches too. And Tylenol.
  • Without knowing some of your medical information or a detailed list of your pre and post diet food intakes it would be extremely difficult to diagnose what may be causing these headaches. However some of the more common reason someone starting a new diet would have headaches could be a lack of water, or your bodies response to a lack of sugar or caffeine in your system, some "especially females" seem to have very negative responses when they do not consume enough protein throughout the day. If you are in such pain that it effects your work or personal life see your doctor. DO NOT starve yourself, do not even begin to go hungry.

    Replace your bad foods with good foods. Egg whites, steel cut oats, as many veggies as you can eat, and a nice almost butter with apples is always a great pick me up snack. plenty of good meats such as skinless chicken breasts even steak, animal fat does not make us fat.

    If your goal is to lose weight you have to have a calorie deficient day, every day. Find a way to do that and still enjoy eating and being satisfied is the key here. All those carbs you crave is your body telling you that you its hungry, well your body is a almost always correct so eat but eat the good stuff that you love.

    Good luck
  • THANKS everyone!! :)

    I'm really trying to up the water as well...

    any tips on after workout meals or snacks?

    I started doing chocolate milk... I try to be careful tho bcuz of all the sugar w/ other drinks
  • Just depends on what you want to do Steph, Do you enjoy hiking or walking on the beach or jogging? Maybe you want to go hard and hit the gym with the meat heads. Find what you enjoy and then its not a chore is a fun activity you look forward to. Personally I love the free weights and heavy lifting, I can drop 10% of my body fat and be at the same weight but have much more lean muscle mass. But that works for me, I can lift and make it into a cardio work out, just depending on your personal goals and what you enjoy doing. Being calorie deficient does not mean starving, a good eating plan and workout plan and you will start dropping your body fat %. May not lose weight as fast as you want but health isn't a race to a finish line, its a way of life.

    Right after my work out I will take a scoop of protein mix with water just for feed my recovery, if you want something that will make you full it can be hard on your system. I would suggest you try a protein powder in water directly after your work out if you feel you need it. but this depends also on what your intake is before your workout, if you just ate dinner then went and did 45 mins in the weight room on a chest day I would just drink water, if I worked out on an empty stomach I would just grab a few scoops of protein as soon as I finished my work out.

    The idea is to find out what works best for you, what works for me may not work at all for you, but try different things and see what you like.
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    GIve your body a few more days to adjust. The first few days people can feel "off."
    You are doing well.
  • Thanks everyone for the tips..

    I didn't have a headache today..its probably because I had a good better breakfast and my snack between my bfast and lunch was better...

    Thanks everyone