

  • alliemay1024
    alliemay1024 Posts: 83 Member
    I have BED. I have never been diagnosed, but I sometimes eat to the point I feel sick. Bad part is, I never purge. I hate throwing up. I have all kinds of health issues due to morbid obesity. I sometimes think people feel the only people with EDs are the skinny or thinner people. I guess I am finally admitting I have a disease and need help.
  • My old habits are returning. Someone please help me. Yesterday I ate only 600 calories and looking at the amount made me physically sick. I know in my head that that is a low number, but something inside me is telling me that it was way to much. I've been struggling with my body image again for a week now, and I'm getting depressed to the point that I dont even want to see my boyfriend. I dont want to end up in the same mind set i was in for years before i escaped.
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    My old habits are returning. Someone please help me. Yesterday I ate only 600 calories and looking at the amount made me physically sick. I know in my head that that is a low number, but something inside me is telling me that it was way to much. I've been struggling with my body image again for a week now, and I'm getting depressed to the point that I dont even want to see my boyfriend. I dont want to end up in the same mind set i was in for years before i escaped.

    No one here is qualified to help you. Please pick up a phone and call a therapist who has experience with ED.

  • I don't have an ED, but is there a difference between EDNOS and OSFED ?

    OSFED what does that stand for?
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I don't have an ED, but is there a difference between EDNOS and OSFED ?

    OSFED what does that stand for?

    Google says "other specified feeding or eating disorder"
  • I am in recovery of BED, and i have restrictive tendencies. I am 27 years old and this has been going on since i was 11 I think. I first restricted my food when i realized my best friend was 66 lbs while I was about 77 lbs. I Have been actively trying to get better for two years. If anybody wants to add me for support or anything, feel free!
  • By the way feel free to add me. I suffered with B.D.D since I was 7. I played basketball since I was five and no I wasn't the thinnest out of the other girls. I was considered overweight at 7 years old. Middle school is when my doctor told me I had to lose weight, guys in my class would pick on me for my weight. Yes it was middle school I understand everyone is a dick then. But to me, that got to me. My sophomore year I lost 70 pounds the healthy way by cutting out process foods and fast food. Then things made a twist in another direction, I came across those articles that say, "lose this amount in only one week" and crap like that. So I found myself slowly cutting back my calorie intake more and more until I was only at 700 calories. I began isolating myself from friends and working out 6 to 7 hours EVERY day. I got down to 117 pounds and I'm 5foot 7inches so that's practically deathly skinny for me. I realize I naturally have small boobs and don't have the curviest figure so at that weight I looked like a stereotypical high school boy according to my grandma. I was never put into therapy. My family believes a person doesn't need therapy for any reason and it's a waste of time. So it was so difficult to fight with this illness. And it still is. Yes I'm at a healthy weight now and slowly learning to love food again...but I began being addicted to diet and laxatives because I want to be skinny. I want to be the skinniest. I am having the hardest time getting my mind out of the state. My fiancé and his mom are the only ones who are there and understand me. My grandma and family all just tell me *kitten* like, "oh you love this eating disorder"

    No I don't! How can they not understand its the illness making it seem like that. How can anyone like waking up each morning hating the way they *kitten* look? I hate my family for that! I hate them! They don't understand a *kitten*!