Beachbody programs

una2282 Posts: 48 Member
Do they really work? I am not really interested in coaches telling me how great the programs are or how i should drink shakeology. I am curious about REAL people and their results. Did you get any muscle definition doing those? :-)


  • lvitsa
    lvitsa Posts: 4 Member
    I do the at-home Pump program and TurboFire and have dabbled a little with T25. I have gotten some muscle definition because I have lost weight. (25 lbs over 7 months). These programs are not for strength training. Bodypump is more for muscle endurance. I have heard good things about Chalean Extreme for strength training, but for real muscle definition, you need to lift heavier, not longer.

    (Not a Beachbody coach--don't even have one--and have never tried Shakeology and don't care to.)
  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member
    Getting in early, on this one.
  • InForBacon
    InForBacon Posts: 1,508 Member
    I hear their workout programs are alright. But don't fall for shakeology. Useless product.

    Yes coaches, I called your precious shakes useless. Begin your whining and bad sales pitches now.
    How dare you!? Those shakes have changed my life.
  • InForBacon
    InForBacon Posts: 1,508 Member
    I hear their workout programs are alright. But don't fall for shakeology. Useless product.

    Yes coaches, I called your precious shakes useless. Begin your whining and bad sales pitches now.
    How dare you!? Those shakes have changed my life.

    You sold slimming wraps! You sit on a throne of lies!
    Those have changed my life too!
  • eganita
    eganita Posts: 501 Member
    Yes, they can work just like any workout program - there's nothing special about those programs in general in that regard. I find I really LIKE some of the instructors (e.g. Shaun T), so that can help keep me motivated and stick with the workouts.

    I have found in practice that while I enjoy exercising and being in good cardiovascular shape (which Beachbody and other programs have helped with), the big key to weight loss is definitely diet.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,422 MFP Moderator
    Do they really work? I am not really interested in coaches telling me how great the programs are or how i should drink shakeology. I am curious about REAL people and their results. Did you get any muscle definition doing those? :-)

    First, yes they do work. I love a lot of their workout programs. Second, when coaches PM you, because they will, ignore them. I have a bunch of them. I don't like using the gym as it's overly crowded in my neighborhood. I have done all the P90X series, CLX, BodyBeast and supplement insanity, T25, Les Mills Combat.

    When I started using them I was about 210 lbs, now I am 180. For the most part, they are good overall workout programs and have helped a ton of people get lean. But depending on what your goals are will determine which program you should do.
  • lvitsa
    lvitsa Posts: 4 Member
    Yes, they can work just like any workout program - there's nothing special about those programs in general in that regard.

    This, exactly. If you enjoy the program and it is something you'll continue to do, then they work. But if you buy it and it sits in the box, no, it won't work.

    The key is finding exercise you like to do, and then do it.

    ETA: All the programs seem to come with a nutrition/diet plan, but I haven't followed any of those. I just stick to counting my calories here on MFP.
  • trudywc2
    trudywc2 Posts: 233 Member
    A friend lent me T25 and I love it so far. Only been doing it for a week and just managed to complete the first DVD. I never sweat so much doing a 25 minute workout.

    Need more time to know for sure, but I like them so far.
  • bookworm_847
    bookworm_847 Posts: 1,903 Member
    I'd say they work. I don't do Shakeology or any of the supplements, but I love the workouts I have. I've tried doing workouts on my own or following a plan off the internet, but it didn't pan out for me. I like and do better having someone telling me what to do and pushing me to keep going and work harder (even if that someone is just on my screen).

    I've done Insanity, Les Mills Combat, and dabbled a bit in Les Mills Pump. I've enjoyed each one and saw nice results.
  • jcnwyatt
    jcnwyatt Posts: 1 Member
    I've completed Insanity (got down to 138) but was hungry ALL THE TIME. I've done Chalean Extreme (didn't complete), T25 (didn't complete) and the last program I did was the 21 Day Fix and I LOVE the fix. The workouts are challenging but not overbearing. The part that I love the most though is the containers. It's pretty easy to follow. She gives you a list of acceptable foods and I just picked the ones that I liked and bought those. I went from 158 to 145 and lost 5 1/2 inches in 21 days. I don't use shakeology.Too expensive. I followed the fix pretty close and although the food portion was challenging (sugar addict, no concept of portion control), all I kept telling myself was that it was for only 21 days. 3 weeks. Think about how fast 3 weeks goes by. And it did. It went by quick. I have also been able to maintain the 145 just by continuing to use the containers. Another note: I had my husband do just the containers, no workouts and he lost 21 lbs in 21 days and has been able to maintain that weight loss as well. I would recommend it :) Good luck!!
  • amoffatt
    amoffatt Posts: 674 Member
    I hear their workout programs are alright. But don't fall for shakeology. Useless product.

    Yes coaches, I called your precious shakes useless. Begin your whining and bad sales pitches now.

  • dsexton72
    dsexton72 Posts: 6 Member
    I've been doing p90x3 for about a month and a half. I don't do the supplements and all that crap, but I do the workouts. I follow my diet here on MFP (I've actually still be able to eat things I love and kept my caloric requirements...have blown some of my macros though...working on, but when I started, I was 250lbs. Now I'm down to 242lb. So, yes, these workouts work. :)
  • una2282
    una2282 Posts: 48 Member
    Thank you all for your inputs! Very cool to read what other people have experienced. :)

    I just got tired of every time i research one of those programs i end up coming across a coach beaming about it and pushing shakeology. It's overpriced and i know there are better alternatives.

    We only have one golds gym express in town and it tends to be crowded so badly that i am tired having to wait my turn for a leg/arm workout. I knew that you could lose weight following the programs but i wasn't sure if you could actually tone up.

    Which one would you recommend? :)
  • Amberlynnek
    Amberlynnek Posts: 405 Member
    So here is the most unbiased opinion I can provide. I've never been a fan of workout programs or beach body type gimmicks but I broke my foot in the middle of training for my fall marathon about a month ago. With a broken foot you can do virtually nothing except swim if you have an understanding doctor. To go from high activity to no activity was not going to work for me. So i reached out to a friend who is a beach body "Coach" for 21 Day Fix and asked her for information on the program for two reasons. ( I use the word Coach in parenthesis because anybody can be a coach and those who are "coaches," get paid for you to purchase the beach body product, as well as, receive a discount on programs themselves) My first reason was I needed a simple program that would use my own body weight and could be modified to accommodate my broken foot. My second reason is that always being a runner, I always ate a runners diet. I didn't have to worry about balancing my macros as much and the 21 day fix had a container component that helped with portion control. That all being said, I am coming to the end of my 21 days and here is my review:

    First what I received for my $160 ( All of the programs and shakeology are expensive):

    My nutrition "books" and getting started guides - First of all, it was not a book. Second of all - the information provided was limited and incredibly lacking. I reached out to my "coach" numerous times in the first 2 weeks with tons of questions.

    Portion Control containers - you receive one set, which if you use them religiously means you have to wash them every day. Also, its not as simple as put the foods in the container -depending on the food, there are limitations.

    Workout DVDs - 2 DVDs with roughly 10 workouts and a "bonus" PIYO DVD. I actually have to exchange one of my DVDs that does not play correctly, as did my coach at one point.

    1 month supply of shakeology - I chose the chocolate and greenberry flavors.

    1 Shakeology Shaker cup - This is a very good size and I found it incredibly useful for transporting my shakes. However, again - you only get 1 and will need to wash every day.

    Second, my review of each item:

    The books and guides, were primarily just advertisements for shakeology and other products. I carefully read through my nutrition guide, followed the equation to determine my calories and studied the foods allotted for each container. Like I previously stated, I had tons of remaining questions due to the lack of information in the book. For example - what if I do extra workouts outside the DVDS? Most of these programs align you with Challenge groups and I had joined one through FB, where you will see others in the group have many remaining questions to make the diet work for their needs, allergies, sensitivites, etc. The book does not explain how to do the diet as a vegetarian. There are exchanges that are done between the containers for proteins in this case and you have to hit the web for more information. Its not a "1-stop shop" or as simple as they make it sound. I do however, like how it took the guessing game out how many carbs, starchy veggies, fruits, etc. you can have throughout the day. But its not very accommodating for if you are eating out and how to adjust your daily containers for it. There is about half a page dedicated to "eating out" swaps. The whole diet is about "Eating clean" and doesn't really teach how to balance it in a lifestyle.

    Portion Control Containers - Again 1 set with 1 of each color except Orange. All of the containers, with the exception of Orange and blue, you can use mutliple times during the day. Which means every time you measure your food, you have to wash the container. Orange and blue you can only use once but you get 2 orange. The containers leak and the portions end up also being way less in terms of calories than an actual calorie portion. But it is good for learning how to "eyeball" portions on a plate.

    Workout DVDs - 30 minutes each day, all with a different focus - examples of advanced, mid and beginner moves lead by Autumn Calabrese. I found the modifiers helpful and was able to get my heart rate up. You will need either resistance band or weights to complete the workouts. However, I still found the workouts easy already being relatively fit with good endurance and strength. As I previously stated, I was preparing for my 5th marathon. I also got bored of them quickly. I can see how they would be great for a beginner.

    Shakeology - oohhhh the controversial Shakeology. It claims to control hunger and cravings while providing you all the nutrients you need for only $4 a day. And the recipes and options are endless! If you add anything to shakeology, it comes out of your portions for the days. I'm not a fan of drinking my allotments. Taste wise, you have to add things in to make it drinkable like fruit or almond milk. Addtionally, I don't feel like it controlled my cravings at all. I felt that I managed those in the same fashion I did before. They didn't go away or decrease. The only reason it controlled my hunger was because if I followed the recipes, they were so big it would take me until lunch to drink but that could be just me. I also stopped using the shakeology after almost 2 weeks because it was giving me stomach and digestive issues, which I never had before shakeology or after. This component can easily be replaced with any other protein powder and vitamin routine for less than the cost of shakeology ($120 for a 1 month supply). People swear by it and I'm sure it actually works for some people who did not have an adverse affect to it or respond well to the power of mental suggestion.

    With all that being said, I would suggest a beach body program that fits your interest if you don't like gyms, are 100% completely new to the fitness scene, have zero understanding of portioning or balancing your food or cave to gimmicks. I, personally, would never purchase it again. ( luckily there is a 30 day money back gaurantee) I followed the plan and workouts exactly and did not yield the results people tout. I only started losing weight when I was adding in additional workouts like swimming.

    You're better off following a healthy diet within your appropriate calorie range and working out regularly. Let the weight come off slowly and learn as you go for a sustainable lifestyle. Its more flexible, inexpensive and fun than a program that you have to be dedicated to.

    Hope this helps.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,422 MFP Moderator
    Una, what are your goals and stats?
  • I have used T25 which made me more lean and gave me some definition. Mainly a cardio dvd. I am now on week 3 of ChaLean Extreme and I have seen the most muscle results with that. It is a weight lifting program. If you are looking to build muscle I would lean towards ChaLean or Body Beast. The beast is what my husband is doing and I am amazed how big his biceps and chest have become. I really loved T25 for cardio. If you have an questions I would be glad to answer them. I just like popping in that dvd at home for an average of 25-45 min. workout without having to leave the house especially with 2 little kids at home.
  • mirandag57
    mirandag57 Posts: 37 Member
    I did the 21 day fix and lost 21lbs in 21 days without shakeology. I decided against the shakes because I figure that if I stopped drinking them I would go back to the way I was, I'm not into supplements. But the workout's on the 21 day fix hit all parts I didn't get toned because I have over 100lbs to lose but they do work however if you go from eating anything you want to a 1200cal diet and start moving your bound to lose weight ;)
  • Yes they work (I AM NOT A COACH)....I've done several rounds of P90x (and P90x plus) years ago and looked amazing....then couple of years ago starting getting lazy and eating like a monster.

    I started up again on P90x (classic schedule) this April and am in my 2nd rotation of it after taking 1 week break between rounds. I have lost 15 pounds the first round, and now am finishing month 2 and lost another 11 pounds so far....I have 5 more weeks to go.

    That program has a nice combination of weight resistance, cardio, yoga, plyometrics, etc. very well rounded.

    I am trying to lose weight, so along with using MFP tracking a "slight" calorie deficit....its been suceessful.

    Any program that has a well balanced combo of weights / cardio / stretching or yoga, along with a slight calorie deficit will get the job done. Its just what you prefer to keep you motivated.

    PS: the only supplement I use is Whey Protein powder and protein bars at my local Sam's or Walmart. I do this because I'm trying to hit certain macro ratios and it helps with the protein totals.

    PSS: my next program after this one is going to be Cathe Freidricks XTRAIN program.
  • una2282
    una2282 Posts: 48 Member
    Una, what are your goals and stats?

    Right now i am wanting to tone up. I don't really have weight to lose persay, but mainly have problem areas that need to be toned. I am keeping my calorie intake between 1200-1400. I guess my plan is to tighten things up. :)
  • JenGranzow
    JenGranzow Posts: 116 Member
    They have been great for me, because working out at home fits my lifestyle - going to the gym is just not an option.

    I agree about Shakeology - I have tried it and wouldn't buy it a second time.

    For the workouts, I have done ChaLEAN Extreme, Insanity, T25, Turbo Jam, Turbo Fire and PiYo. I found the greatest changes to the shape of my body from ChaLEAN Extreme (particularly after the Lean cycle) and I continue to use it for strength training. I love Turbo Fire, it's fun and a great cardio workout. T25 is excellent as well, and it's really nice to be done in 25 minutes - and be left sweating like crazy. I also really liked Insanity and constantly pushed myself to keep up. I didn't love it, though. Liked a lot, didn't love. PiYo is ok and there's a lot to like about it but I am so used to T25 and Turbo Fire that I find it a bit boring. But, I keep reminding myself that a flexible me is a stronger me. I'm going to do a hybrid with TF and Piyo to balance things out.

    I think that overall, diet is of course the most essential part when you are trying to lose weight. Exercise is the key to fitness and having your body really look good and be able to do more, IMO.

    FWIW, I lost over 70 pounds using MFP and the Beachbody programs and have kept it off (1 year to come off, kept off for 2.5 years so far).

    Best to you, regardless of which program you decide to try out.
  • una2282
    una2282 Posts: 48 Member
    Yes they work (I AM NOT A COACH)....I've done several rounds of P90x (and P90x plus) years ago and looked amazing....then couple of years ago starting getting lazy and eating like a monster.

    I started up again on P90x (classic schedule) this April and am in my 2nd rotation of it after taking 1 week break between rounds. I have lost 15 pounds the first round, and now am finishing month 2 and lost another 11 pounds so far....I have 5 more weeks to go.

    That program has a nice combination of weight resistance, cardio, yoga, plyometrics, etc. very well rounded.

    I am trying to lose weight, so along with using MFP tracking a "slight" calorie deficit....its been suceessful.

    Any program that has a well balanced combo of weights / cardio / stretching or yoga, along with a slight calorie deficit will get the job done. Its just what you prefer to keep you motivated.

    PS: the only supplement I use is Whey Protein powder and protein bars at my local Sam's or Walmart. I do this because I'm trying to hit certain macro ratios and it helps with the protein totals.

    PSS: my next program after this one is going to be Cathe Freidricks XTRAIN program.

    I don't have a very strong upper body, do you think that i could still do P90x?
  • I don't have a very strong upper body, do you think that i could still do P90x?

    You will after you're done :)

    They use a chair for pullups to assist, or I like to use those monster bands to put a knee or two in and help me up the bar. They use dumbells (various sizes), and a yoga mat - that's it. I like lifting...personally I want to lose weight and "shape" my body and firm it it does it all in one. That's why I like the program.

    Cathe's XTRAIN is the only next home program that interests me, because she's using good size weights.....I could never do running or cardio every day....its just not for me.

    You have to do what works for keeping your interest along with challenging you. Everyone is different.
  • Said very well!
  • candacet36
    candacet36 Posts: 353 Member
    I started my weight loss with Turbo Jam.....and fell in love. It is fun and kept me going! I enjoyed my workout. I purchased the TurboFire series and that really kicked it up a notch. I also tried INSANITY....EFF THAT! I love my knees and Insanity did not.

    I think like anything else ... you have to find what works for you!

    Good luck!!!
  • you can always try p90x3 its only a half hr long I havent tried it but know people who have. there is also a p90x2
  • had to edit this since I forgot to add the quotes from the person I was replying to
  • 1200 calories is not enough calories for someone who is very active or workouts out all the time.

    I did the 21 day fix and lost 21lbs in 21 days without shakeology. I decided against the shakes because I figure that if I stopped drinking them I would go back to the way I was, I'm not into supplements. But the workout's on the 21 day fix hit all parts I didn't get toned because I have over 100lbs to lose but they do work however if you go from eating anything you want to a 1200cal diet and start moving your bound to lose weight ;)
  • I have a beachbody coach, and while I really do love her... she finally got me to get Shakeology. I haven't tried it yet but Im starting it with the 21 day fix program on Monday. Ill post on here how it goes. I really don't have that much money to be spending on that shake every month. Costs way too much.
  • I hear their workout programs are alright. But don't fall for shakeology. Useless product.

    Yes coaches, I called your precious shakes useless. Begin your whining and bad sales pitches now.

    How ignorant!
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,422 MFP Moderator
    Una, what are your goals and stats?

    Right now i am wanting to tone up. I don't really have weight to lose persay, but mainly have problem areas that need to be toned. I am keeping my calorie intake between 1200-1400. I guess my plan is to tighten things up. :)
    Well if you don't have much to lose 1200 to 1400 while doing one of these workouts won't be enough. If you are already at a normal weight and you mentioned you are rather week, I would probably suggest body beast. It will be the best program for increase strength. And if you are in a deficit, outside of a few lbs of noob gains, you won't gain any mass.

    But it will depend on how much equipment you have. So lets start there?

    I will note, CLX and P90X are great beginner programs too that don't need a lot of equipment. For body beast you would need at least a reinforced medicine ball and dumbbells (i use the selecttechs)