Need advice on my fitness journey

I started lifting weights in Feb 2014 while going on a diet. I was very successful and eventually went from 250 to 241 by July 2014. I know the weight wouldn't drop off as quickly when I did only cardiovascular in the past weight loss experiences.

Well after July 31st, my weight just jumped up from 241 to 256!! I gained 10 lbs in a week after my summer job ended I can honestly say I didn't eat enough calories to gain that much weight. It's very frustrating. All my hard work was gone again. I do pick a cheat day, at most maybe 3000 calories that day plus I work out. I had my share of cookies here or there. I don't want to act like i dont eat some bad things, but never enough to justify such an increase in weight gain. I do eat a lot of watermelon to satisfy my sweet tooth.

I lift weights 2x a week for about 45 min. I do a complete body workout.

I do cardiovascular 5 days a week for an hour or more on the elliptical.

I need some type of advice or suggestions to get back on track.

I think it's the weight lifting that bloats me. After I work out, I look very very puffy and my face is bloated. I drink when protein from Walmart brand and I'm just tired of my hard work being lost so quickly.

I need some type of advice, suggestions or something.


  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    Your food diary is not open to view. Are you logging everything you eat? Are you weighing and measuring your food? Your post leads me to think that you have no idea how much you're really eating. Lots of people have had great sucess on here, most of them logging. You have to decide what you really want---then do it. Best. :smile:
  • RoseyDgirl
    RoseyDgirl Posts: 306 Member
    Are you logging your food?

    That type of increase sounds like it could be that you suddenly increased your food intake, or ate something that you reacted to. If you eat to much sodium, you could be holding water... this is all guessing because you havent showed us your food diary.

    Sorry cant help more.
  • d1781053
    No, I stopped logging food long time ago. I just count calories and stay under 2,000 a day.

    I'm very conscious of what I eat. I have a very consistent diet. Grapes, watermelon, green peas, chicken, or salmon, Turkey sausage. I'm a creature of habit. I eat watermelon for most of my snacks as well.

    My splurge is pizza, hot pockets, maybe some bbq chips or cookies but for and in between.
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    Well, then all I can say is "good luck".
  • bugaboo_sue
    bugaboo_sue Posts: 552 Member
    No, I stopped logging food long time ago. I just count calories and stay under 2,000 a day.

    I'm very conscious of what I eat. I have a very consistent diet. Grapes, watermelon, green peas, chicken, or salmon, Turkey sausage. I'm a creature of habit. I eat watermelon for most of my snacks as well.

    My splurge is pizza, hot pockets, maybe some bbq chips or cookies but for and in between.

    If you're not logging then you're not measuring/weighing your food. If you're not measuring/weighing your food then you have no idea how many calories you're actually consuming.

    How can you be sure you're keeping your calories under 2000 if you have no idea what amounts you're consuming?
  • RoseyDgirl
    RoseyDgirl Posts: 306 Member
    Definitely, if you've gained weight and so quick, you need to start from the basic again. Measure and log food. make sure you're getting your 8 + glasses of water... and, I know watermelon is great - but, it also has a lot of sugar... if that's a sudden addition for you, it might be one of the reasons the weight's coming on. Try limiting your fruit to 2 servings a day. And increase your vegetables instead.
  • RoseyDgirl
    RoseyDgirl Posts: 306 Member
    There's nothing wrong with brocolli, cabbage, spinach, mushrooms, onions, cauliflower, tomato, peppers, sweet potato, eggplant - peas are good - but, a little variety would help you get more rounded nutrients. Mix your colors. :)
  • dlaplume2
    dlaplume2 Posts: 1,658 Member
    I have to agree with the consensus here. You NEED to log your food.
    You are working so hard with exercise and lifting weights, don't sabotage those efforts thinking calories don't matter. They all add up.

    Log them for 30 days, and if you don't see a difference, then you should see a dr. as there could really be something hormonally or metabolically wrong. If you bring your journal with you, IF there is no change to your weight, then your dr will see that you are truly on top of it.