Oh where of where has my Appetite gone????

I have been on track all week, then yesterday, I went through the entire day until 3pm before I realized I had not eaten a thing and I wasn't even hungry. Today I am being more mindful about eating, but I am not hungry at all. Is this normal? LOL


  • jkestens63
    jkestens63 Posts: 1,164 Member
    The same thing happens to me - I used to think food constantly now I have to make sure that I eat regularly, especially when I get involved in something. I don't want to fall into the trap of eating too few calories or finding myself so hungry later in the day that I eat a half a cow instead of a hamburger. So pay attention, its important and appetite comes and goes.
  • onetxjewel
    onetxjewel Posts: 39 Member
    Man I wish this would happen to me!!!!!!!!!!!
  • rebawagner
    rebawagner Posts: 199 Member
    I can not WAIT for that day! :) I still think of food every second! I have a friend of mine who is diabetic and she has a watch that beeps every few hours to remind her to eat... just a thought. Good luck!
  • Tasha1476
    Tasha1476 Posts: 220
    i wish my appetite would go away. i have days where I am really busy and don't eat very often but I still get SO hungry SO often (and I think its worse now that I have built more muscle to burn my calories faster.. I am always wanting to eat the whole room.
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    I had this trouble the first 10 days or so. My appetite just wasn't there. I had to make myself eat breakfast (which was one of my goals as I NEVER ate breakfast before). And then I'd still be full from breakfast and not feel like eating lunch...or snacks...you get the idea.

    But after about 10 days my appetite returned quite well and now I can eat on schedule...and look forward to it, but not be ravenous. Give it a bit of time and just work on getting the schedule down. Even if it's very small meals, it helps build the habit. Good luck!
  • blackj
    blackj Posts: 3
    Happened to me too. Started the program, and suddenly (around day 2) stopped feeling the need to eat. It's different from day to day, but on some days I start "snacking" (not on snacks, actual food) to come closer to the daily allowance (usually stay under it).

    So no worries.
  • BlkOnyx488
    Thanks for the advice ladies. I had dropped 3 pounds in one day two nights ago. It actually freaked me out I don't want to lose that fast. Well the next morning I had gained a pound back, This morning I lost that pound again.

    Today I will focus on getting my 1200 calories in. I have to confess it's not easy, for a big as I am I really don't eat much LOL

    I hate the extra calories I am given for working out, I am like dang I can barely do 1200 a day and now you want me to do 1700 wow. This is my first week so hopefully I am felling forward!
  • SuCaRu
    SuCaRu Posts: 1
    I was never that big on breakfast during the work week, but find that eating on a "schedule" helps. I eat about every 2-3 hours or so which is about 7 times a day. It sounds like a lot (I just counted and thought, I eat seven times a day?!) but if you eat something small and healthy, it really helps! (Some things I like are cream of wheat/oatmeal for breakfast, turkey on 12 grain bread for lunch, yogurt and almonds as snacks, and a light chicken or fish dish for dinner)