No control and being impulsive

I have been struggling for a long time now! I tell myself that I will do better tomorrow and sometimes I do but most of the time I go right back to the same bad habits. I know how to get this done but do not have the control to do it consistently. I really need help! I wake up thinking about this and go to sleep thinking about this. Most of the time it is because I lost the battle for that day. It is almost like that movie Ground Hog Day!!! I am not trying to whine but I really need any advice and perhaps motivation.


  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    Motivation has to come from within yourself. There's nothing we can really say or do to give you that motivation, you have to really want it.
    For me, it helps if I stick to a close routine. After I do the same exact thing for a few weeks straight, it kinda becomes part of my daily routine. Then it's just done out of habit, without giving it much thought.
    So push yourself into a routine and see if you can make it stick :-)
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    You don't need motivation. You need discipline.

    The best thing to do is to set a goal (3-5) things per day you are GOING to do each day. Write it down. As you complete them check it off the list.

    Every single day you should be completing these items until it becomes something you do every single day.

    This helps when you make small mistakes to get back on track quickly. Everyday you have a new set of goals to achieve.

    Read it before you go to bed for the next day. Read it first thing when you wake up. Keep in mind these don't have to be fitness or health related.


    Today I'm going to
    1.) Wake up on time
    2.) Compliment at least 3 people or perform at least 1 random act of kindness
    3.) take a walk after work
    4.) Meditate
    5.) Prepare my meals for tomorrow
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    You have had some success. Recall and build upon the things that worked for you.
    Buy lots of vegetables (frozen or fresh or canned) to keep around so that you have access to them.
    I had to completely change my environment.
    Hubby and I cleared off the clutter on the kitchen counter to make room for the gadgets that we use now (nutribulltet, can opener, crock pot, digital food scale).
    We bought plastic and glass containers to make it easy to take lunch to work. We threw out anything that was in the kitchen that did not contribute to helping me lose weight. We filled the fridge with foods helpful to my goals.
    I even drive home from work a different way so that I do not pass by the place where I used to buy ice cream.
    I am careful before I go out to eat. I want a lot of say so in choosing the restaurant. That way I can check the calories and plan a head of time.

    Sometimes we women compromise for other people. Once you make the decision to put yourself first, the other little and big decisions you make in your day will be easier,
  • DonaGail
    DonaGail Posts: 190 Member
    Yo know, sometimes those frozen bags of steamer veggies are a lifesaver! In 5 minutes you have a big hot bag of yummy food for few calories. I prefer fresh but these really help me. I also cook a big pot of quiona and separate it into cup size servings..if Im really starving I microwave this then dump the veggies on top, Good luck, I know, its hard!
  • davert123
    davert123 Posts: 1,568 Member
    what are you eating ?
  • histomom
    histomom Posts: 32 Member
    Thanks everyone for your input. I know it is about mind set and discipline. It has to come from with in. My food can be very good somedays and then somedays I totally fall off the wagon. I need to be consistent. I think I really need to take it slow this time. Everytime I get to aggressive especially with the excerise I tear a meniscus or a tendon. Baby steps. I will try and set small goals. I have nevery been a big vegie eater but I know if I want to succeed I need to start incorperating more into my diet.
  • gypsy_spirit
    gypsy_spirit Posts: 2,107 Member
    To lose weight - set up a calorie deficit. Keep that religiously and you will be successful. As far as exercise - it's more for over all health and fitness. Find an activity that you enjoy and then do it most days. You will see a difference. Exercising to the point of injury is not beneficial.

    First things first. Diet > exercise for losing.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    I have been struggling for a long time now! I tell myself that I will do better tomorrow and sometimes I do but most of the time I go right back to the same bad habits. I know how to get this done but do not have the control to do it consistently. I really need help! I wake up thinking about this and go to sleep thinking about this. Most of the time it is because I lost the battle for that day. It is almost like that movie Ground Hog Day!!! I am not trying to whine but I really need any advice and perhaps motivation.

    Well you don't know how to get it done consistently, and then nothing else matters.

    May I suggest you create a plan that you know will be easy for you to follow, and then decide to follow it. You don't need motivation, only determination.

    Do not think about every day as a battle or a day not achieving your goal a failure. Just try your best to reach your goal most days. That is consistency. That is what you need. That will give you the results you want.
  • lawkat
    lawkat Posts: 538 Member
    One thing that I always keep in mind is that if I eat a little too much and go over for the day, I don't throw it all away. I don't even stress about it. We all have days like that and we are all far from perfect. Don't feel that everyday has to be perfect. It isn't realistic. We have events and situations in our lives that can make a day seem like we have gone overboard. It is a matter of not letting those days make us think that have set ourselves back. You can learn from it and plan better in the future.
  • redscylla
    redscylla Posts: 211 Member
    I'm starting to feel like I'm a spokesperson for this app, but I bought this app for my phone called Lift. You set up your daily goals/chores/whatever. Then each day, you check them off. I've found this has really helped me stay disciplined about my diet, because "Skip added sugar" is right there on my daily chore list with "Clean the litter box" and "Study Spanish." May not work for everyone, but it has been great for me. I'm on a 13-day streak of no added sugar. (And scooping the litter.)
  • VelveteenArabian
    VelveteenArabian Posts: 758 Member
    I have been struggling for a long time now! I tell myself that I will do better tomorrow and sometimes I do but most of the time I go right back to the same bad habits. I know how to get this done but do not have the control to do it consistently. I really need help! I wake up thinking about this and go to sleep thinking about this. Most of the time it is because I lost the battle for that day. It is almost like that movie Ground Hog Day!!! I am not trying to whine but I really need any advice and perhaps motivation.

    What are the bad habits you're having trouble with?
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    You don't need motivation. You need discipline.

    The best thing to do is to set a goal (3-5) things per day you are GOING to do each day. Write it down. As you complete them check it off the list.

    Every single day you should be completing these items until it becomes something you do every single day.

    This helps when you make small mistakes to get back on track quickly. Everyday you have a new set of goals to achieve.

    Read it before you go to bed for the next day. Read it first thing when you wake up. Keep in mind these don't have to be fitness or health related.


    Today I'm going to
    1.) Wake up on time
    2.) Compliment at least 3 people or perform at least 1 random act of kindness
    3.) take a walk after work
    4.) Meditate
    5.) Prepare my meals for tomorrow

    being motivated never really got me anywhere- because it ALWAYS goes away- you have to have something else to fall back on.

    And remember discipline is a skill that can be built- and it can be built up quiet a bit- you just have to actually exercise it- in some form or fashion one way or the other. Start off small- and work your way up to bigger things you need discipline for.
    You can do it. :)

    I'm starting to feel like I'm a spokesperson for this app, but I bought this app for my phone called Lift. You set up your daily goals/chores/whatever. Then each day, you check them off. I've found this has really helped me stay disciplined about my diet, because "Skip added sugar" is right there on my daily chore list with "Clean the litter box" and "Study Spanish." May not work for everyone, but it has been great for me. I'm on a 13-day streak of no added sugar. (And scooping the litter.)
    thanks- my friend was looking for something like this- and I was too- so PERFECT!!!!
    I love checklists!!!
  • AliceDark
    AliceDark Posts: 3,886 Member
    Thanks everyone for your input. I know it is about mind set and discipline. It has to come from with in. My food can be very good somedays and then somedays I totally fall off the wagon. I need to be consistent. I think I really need to take it slow this time. Everytime I get to aggressive especially with the excerise I tear a meniscus or a tendon. Baby steps. I will try and set small goals. I have nevery been a big vegie eater but I know if I want to succeed I need to start incorperating more into my diet.
    Stop thinking of it as a wagon, because you're setting yourself up to fail. Think of it as a continuum, with better choices on one side and worse choices on the other. Not good/bad, just better/worse. If you make a choice that's too far to the worse side, you'll have an opportunity to make another choice soon. Next time, make a better choice. Losing weight isn't an all-or-nothing proposition, it's a series of better choices that add up over time.
  • histomom
    histomom Posts: 32 Member
    Thanks again everyone. I am doing pretty good this week staying focused and on plan. I really think I may have a food addiction. Even when I know I should not be eating I eat anyways. I do like to give myself one splurge day. I am really going to try hard to make better food choices. My family seems to be on board with eating healthier meals which having a preteen and a teenager is not always easy. Again thanks for you advice!!!
  • weehah
    weehah Posts: 81 Member
    Which brand of frozen veggies do you find most yummy or flavorful?
  • weehah
    weehah Posts: 81 Member
    Yo know, sometimes those frozen bags of steamer veggies are a lifesaver! In 5 minutes you have a big hot bag of yummy food for few calories. I prefer fresh but these really help me. I also cook a big pot of quiona and separate it into cup size servings..if Im really starving I microwave this then dump the veggies on top, Good luck, I know, its hard!

    Just curious about which brands of frozen veggies do you find most flavorful? Thanks!
  • histomom
    histomom Posts: 32 Member
    I am not a huge vegie fan. I do like asparagus and a little broccoli.
  • fitmek
    fitmek Posts: 277 Member
    You don't need motivation. You need discipline.

    The best thing to do is to set a goal (3-5) things per day you are GOING to do each day. Write it down. As you complete them check it off the list.

    Every single day you should be completing these items until it becomes something you do every single day.

    This helps when you make small mistakes to get back on track quickly. Everyday you have a new set of goals to achieve.

    Read it before you go to bed for the next day. Read it first thing when you wake up. Keep in mind these don't have to be fitness or health related.


    Today I'm going to
    1.) Wake up on time
    2.) Compliment at least 3 people or perform at least 1 random act of kindness
    3.) take a walk after work
    4.) Meditate
    5.) Prepare my meals for tomorrow

    Great advice!