Looking for a support team!

Hello everybody!
My name is Richard and I currently Iive and work in Kenya. For the last ten years, I've generally tried to watch what I eat as well as exercise regularly. In my previous work station, this was a bit easy as I had a number of people that had similar views regarding a healthy lifestyle. But since I moved back home in Kenya, I've been struggling to keep a regular exercise and diet schedule as I'm surrounded by people that have no qualms about what they eat and have little regard for exercising.
I finally came across myfitnesspal a week ago and this has somewhat helped things a little. It would be great though to be in a group with actual people trying to maintain a similar lifestyle!! I'm 35 years, weigh 185 pounds and I'm looking to lose 22 pounds before the end of this year. Anyone with similar goals that doesn't mind linking up?


  • ChristinaR419
    ChristinaR419 Posts: 22 Member
    Just a suggestion ... Fill out your profile, get a profile picture up, and start logging every day so that there is something on your news feed. Honestly, when people see a blank profile, they are reminded of spam e-mails. You know the ones that say Dear Sir - I am currently living in Kenya, and would like to transfer x amount of dollars to your bank account.
    If you do this, you should get more friends/support. :) Good luck and have a great day.
  • LeonCX
    LeonCX Posts: 862 Member
    Just a suggestion ... Fill out your profile, get a profile picture up, and start logging every day so that there is something on your news feed. Honestly, when people see a blank profile, they are reminded of spam e-mails. You know the ones that say Dear Sir - I am currently living in Kenya, and would like to transfer x amount of dollars to your bank account.
    If you do this, you should get more friends/support. :) Good luck and have a great day.

    ^^best post of the year.
  • ChristinaR419
    ChristinaR419 Posts: 22 Member
    Thanks :)
  • Fasttrack2freedom
    Fasttrack2freedom Posts: 122 Member
    Feel free to add me :)
  • rmugeke
    rmugeke Posts: 5 Member
    Lol. That's a very good point you've raised! I'll follow your advice.
    Thanks for that.
  • fit4eva86
    fit4eva86 Posts: 71 Member
    not everyone feels comfortable having a picture up! it is my your own choice is you want to or not, feel free to add me as im also looking for support in my health and fitness