Newbie from Michigan... Inspiration? Wanna be a mommy!

BothMRS Posts: 8
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
My name is Mandi... Please check out my bio for more info and my "story" - I should have just copied it here.

I'm new to this site... and a weight-loss-helping website virgin... hard to imagine since I've needed the help all my life, haha.

I'd love to meet and chat with others in similar situations as me... and here is some info about me... so please, by all means, let me know if you're interested in chattin' :smile:
- I married a farmer, God love him, so we have a plan (it IS possible to TRY to plan) on getting pregnant this March-June... so we can actually HAVE the baby between December-March of next year... while he's not in the field. No, I'm not kidding.
- I had bariatric surgery... the sleeve gastrectomy (less invasive than gastric bypass, but more than lap-band) where they basically cut out about 85% of my stomach organ... leaving my stomach looking like a "shirt sleeve" back in August, 2009. This has helped me lose, but it's my work (or clearly lack-there-of recently) that is going to make me reach my goal!
- I've tried to be as prepared as possible the past months for baby-making... going to the dentist (I was deathly afraid and hadn't went in over 12 years... but that's a whole other blog!) charting my basal body temperature every morning, reading up on tons... yet apparently I slacked on the eating healthy foods part!
- I don't eat a lot... but I do often eat the wrong foods.
- I need to start exercising 30 minutes/day via my dietician... so I'm currently looking for a great at-home workout regime.

Ok... sorry for the novel!

I'm really looking forward to making friends and shedding pounds here... I'm all about being your cheerleader too, so before we even meet... Congrats on being here alone! I feel it's definitely a great start, and you must be serious about wanting to become healthier, right? :happy:

:heart: Mandi


  • klthomas59
    klthomas59 Posts: 100 Member
    welcome- this sight is a great place to get questions answered and to get the support you need to lose the weight and get in shape. Just stick with it and do your measurements so you can see the progress even on those days you struggle.
  • Rachickidee
    Rachickidee Posts: 1,632 Member
    You should check our this post.

    It is for anyone trying to lose weight before pregnancy, trying to get pregnant and those who are pregnant. It's a great support group.

    Good luck!
  • cfaye01
    cfaye01 Posts: 20
    Welcome!! I love this site. Its been the only one that works for me.. I haven't figured out why yet.. but it works. I love it.
    Congrats on baby making! We are thinking of trying early fall.. I just went to the doctor yesterday, and she said losing weight would benefit having a healthier pregnancy. and I need to take my vitamins!
    Good Luck!!
  • Thank you ALL for the warm welcomes! :happy:

    @klthomas59... I def will, thanks! And way to go with your goals... Your daughter is getting married on a great day... it just happens to be my 29th birthday too :wink:

    @Rachael... thank you SOOOO much for the link!!! I'm excited to check it out!!!

    @cfaye01... yes, losing weight will def help with fertility... and the way my hubby and I looked at it, we didn't want to try and try and it not happen and lose all of that time... so I went ahead with the sleeve, but then had to wait 18-24 months after to start trying. March will be 18, and will fit perfect with my farmer's schedule... BUT... I haven't lost as much as I wanted in the past 18 months either... which is why I'm so discouraged right now! But I will tell you, one reason I haven't been as successful as I wanted is because I didn't take my vitamins... and now I am deficiant. They are sooooooo important! I basically went back to the doc Monday and she was like "ummm... you can't survive without them, so not taking them isn't an option." I'm only 28 years old and my calcium is so low that it's already being pulled from my bones. Yikes! So... this is what I take as of now... 2 prenatal vits (they act as my multi-vits... and you should really take prenatals at least 3 months, if not 6 before you start ttc)... 10,000iu of D3... 1,000mg Calcium Citrate... 2,000mg B12... and iron... EACH DAY! I'm soooo not a fan... but I want to live too though :)

    Thanks again... and good luck to you all as well! :heart:
  • KimKoz
    KimKoz Posts: 63 Member
    Welcome and congratulations.. Wishing you the best throughout your weight loss and soon to be pregnancy.
  • Thanks Kim! :bigsmile:
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