trouble staying motivated and committed

Hi All. I am Yamie from South Africa,I've been trying to lose weight and love handles since the age of 17,I joined the gym and would train hard but this came to an end in 2012 as I was diagnosed with depression and an eating disorder(I eat when I'm sad/bored/angry or any other negative emotion). Recently this year I joined Virgin Active and the past few months were great as I was consistent,eating fairly clean and somewhat committed. This all failed as I gained the weight back when I took a week off to focus on my studies and campus. (the months that I joined were the months that I was locked out of campus as I couldn't and still can't afford my fees to complete my degree this year).

I am a very insecure person with little to no confidence or self esteem and I can't commit to anything fully. In addition I got "suspended" from my university until next year provided I can raise funds to go back,this affected me badly as my school work suffered immensely.
I need help getting back on the fitness,weightloss and nutrition train,please help me out with some useful tips. I want to lose about 16kg and 7% body fat and these darn love handles by March 2015. I weigh 70kg. Height 1.68cm. Please help me as I believe my weight is the reason why I see no value in myself (was bullied and still is,because of love handles) and I believe losing weight will open doors (fitness modeling) which will enable me to raise the money needed for me to finish my degree next year.

Oh and I go through periods were I'm motivated then suddenly I don't care and I just spend money I don't have on junk..


  • struggletodiet
    struggletodiet Posts: 149 Member
    Hi Yamie, welcome to the community, i think your goal is very good and achievable as well as the time limit you have set. i think that to get back where you and your mind is in a happy place is very important, and i think to try and start to change is a amazing set in the right direction, if you have ever heard of self awareness and visualization, these two techniques have helped me stop taking medication for my type 2 diabetes and let me get back to a normal life and now i look at junk food and dont want to eat it and when i do it makes me feel really lethargic and have no energy.

    Also i think that if you swap the junk for healthy tasty snacks thing would get better, i hope this helps, your more than welcome friend me and keep in touch.
  • Hey Yamie. It really sounds like you got beat down by life this year :(
    Your dreams are worthwhile, though! I'm a student too and it is definitely tougher to eat well and consistently when you're trying to get to classes, or working to pay for them.
    I would love to befriend you and to encourage your goals :) please feel free to add me!
    I'm not online every day, but I want to keep my log updated always so I have the record.