wtf is wrong with me?



  • VelveteenArabian
    VelveteenArabian Posts: 758 Member
    You need to make the time to see a doctor. You are not a doctor and cannot diagnose yourself.

    A food allergy is serious. You could very easily eat the wrong thing and end up dead of in the hospital with a huge bill.
  • dedflwrs
    dedflwrs Posts: 251 Member
    You don't have *time* to go to a doctor? I would seem to me that your health should be more important that whatever else you are doing.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I am by no means new to MFP or weight loss but lately ive fall off the bandwagon and I need to pick myself back up... but for new reasons now.
    Ive recently had very odd symptoms when I eat. Headaches, nausea, hives all over my chest.. no idea whats going on. Its only when ive eaten pasta and some fruit. I really dont have the time right now to see a doctor and research has lead me to a million and one paths. Anyone have any idea what could be going on?

    I'm also lacking motivation so some new friends would be greatly appreciated!! I'm a great support for anyone who needs it!

    you dont have time to care about your health...? i would strongly suggest you make time...
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Food allergy. If you're having headaches, hives, and nausea when you eat certain foods, you really should make time to see the doctor about it. Not to mention it takes awhile to get into the allergist so your appointment may be weeks away anyway.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    and this...

    "Instead of saying 'I don't have time' try saying 'it's not a priority' and see how that feels. Often, that's a perfectly adequate explanation. I have time to iron my sheets, I just don't want to. But other things are harder. Try it: "I'm not going to edit your resume sweetie, because it's not a priority" "I don't go to the doctor because my health is not a priority." If these phrases don't sit well, then that's the point. Changing our language reminds us that time is a choice. If we don't like how we're spending an hour, we can choose differently"

  • Blacklance36
    Blacklance36 Posts: 755 Member
    You're going to have to make time to see a Dr - that is the reality.

    Good luck!

    This...all day this...

    Sorry, but yes. You need to seek a medical professional, either a primary care, a specialist, or if you don't have time during the day go to the ER. You are probably going to need to see an allergist and get allergy testing.

    In for getting in front of a doctor.
    I ask everything in your life more important than your health....everything?
  • aNewYear123
    aNewYear123 Posts: 279 Member
    See your doctor. It does sound like food allergies, so it would be helpful for you to keep a detailed list of exactly what you ate and how it was prepared. You need to be even more detailed than most when logging, you can't just say garden salad, you will have to detail exactly what was in it and on it. You said pasta so people say gluten, however you also said fruits and veggies - so what was on the pasta? If it was tomato sauce then that could be a likely issue; did it have cheese, meat, garden veggies? What are you drinking at the time even if you added a 0 calorie flavoring to water?
  • hippalottame
    I've ignored my fair share of medical issues for economic and/or scheduling reasons but hey...

    If you were my daughter, I'd tell you this:

    I don't want to scare you....or maybe I do....allergic reactions are nothing to play around with. Hives = swelling. When you swell, your airways swell too. Immunity fluctuates so the next time could be far worse then a few hives.

    Allergic reactions can be very serious - even fatal. Please make an appointment RIGHT NOW. You have to see a doctor asap!
  • xbluehorusx
    xbluehorusx Posts: 57 Member
    I am gluten intolerant and what you're describing most certainly sounds like a food allergy. It is most likely gluten or wheat. The concerning part is that fruit is also bothering you - perhaps you are reacting to a specific sugar? Food allergies can do a lot of damage not just to your digestive system, but to other organs as well. You really need to see a doctor before there's permanent damage.
  • Pirate_chick
    Pirate_chick Posts: 1,216 Member
    you have developed a food allergy or intolerance. You better make time for the doctor and get an epi-pen. I developed an allergy to tomatoes suddenly. I used to eat them like apples. Then one day my face became swollen, I ulcers formed on my tongue like I had been burned, my stomach cramped up like never before, I started wheezing, and coughing, my throat started to close.
  • SeptemberLondon
    SeptemberLondon Posts: 151 Member
    you have developed a food allergy or intolerance. You better make time for the doctor and get an epi-pen. I developed an allergy to tomatoes suddenly. I used to eat them like apples. Then one day my face became swollen, I ulcers formed on my tongue like I had been burned, my stomach cramped up like never before, I started wheezing, and coughing, my throat started to close.
    Yes! ^^ This.

    Allergies can worsen significantly without notice. A mild allergy can, at any moment, become fatal. I disagree with those saying "keep a log". Go see an allergist. If your insurance allows it, go straight to an allergy doc - don't spend time with your primary care doc unless you need a referral. If you do need a referral, PUSH for it. If you find you have to wait several weeks to get an appointment, then keep a log in the meantime. But make that appointment. Take control of your health.

    For years we thought my son had a lactose intolerance, but when he was finally tested (which, by the way, is very quick..within an hour you will know everything you have allergies or sensitivities to); we knew that he has a full-blown milk allergy and must read every label and carry an epi-pen.

    I have practically cut out gluten, not because I'm sensitive, but because of the calorie count (I find there are other things I'd rather eat) and my GI tract has been very happy for it!

    Feel free to add me as a friend - the more support, the better. Good luck and please keep us posted!!