Looking for some advise

So, background, I'm a 24 year old male 6'4'' 340 lbs. I've never really worked out or watched what I eat before, would literally just eat whatever I wanted whenever I wanted. Now on myfitnesspal it recommends to eat apprx. 2200 calories a day for 2lb a week weight loss. I average about 1400 calories and work out about 40 minutes every day. My question is, I've been losing about a pound a day consistently and is this safe/healthy? I eat lots of fruits and vegetables now basically cut dairy and carbs out of my diet and usually only ever eat skinless chicken for meat. I'm currently at 318 lbs and still dropping about a pound a day. Any advise would be appreciated.


  • BryonRamos
    BryonRamos Posts: 6 Member
    A pound a day is probably a bit much, but manly because that's tough to sustain.

    at 1400 calories, you just need to make sure you're eating a good variety of nutrient dense foods. It's easy to cut things out, and end up on the short end of some vital nutrients. I would pay attention to that.

    At some point, you'll probably need to bring your calorie intake to somewhere that you can sustain on a daily basis. For someone over 300lbs, working out 40 minutes a day, and restricting yourself to 1400 calories successfully is a testament to your perseverance and determination! But I'm sure it's something that's incredibly hard.

    At 24, take advantage of the fact that you have youth and metabolism on your side. I remember how fast and easy it was to lose when I was your age. But unfortunately, I never successfully instilled it as part of a lifetime plan, so I kept on a roller coaster for the past 10 years. At 34, it's much tougher to drop the weight that I wish so badly I had never gained back in the first place.
  • Thanks for the input. What has really helped is that I'm looking at this as a lifestyle change, not just a get in shape quick situation. As I lose more weight I expect things to level out, i'm just wondering if I should be concerned about that much loss that quick or if it's normal since I do have a lot of excess weight to lose. And I do keep an eye on the variety of food i'm eating as well as the nutrient totals from myfitnesspal and I have been doing ok.