No more progress... any advice?



  • OttRob
    OttRob Posts: 15 Member
    I am pretty careful when entering my calories... I even count every nut I eat haha. Plus since I have been finishing short of my 1700 cals most of the time (especially on strength training days), there should be a small buffer.

    I'm never hungry off 1600-1700/day, and find I have plenty of energy for the gym.

    Now I know some of you said you are smaller and eat more, but you are probably more active during the day also (because of knee injury). This is like being back at a desk job.
  • jillmarie125
    jillmarie125 Posts: 418 Member
    Ok well then I suggest giving it a few more weeks. Keep tracking everything you eat. If you still are not losing weight then consult your doctor.
  • OttRob
    OttRob Posts: 15 Member
    Thank-you everyone for the help!
  • wkwebby
    wkwebby Posts: 807 Member
    Have you recalculated the BMR to account for a "sedentary job" now that you aren't as active during the day? It could be inaccurate due to the change in physical activity. Then just have the workouts logged to know what calories you've burned for the day.
  • OttRob
    OttRob Posts: 15 Member
    When I calculated it yesterday I selected 3-5hrs/week of moderate exercise (which is actually probably on the low side... it'd be more like 9-10). I didn't see any option for the sedentary job but maybe I should look for a calc that has it. Thanks!
  • OttRob
    OttRob Posts: 15 Member
    When I calculate it with NO exercise... I get:

    Your BMR is: 2309
    Your TDEE is: 2771 calories

    -20% then puts me at 2217/day

    So on top of that I have another 500-700/day deficit from what MFP puts me at to drop 2lbs/week.
  • lizarddev
    lizarddev Posts: 100 Member
    my .02...I disagree with the "eat more to lose weight" I say cut back on some of the cardio, and eat less.

    You think a 6'2 250 pound man should eat less than 1700 calories a day? I am a 5'2 female and eat 1600-1700 a day.....

    I don't really care what number he thinks he is eating. If I haven't lost any weight in weeks, yes, I eat less. It works.

    yeah i get that. obviously at 1700 he would lose. so either something is medically wrong or he is eating more than he thinks.

    Sorry, just boggles my mind how some people think you should eat more to lose weight...

    IT may not be the eat more as in portions but in frequency.

    To the OP I am 43 6 ft and weighing 250 lbs. I use a fist method when I prepare my meals. (Just an example:: I have a TDEE of 2936 and a BMR of 2039. I stay between 2100 and 2400 respectively. I have lost using this method for the past 9 weeks running my training program. Yes I work out 4 days a week in strength and do cardio for 20 minutes on off days and 40 on gym days. I respectively lose around no loss to 1.0 lbs. There may be days I don't loose and then the second day I might see a .3 loss. IT depends on your activity level and your body. Just stay at it and switch it up some to see where you can change. However, I would suggest not to eat to low cause your body will go into starvation mode which can happen. Talk to your doctor and get test to find out what you need to do. Become informed the right way.
  • ttcbelieve
    ttcbelieve Posts: 181 Member
    Have a cheat day...I don't know why...but I noticed if I have been diligent and my weight loss plateaus. Having one cheat day and immediately going back on track seems to get me off the weight loss plateau

    oh and lift weight, it helps

  • Bbowling03
    Bbowling03 Posts: 4 Member
    When you start working out all the sudden your body is like "what the hell" and tries to store some fat. I was in your situation in that I never could get down past 5 pounds. Now, I eat a high fat diet, very low carbs and low gluten. I am in your situation as I have no movement in my foot and had major knee surgery.

    That said, I started work outs with BANDS, and abdominal sets. When I started with crunches I couldn't even get my shoulders off the ground to do 10. 100 days later after keeping at it, I do 100 crunches, 90 bicycles and 60 abdominal leg lifts per day. Using the exercise bands the resistance is great and low impact. I was able to eventually work in free weights.

    Also, I use the elliptical, not sure if you can, but has a low impact on my knee

    The reason why I say high fat is that as long as you are exercising daily, the body learns that more is coming and will release what it has. It took about 2-3 weeks before I started dropping at a steady pace. I was 245 and now am at 201 in just about 120 days.

    The reason I don't eat carbs is that they are addictive. You always want more.

    The reason I don't eat much gluten - that's a longer story. Read Wheat Belly and Brain Grain

    If you are hungry all the time. Put a tablespoon of Trader Joe's Organic Virgin Coconut oil in your coffee in the morning. It's a good fat (14) and I'm not hungry till 4pm. I force myself to eat but it allows me to eat a lot less.

    Myfitness pal chart at the end of the day is always Waaay over on fat and waaaay under on carbs! - But I always use the calorie intake that myfitnesspal suggests. Too many days under calorie intake, I stop losing. But again, WHAT you eat is more important the calorie intake!

    Losing weight has a HUGE affect on your knee. Before, I would take my kids to Disney or help out in little league and the next day couldn't walk. Now, I have no pain in my knee or foot.

    There are a hundred books out there about how to create habits, but the one that changed me was The Power of Habit as it breaks down what triggers your habits and how to recognize them and then substitute them. It's an eye opener and changed the way I do everything, home-life, work-life eating and socializing.

    Good Luck