Bulk progress

hey guys! I wanted to share my bulk progress- I put on about 35 pounds last year.


The photo on the left was taken in March 2013, and on the right is from June 2014- 19.3% body fat and 155 pounds. I went from deadlifting 120 pounds max to 303 pounds. Went from barely strict pressing the bar to strict pressing 110 pounds.

I'm pretty proud of myself.


Apparently I don't know how to add photos correctly. It's in my mfp photos too.


  • Hammybone
    Hammybone Posts: 36 Member
    Great job!
    Can't see the pics though.
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,069 Member
    Bulking is awesome! :)

    Well done
  • butterbear1980
    butterbear1980 Posts: 234 Member
    Amazing progress! Damn, 110 strict press and 300# dead lift after just a year. Fan freaking tastic. So. Many questions!
    How tall are you what was your daily calorie surplus? And man I need to focus on leaning out so I can bulk! Such excellent work!
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Great job!
  • Amazing progress! Damn, 110 strict press and 300# dead lift after just a year. Fan freaking tastic. So. Many questions!
    How tall are you what was your daily calorie surplus? And man I need to focus on leaning out so I can bulk! Such excellent work!

    I have the same questions..
    You shld be proud of yrself, loosin'it the healthy way.."Ch†„âpeau-bas"
  • kls1628
    kls1628 Posts: 23 Member
    I'm 5'7.

    I actually did not count calories at all, haha. I ate until I was full at each meal, and if I got hungry between meal I ate until I was no longer hungry. I stuck to 100% strict paleo, only recently switching to IIFYM.

    I did mainly oly lifting, with some crossfit metcons. I have really good coaches- I wasn't doing my own programming. I only did lifting outside of the oly lifts as accessory work a few times a week, although I was lifting heavy almost every day (2 rest days per week). I was super tired after each workout- I always felt like I had done all that I could do. I also used kettlebells and have competed in kettlebell sport doing the long cycle, which is again, more cleans and jerks.

    I'm currently trying to get a more shredded look, purely for aesthetics, so I'm calorie counting because I don't think I could intuitively go from 19% to about 17% body fat without losing serious muscle without keeping close track of my macros and calories.

    To gain the weight though, I ate intuitively, sticking to whole foods (no grains, sugar, dairy or legumes). I never gained a whole bunch of fat. I also had newby gains on my side- I went from 0 to 60 in terms of exercise. Also genetically I'm probably predisposed to putting on muscle.
  • kls1628
    kls1628 Posts: 23 Member
    And by hungry between meals, I mean if I felt at all peckish, like "oh, maybe a snack would be good now." I ate. Usually a few hard boiled eggs and some sweet potato or some fruit. Maybe a handful or two of nuts. Breakfast was typically 3 eggs, 2 bacon strips, spinach and mushrooms. Lunch was a large salad with a full avocado and a chicken breast. Usually had an afternoon snack of eggs or nuts and fruit, and dinner was beef and veggies and sweet potatoes.
  • kls1628
    kls1628 Posts: 23 Member
    One more thing- I never had the attitute of "I want to gain weight". I just wanted to be as strong as possible. As long as my lifts were improving I didn't worry about whether I was gaining or losing weight (although I was steadily gaining). And was probably eating between 2500 and 3000 calories a day.
  • PwrLftr82
    PwrLftr82 Posts: 945 Member
    And by hungry between meals, I mean if I felt at all peckish, like "oh, maybe a snack would be good now." I ate. Usually a few hard boiled eggs and some sweet potato or some fruit. Maybe a handful or two of nuts. Breakfast was typically 3 eggs, 2 bacon strips, spinach and mushrooms. Lunch was a large salad with a full avocado and a chicken breast. Usually had an afternoon snack of eggs or nuts and fruit, and dinner was beef and veggies and sweet potatoes.

    Now I'm hungry :laugh:
  • HMVOL7409
    HMVOL7409 Posts: 1,588 Member
    One more thing- I never had the attitute of "I want to gain weight". I just wanted to be as strong as possible. As long as my lifts were improving I didn't worry about whether I was gaining or losing weight (although I was steadily gaining). And was probably eating between 2500 and 3000 calories a day.

    This right here. That's an awesome attitude and different approach to look at it from. I need to remember that as I embark on my PL comp journey.
  • Josalinn
    Josalinn Posts: 1,066 Member
    tried to fix photo...nope didn't work
  • loulamb7
    loulamb7 Posts: 801 Member
    .... I went from deadlifting 120 pounds max to 303 pounds.

    Officially impressed. WTG! The ladies on MFP should do a video "Lift like a girl" (reference "Run like a girl" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XjJQBjWYDTs)
  • kfesta52
    kfesta52 Posts: 98 Member
    Wow, I love your attitude and philosophy! Amazing progression on the lifts, and it's hard to believe there's 35 pounds difference between those two photos. Great job on putting on some serious muscle!
  • adriana_bg
    adriana_bg Posts: 5 Member
    your legs look great, contrats