preggo with baby#1

I began my weight loss journey about 3 years ago weighing a little over 200 LBS. with eating right and working out i was able to drop nearly 90 lbs. i have maintained a weight i was comfortable with for over a year and now i have find out that i am blessed to be expecting our first child.

I am currently 14 weeks 6 days pregnant and i am finding that sticking to my normal routine (pre pregnancy i was in the gym 6 days a week) is physically not possible for me right now. i shoot for 2-3 days a week now but some weeks even that seems difficult. I would love to find some pregnant friends who can relate and hopefully we can motivate each other or just be a positive influence for each other.

feel free to add xoxox


  • Lelah77
    Lelah77 Posts: 177 Member

    I am 13 w 2 d with baby #3. I rarely maintain my exercise routine through my pregnancies - I work 2 jobs & go to school and with the exhaustion of brewing a baby I rarely have the energy for full-on workouts. I DO try to get walks in, play out with the kids, park my car further from the door, lift free weights while I chill on the couch (swollen feet up), take the stairs, and occasionally hit Zumba or an aerobics class on the weekends.

    I have had great success with this in my past pregnancies and plan to do it again. (My last pregnancy I came home from the hospital about 10 lbs over my pre-preggo weight and most of it was gone within a few weeks. I went back to work 8 lbs LIGHTER than my pre-preggo weight!) I worked with my Doc to set my daily calorie goal to minimize weight gain (but not under-gain) and I still wear my FitBit. I have clocked over 8,000 steps every day this week despite no gym visits.

    You will find you have more energy in the 2nd & early 3rd trimester. Use this time for light workouts, great stretches, and cardio. Maybe even enroll in a pre-natal yoga class (soooo nice!)

    Again, congrats! Keep up the good work, Mama!
  • manderson27
    manderson27 Posts: 3,510 Member
    Congratulations that is wonderful.

    I am well past all the child bearing etc but I remember the tiredness, oh my, I have never felt so tired in my life. I am sure I developed some kind of narcolepsy. I once fell asleep at my desk much to the amusement of my colleagues.

    Oh and did I mention the memory loss? no? that is because I still have it 21 years later dammit :noway:

    Wishing you a happy healthy pregnancy :flowerforyou:
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member

    I'm 22 weeks, and I lost 58 lbs before pregnancy. I'm definitely not where I was physically before pregnancy. Right now I'm battling shortness of breath, which is really kicking my butt.

    There's a group for us expectant mothers, you might be interested in joining -
  • mg720
    mg720 Posts: 212 Member

    I'm 22 weeks, and I lost 58 lbs before pregnancy. I'm definitely not where I was physically before pregnancy. Right now I'm battling shortness of breath, which is really kicking my butt.

    There's a group for us expectant mothers, you might be interested in joining -

    I joined! so glad you recommended the group hopefully i am able to make some new friends :)
  • mg720
    mg720 Posts: 212 Member
    Congratulations that is wonderful.

    I am well past all the child bearing etc but I remember the tiredness, oh my, I have never felt so tired in my life. I am sure I developed some kind of narcolepsy. I once fell asleep at my desk much to the amusement of my colleagues.

    Oh and did I mention the memory loss? no? that is because I still have it 21 years later dammit :noway:

    Wishing you a happy healthy pregnancy :flowerforyou:

    thank you!!!
  • mg720
    mg720 Posts: 212 Member

    I am 13 w 2 d with baby #3. I rarely maintain my exercise routine through my pregnancies - I work 2 jobs & go to school and with the exhaustion of brewing a baby I rarely have the energy for full-on workouts. I DO try to get walks in, play out with the kids, park my car further from the door, lift free weights while I chill on the couch (swollen feet up), take the stairs, and occasionally hit Zumba or an aerobics class on the weekends.

    I have had great success with this in my past pregnancies and plan to do it again. (My last pregnancy I came home from the hospital about 10 lbs over my pre-preggo weight and most of it was gone within a few weeks. I went back to work 8 lbs LIGHTER than my pre-preggo weight!) I worked with my Doc to set my daily calorie goal to minimize weight gain (but not under-gain) and I still wear my FitBit. I have clocked over 8,000 steps every day this week despite no gym visits.

    You will find you have more energy in the 2nd & early 3rd trimester. Use this time for light workouts, great stretches, and cardio. Maybe even enroll in a pre-natal yoga class (soooo nice!)

    Again, congrats! Keep up the good work, Mama!

    congrats on your 3rd! sounds like your one busy mommy :)

    I too have been trying to get some walks in on days that I have no energy for the gym. on days that i do make it to the gym I have for sure modified my workouts because my body just wont allow me to go as hard as i was pre pregnancy (i am guessing this all is normal but being that this is my first i didnt really know what to expect)
  • mrsmammahunter
    mrsmammahunter Posts: 221 Member
    Dont feel guilty about weight gain or letting yourself go, in the future you have forever to loose the weight but a pregnancy doesn't last forever and is a time for peace and to enjoy your pregnancy so no stressing out missy do what you can and be proud of yourself!
  • janiceclark08
    janiceclark08 Posts: 1,341 Member
    Congratulations!!! After the birth of my two children I lost my weight fairly easy, the first one especially, with the second I went to ww, I think I just needed a little motivation. Later in life it was harder. Not so much now.
  • mg720
    mg720 Posts: 212 Member
    Dont feel guilty about weight gain or letting yourself go, in the future you have forever to loose the weight but a pregnancy doesn't last forever and is a time for peace and to enjoy your pregnancy so no stressing out missy do what you can and be proud of yourself!

    this is what i need to remember and exactly what i needed to hear this morning xoxo thank you!
  • mg720
    mg720 Posts: 212 Member
    Congratulations!!! After the birth of my two children I lost my weight fairly easy, the first one especially, with the second I went to ww, I think I just needed a little motivation. Later in life it was harder. Not so much now.

    thank you :) i am very excited. i think i just for the past 3 yrs focused so much on my weight loss journey that i am finding it hard to put that in the back of my mind now.
  • tiffany5839
    tiffany5839 Posts: 104 Member
    Magen I wouldn't worry too much about the workouts. You will slow down the further along you get and it will be harder for you to move around with your belly without feeling awkward. Walking is probably the only thing you'll end up wanting to do cause it doesn't feel as jolting. As long as you are eating healthy and cut out junk, the pounds will MELT off afterwards! You are still fairly young and it will come off quick with the 1st baby. My weight came off so fast after my 1st and I ended up being thinner than I was before the pregnancy even though I gained 70 lbs. This is coming from someone who has been fat her whole life and all through high school. After my 2nd baby, it was A LOT harder and I'm still struggling but I may have more health issues now and being in my 30's, it's a little more work.

    I remember I lost about 15-20 immediately after birth and then another 15 lbs by my 6 week check-up. If you breastfeed, that will torch off 500 cals a day but you will be hungrier if doing that fyi.

    So even if you only gain 30 lbs, that will come off very easily. Anything more than 40, you will probably have to work it off for a couple more months but you started off really skinny going into your pregnancy so you can afford to gain a little more without holding onto the excess weight.

    Also if you keep your good eating habits into the pregnancy then that is more important cause if anything it was hard to break my bad food binges and eating junk habits once I wasn't pregnant anymore and I had a hard time with that more then starting my workouts again cause I was used to indulging. You can always resume your workouts after just fine and your body is probably just telling you that is needs rest right now. I had more energy around week 16-28 and then I was lucky to be able to just clean my house and go to work let alone exercise cause my ankles would swell up! lol
  • tiffany5839
    tiffany5839 Posts: 104 Member
    Oh and just to make you feel better, as hard as pregnancy seems, try to really enjoy this special time and your pregnancy! My favorite was feeling baby kick and move around! I never quite knew how special and amazing making a child was until I lost my last 2 babies early on and it made me realize how much I took my first pregnancies for granted and how hard it really is to have everything go perfectly to bring a baby into the world. I had migraines, morning sickness, fatigue, you name it! I would give ANTHING to have those symptoms and feel like crap again if it meant a healthy baby!