TMI: Ladies Only (PCOS Cyster)

I am having an odd occurance.. and would like any input I can get, especially from those who are PCOS Cysters because as you know PCOS messes with the body.

For the last month everytime I exercise, the next day is like I have AF! ...

Here is a short background: Do not get regular preiods, have been TTC for 4 years, last period was induced by Prometrium in early December. Diagnosed with PCOS in 2008 and Hypothyroid in 2010.

I started going back to the gym in January, and evertime I go the next day is like I have AF ... its enough that I have to wear a pad. I called the dr last week and she said, that it is very unlikely that exercise is causing this, yet it's only when I exercise. I did not exercise Thurs - Monday, went to the gym yesterday and sure enough Today BAM! ...

Was wondering if anyone has any experience with this? had this happen or know what might be going on?

I did call the nurse back again today and she said maybe a polyp on the cervis is being irritated when I exercise? and scheduled me an appt? I didn't ask if I should continue exercising until my appt.


  • blbradford87
    i have pcos.. hasn't ever happened to me.. but i have 2 children and once i had them my pcos is nearly gone...
  • LaDiablesse
    LaDiablesse Posts: 862 Member
    I also have PCOS, but I haven't had what you are describing when you exercise. I think it's best to have it checked out by your doctor. How far away is the appointment? If it's a good time away, you may want to call back again and ask if you should continue to exercise or possibly let them know the types of exercise you are doing, and maybe they can suggest something a little different until you are able to go for your appointment.
  • ♥_Ellybean_♥
    ♥_Ellybean_♥ Posts: 1,646 Member
    I also have PCOS, but I haven't had what you are describing when you exercise. I think it's best to have it checked out by your doctor. How far away is the appointment? If it's a good time away, you may want to call back again and ask if you should continue to exercise or possibly let them know the types of exercise you are doing, and maybe they can suggest something a little different until you are able to go for your appointment.

    My appt is Feb 1st so next Tues.
  • AmberMagdalena
    AmberMagdalena Posts: 461 Member
    either that or the lining of your uterus is thinning from physical activity. when this happened to me when i first started working out, my gyno just told me to take advil. it worked fine
  • imcanadianangel
    imcanadianangel Posts: 40 Member
    I know that if I lose weight My af will show up on their own with out meds but will never right after I go to the gym I would get a second opinion on that kinda scary. it might be a cyst that broke but it would be painful talk to the DR and get a second opinion like I said if you don't get the answers you thing are right
  • ChubbieTubbie
    ChubbieTubbie Posts: 481 Member
    I have PCOS and I haven't had this--as a matter of fact, when I follow my exercise routine, it throws my cycle off by a week or so, which is frustrating as well. Maybe whatever hormones are released with exercise is triggering your cycle to start--especially if you don't have regular cycles. Good luck, I hope you can get some answers! PCOS sucks.
  • rbarek
    rbarek Posts: 8 Member
    I also have PCOS - but think you may have a fibroid. Worth getting it checked by an OBGYN.
  • mzdiana87
    mzdiana87 Posts: 22 Member
    It has never happened to me either. As a matter of fact since i started working out i havent gotten my period and its been about a month and 1/2... I already took 3 pregnancy test and nothing. Have any of you had a successful pregnancy after loosing weight.
  • mzdiana87
    mzdiana87 Posts: 22 Member
    It has never happened to me either. As a matter of fact since i started working out i havent gotten my period and its been about a month and 1/2... I already took 3 pregnancy test and nothing. Have any of you had a successful pregnancy after loosing weight.
  • LaDiablesse
    LaDiablesse Posts: 862 Member

    My appt is Feb 1st so next Tues.

    I'd call back just to be sure it's ok for you to excercise being that every time you do it, AF seems to show up.
  • Clauds91
    I also have PCOS. I was informed by my obgyn that the AF is normal if you have not had your period in months. This happens to me when I stop taking hormones or birth control pills. I did get it after exercise as well but because i am irregular obgyn said it was normal. A regular doctor will not know this. You will need to see an obgyn for now on to guide you on this PCOS journey. Also there are books outthere than you can read if you have questions about this cyndrome. Wish you the best of luck. Take care of the TT problem. I just had thyroid cancer surgery a year ago.
  • ♥_Ellybean_♥
    ♥_Ellybean_♥ Posts: 1,646 Member
    I also have PCOS. I was informed by my obgyn that the AF is normal if you have not had your period in months. This happens to me when I stop taking hormones or birth control pills. I did get it after exercise as well but because i am irregular obgyn said it was normal. A regular doctor will not know this. You will need to see an obgyn for now on to guide you on this PCOS journey. Also there are books outthere than you can read if you have questions about this cyndrome. Wish you the best of luck. Take care of the TT problem. I just had thyroid cancer surgery a year ago.

    oh I have been seeing a dr since I was diagnosed, and this is my OBGYN that I talked to. I was seeing a reproductive endocronologist until my insurance changed. Now I have to go through all the tests before I can go back. My next step is an endocronologist

    I have read MANY books about PCOS.. and also belong to a few groups. And have been an awareness advocate for over a year now... Thanks for your input.
  • Frappuzzino
    Frappuzzino Posts: 342 Member
    What kind of exercise are you doing? This has never happened to me, but once I started losing weight Aunt Flo visited regularly for a few months. The Dr. will be able to tell you what's happening. :)
  • ♥_Ellybean_♥
    ♥_Ellybean_♥ Posts: 1,646 Member

    My appt is Feb 1st so next Tues.

    I'd call back just to be sure it's ok for you to excercise being that every time you do it, AF seems to show up.

    Thanks, the nurse said since it's more than spotting (clotting and wearing a pad) then she said to hold off! I think I might still walk or something... i mean walking can't hurt?
  • ♥_Ellybean_♥
    ♥_Ellybean_♥ Posts: 1,646 Member
    What kind of exercise are you doing? This has never happened to me, but once I started losing weight Aunt Flo visited regularly for a few months. The Dr. will be able to tell you what's happening. :)

    Well I do the crossramp for 30 minutes and then do running on the treadmill... or walkng... usually intervals.
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    Mine wasn't in direct cause of exercise, like Monday exercise Tuesday AF...I was exercising everyday, and I would get it for like a day, then not for 3 days...then get it for 2 days...and not for 2 was really really annoying. I hadn't had my period in almost a year I assumed my body was just trying to figure out if it wanted to start or not. Diet and Exercise affects women with normal cycles too, so I just guessed it was the same thing. After about a month 1/2 I did have a normal cycle, so no real issues on my end (but it might not be the exact same thing). Let us know what the doc says?
  • kelhun1
    kelhun1 Posts: 183 Member
    I do not have PCOS, but I am a sonographer and it's my job to look at these sorts of things. I wouldn't think it's a result of hormones, but it does sound like you may have some sort of fibroid or polyp (both are benign). It sounds like it's only a small amount of blood. (in comparison to a real period). More than likely, when you exercise you are aggravating the endometrium (the lining of your uterus) causing it to bleed. I would definitely get it checked out though.
  • gini2407
    gini2407 Posts: 13 Member
    I have PCOS as well, and that has never happened to me. I hope you can get it taken care of soon. Good luck!!
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    I find that exercise really made a difference in lessening any pcos symptoms. I have been able to "cure" my pcos, and am symptom free by following Ann Louise Gittleman's Fat Flush Plan. I took a hollistic approach to it and it was the best thing I ever did. I've been able to balance my hormones and get symptom free.

    Have they done an ultrasound? I just had one last week and found more problems connected to AF were from uterine fibroids not the pcos as we'd thought all along. Maybe worth checking into.
  • marrtini
    I had a problem similar to that, I was told by my OBGYN that it was due to the fluxuation of my hormones. As you lose the weight your hormones try to regulate themselves and sometimes that will happen. It could just be that working out is creating the hormone stimulation you didn't have before.
    If you are worried call the Dr, or call a clinic and ask.