Obstacle Race Advice?

I'm running my first obstacle race (Savage) in 8 days and I'm starting to get a little nervous.

Can anyone offer any advice? What do you wish you had known before your first race?

The one thing I really wonder...Do I want to eat beforehand or do I not so I don't get sick or something?


  • lpeterson
    Drink lots of water and definitely eat before the race. I've done 2 tough mudders and both times my friends got muscle cramps by not drinking enough water before the race. You will get exhausted so pace yourself early while others sprint off the start line.
  • alpine1994
    alpine1994 Posts: 1,915 Member
    That should be fun! I think it would be good to eat a little something so you have enough energy to make it through, but not so much that you're cramping or feeling sick. I usually eat half of an english muffin with jam (I can't handle PB! I tried!) about 70-90 minutes before I start running and I can make it through a 10 mile run with zero issues. Definitely drink some water beforehand too, but not so much that it's sloshing around in your belly. I can usually run for about an hour without needing water but everyone's different. Try not to eat too much sodium the day before or you'll feel extra thirsty!

    Also, I don't know if there's mud or anything involved in this, but I did a mud obstacle course that went through trees and brush and stuff and I got poison ivy ALL OVER my body. Just something to look out for if the course goes through the woods at all.

    Have fun!!
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Don't trip.