Best stay at home strength training?



  • Solar_Cat
    Solar_Cat Posts: 188 Member
    Great thread! I'll be looking into some of these myself.

    I recently started with New Rules of Lifting for Life. For younger folks, the original New Rules of Lifting or the newer NROL - Supercharged would be excellent. Even if you don't adopt their programs, the books are worth reading both for theory and for technique. You can probably find them at your local public library. I did.
  • Guns_N_Buns
    Guns_N_Buns Posts: 1,899 Member
    I like this thread -- especially for those that always claim they don't have time to get out of the house.

    I'll be looking into YAYOG for when I'm at hotels that don't offer gyms.
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    Have you heard of Fitness Blender? Just kidding. I also like that one, and BeFit on youtube, as well. They have tons of videos. If you're worried about form, you can find videos for that on youtube, also, like the "So You Think You Can Squat" series. has form videos, too. Just short clips with a written guide, like this one.

    ETA All Pro is a good one for strength training without the use of machines, if you have dumbbells. I think New Rules of Lifting, StrongLifts and Starting Strength were mentioned already.
  • princessmommy122
    princessmommy122 Posts: 135 Member
    My favorite is I only have two sets of weights so I can't always change it up as much as they do, but that is fine. I get a lot out of it. Their workouts are free.
  • ramurray8
    ramurray8 Posts: 25 Member
    Came here just to say that I LOVE LOVE LOVE Fitness Blender. Good for dudes, good for ladies and LOTS of variety.
  • I love body weight programs. Its pretty simple to design a HIIT circuit for home use. Another great way to get in some work is when you hit the park with the son you can use all the equipment for just about any exercise you want to do. I have the insanity program and I love it. A little tip on getting it for less money. Ebay or Amazon usually has a flood of them, people try them for a few days or not at all and sell them. On facebook in my state we have online rummage sites you can pick them up from on the cheap as well. Maybe check garage sales or clearance sales for a good price on a jogging stroller or bike cart so you can fit in cardio and turn driving trips into walking trips. I took advantage of nap time work outs. Even pushing the swing can be a good work out. I even do squats when I al loading and unloading my front load washer and dryer. It is not so much exactly what you do every day as it is about finding a mix of things you will like to do and sticking with it.
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    30DS is cardio, not strength training, and you'd quickly get bored as it's the same workout every time.

    YAYOG has an app you can follow and it's a progressive strength training program.

    you apparently didn't do it...

    I did level 1 for a few days and found it repetitive and got bored. I'd class it as cardio/circuit training and not strength training.
  • Zoe_lifts
    Zoe_lifts Posts: 120 Member
    Maybe it's a bit "girly" but I've always loved to do Blogilates' workouts at home, before I had a gym membership.
    She has a youtube channel. You can do random videos, but she also sends out a free calendar every month that you can follow. :)
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    30DS is cardio, not strength training, and you'd quickly get bored as it's the same workout every time.

    YAYOG has an app you can follow and it's a progressive strength training program.

    you apparently didn't do it...

    I did level 1 for a few days and found it repetitive and got bored. I'd class it as cardio/circuit training and not strength training.

    Right so you didn't really do it so part of what you wrote wasn't it does have resistence training in it with bodyweight work being done and other resistence training done with the cardio if you so choose. And there are different workouts with different moves and different exertion levels....too bad you got bored level 2 kicks butt if you aren't used to it.

    It is circut training yes...with resistence training included

    As for Strength training it's a good start for those who feel they can't lift weights yet doing a progressive load lifting program as I went from only being able to do a few modified push ups in that to doing at least 30 non modified when I was done it/
  • Leah72
    Leah72 Posts: 1 Member
    Zuzka Light Power Strength DVD Series. Inexpensive and you get 12 workouts. Short and intense. Worth a try.
  • WandaWoman41
    WandaWoman41 Posts: 153 Member
    I use Fitness Blender often. I came across Millionaire Hoy YouTube vids for strength & HIIT as well. Bumping for other recommendations
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    The most effective strength building workouts are usually the most repetitive and have the least variety. If the prospect of doing these things bores you too much to want to continue with a regimen, well then that's a personal issue you've got deal with.
  • I have found tons of good kettlebell workouts on Youtube. I picked up a 10-lb. kettlebell at Walmart, and I just do several short video workouts each day, for a total of 30 or 40 minutes. (My favorites are from GymRa, which work in cardio with the kettlebells.) Since I switch up the video combo each day, I am not getting bored, and I try to keep choosing more and more challenging videos. After just three weeks of kettlebells, I had reduced my body fat percentage by almost a full point--I can't wait to have it checked again next month to see how I've done since then. I have always hated strength training, but I am actually enjoying the challenge of kettlebell workouts!
  • chad_phillips1123
    chad_phillips1123 Posts: 229 Member
    There are some great kettlebell workouts out there. I can't stand to workout at home much, but I do use a kettlebell. It's seriously a great workout (best to have a few different sizes, I just have a 40lb one).
  • FrazierSamuel
    FrazierSamuel Posts: 45 Member
    The most effective strength building workouts are usually the most repetitive and have the least variety. If the prospect of doing these things bores you too much to want to continue with a regimen, well then that's a personal issue you've got deal with.

    It really is an issue I've got to deal with. I'd love people's ideas for that as well.

    In the past my fitness regime was just spending lots of time hiking, biking, playing soccer, etc. Unfortunately, that doesn't work for my life right now. Doing sets of the same 10 exercises every other day is better than nothing, but it's nowhere near as fun. At least I have podcasts.
  • klkwak529
    klkwak529 Posts: 7 Member
    Kettlebells and bodyweight workout.
    I would take at least some beginner's classes for kettlebell from a qualified instructor to learn good form and for the sake of safety, but if you can't, read books by Pavel Tsatsouline.
  • Solar_Cat
    Solar_Cat Posts: 188 Member
    Variety is one great feature of the NROL programs. They're all about changing things up to keep challenging the body to adapt. They introduce increasingly difficult variations as you progress.
  • MomiTia
    MomiTia Posts: 94 Member
    SezxyStef wrote: »
    30DS is cardio, not strength training, and you'd quickly get bored as it's the same workout every time.

    YAYOG has an app you can follow and it's a progressive strength training program.

    you apparently didn't do it...

    30DS has 3min cardio, 2min resistence/bodyweight training/1min abs and runs 2 more cycles...and it changes every 10 days or everyday if you want it to but there are 3 basic workouts, which are great because you can start with modified if necessary and keep challenaging yourself to do non's how I started.

    To the OP check out team hundreds of workouts.

    Also lookup you are your own gym and convict condtioning.

    If you have a barbell, bench and some plates check out SL or SS...