Amazed at how much I have to eat for recommended caloric int

jenbk2 Posts: 623 Member
Yesterday someone posted about how amazed they are with how many calories are in the food we eat (or used to eat). I am amazed that now I am eating healthy how much I can eat ! When I look at my calories and food intake at the end of the day I can't believe how much food is on there. I feel like I am eating all the time !


  • girl_brett
    girl_brett Posts: 166 Member
    Yes that's true! I'm hungry alot more...but we are also doing alot more!
  • KeenaAdams
    KeenaAdams Posts: 16 Member
    Agreed, I was used to eating one or two huge "bad for me" meals, but now I look at my food diary and I'm eating all day and really never have a chance to feel hungry :-)