This morning I went out for an early bike ride before work. It was chilly this morning and I didn't give it much thought so I headed out with my shorts and T-shirt. It was very windy and was making the biking difficult and since I was freezing my butt off, the mind went into negativity mode. The first 5 miles was maybe I should just call it day and head home, I trudged along but not so enthusiastic. The last few days I have been anxious because I am getting close to weighing 199 LBS and the mind starts racing. What happens when I get there...will I get there....can I really do this and blah blah blah. My opionon is that most heavy people have issues dealing with self esteem and emoitnal issues and use food for all the wrong reasons. Luckily I trudged on and finished my 15 mile ride and by the end my mind was settled.

I think to get this right I need to we need to fix my thinking and plan for everything because the minute something goes wrong my brain is wired to start thinking about ice cream....or a big fat cheesburger....and not in moderation....

When I got off my bike I looked up at the sky and it was awesome morning, clear blue skies and big puffy clouds.

If I would have just put on a wind breaker....I would have soaked in the beauty of the day!!!

The mind is better!!!


  • floweredsteel
    floweredsteel Posts: 56 Member
    Glad you were able to push through! You're not alone in this--I've had several times during a workout where the bad thoughts got the better of me. Keep going! Your 199 pound self will thank you soon enough.
  • stacyjh1979
    stacyjh1979 Posts: 188 Member
    I think recognizing it is half the battle. A lot of people do this, heavy or not and maybe in different facets of their life. I'm an alcoholic and we use the term "stinkin thinkin" a LOT in AA. When I am having a bad day or a bad moment, or maybe a great day or celebratory moment...almost any time mind can think "you know what would make this better?!" My logical self knows a drink has never helped anything just as your cheeseburger or ice cream doesn't help anything. IMO it's the enemy's way of hitting us where we are most vulnerable. The great news is we have a choice in the matter. I know for myself it feels empowering to say NO to whatever the temptation is and it makes me a little stronger each time. Whether we push forward begrudgingly or not as long as we're making progress that's what counts. Taking time to be grateful for what we do have, what we are capable of doing, etc and not focusing on the negative can make a huge difference so kudos to you for doing that.