Need a boost

Struggling the last few days. Feeling like this is such an uphill battle, it's hard to keep the momentum and optimism. What tools do you use to keep going? It feels like I'm at the bottom of Mount Everest.


  • infinitynsd
    Remember tomorrow is a new day. You have to start somewhere. Feeling like your at the bottom of Mount Everest means there is only one way to go and that's up! You can do it!
  • Waxy1807
    I lie to myself a lot!!! I know this seems like a terrible idea but for me it works, After a solid gym work out when my arms shake or my chest explodes with pain from breathing because I pushed so hard I take a quick shower, wrap my towel around me and stand in front of the mirror. Then it starts, my wife loves it cause I stand there and talk to myself out loud about how damn good I look. Such statements as " you like that don't you" and "oh my, I had no idea you were there you sexy beast you." This goes on for about 10 minutes every single time I take a shower, I throw in some hip thrusts, a little flexing, some dirty talk to myself, all of it is a complete shananagins but damn its fun and my wife laughs like crazy. After its all done, I get ready for the day, put my pants on one leg at a time like any other mortal and carry on, but then when I find myself not motivated or feeling sore and weak, I think back to that mirror and smile.
  • MrChristopho
    MrChristopho Posts: 10 Member
    What part are you struggling with? The eating habits? Getting to the gym? Both? Something else?
  • SandyBVTN
    SandyBVTN Posts: 367 Member
    I lie to myself a lot!!! I know this seems like a terrible idea but for me it works, After a solid gym work out when my arms shake or my chest explodes with pain from breathing because I pushed so hard I take a quick shower, wrap my towel around me and stand in front of the mirror. Then it starts, my wife loves it cause I stand there and talk to myself out loud about how damn good I look. Such statements as " you like that don't you" and "oh my, I had no idea you were there you sexy beast you." This goes on for about 10 minutes every single time I take a shower, I throw in some hip thrusts, a little flexing, some dirty talk to myself, all of it is a complete shananagins but damn its fun and my wife laughs like crazy. After its all done, I get ready for the day, put my pants on one leg at a time like any other mortal and carry on, but then when I find myself not motivated or feeling sore and weak, I think back to that mirror and smile.

    OMG - too funny!
  • itsbasschick
    itsbasschick Posts: 1,584 Member
    i deal with rough days by obsessing on my other interests. i spend hours looking up camera, instrument or fitness equipment reviews, comparing the ones that interest me most, making lists, even going out to stores to see 'em. i let myself go crazy with it. that's worked very well for me - better than anything else i've tried, actually.

    and i imagine you could do the same with sewing machines, laptops, cooking equipment, furniture, fitness DVDs, jewelry making supplies, barbecues, art supplies or anything that interests you.
  • samthepanda
    samthepanda Posts: 569 Member
    Different things, depending on what I'm struggling with. If I'm struggling with motivation to get to, or work at the gym I use classes - these give me a time aim for and I work harder when I'm in a group class. They're generally 30 mins and I can generally motivate myself to do 15 more minutes after that. I have some anxiety and confidence issues and classes help when they kick in too, as there is someone guiding my workout, and it helps me to keep talking to staff, so they can keep helping me. I know now that even on days when I really don't feel like exercising I will feel better when I have done it, even if its walking to the shop.

    If its food - tracking helps. I know it feels like hard work, but sometimes it feels like you've blown it if you've had a bad food day, but the diary can show how bad it really was (and sometimes its now as bad as you thought!). Also knowing what flexibility I have in my calories helps me choose treats that I can fit in, and make better choices for other things.

    Don't look to the top of Everest - too daunting. The journey of 1000 miles begins with one step - focus on that next step.