Hi I am new to this site and LOVE IT!

Cindijo Posts: 14
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
:heart: I began a new intense weight loss program 4 days ago. It is usually a very expensive program completed at a weight loss clinic and I am attempting it on my own. I have tried sooooooooo many programs only to be discouraged. I cry when I see the programs on TV showing the massive amounts of food people are eating or drinking because that is just not me. I eat small quantities on a daily basis and for the most part I eat healthy and nutritious. Not to say I am perfect. I am not delusional. I believe a healthy life style is flexible and you will only get discouraged and give up if you beat yourself up for eating something fun every once in awhile. Every day is fresh and you have the choice to make that next right decision. I am happy for those that can change their lifestyle and have success. Weight loss is personal and what works for me may not work for you. I believe the key is to keep trying and never give up. Being healthy is a great goal. Being a size 2 or even 6 may just not be in the cards. Best of Luck to You!!!!



  • SJUL77
    SJUL77 Posts: 10 Member
    Congrats on your loss! Welcome to the site. I love it to! Feel free to friend me.
  • hi! welcome! glad you are feeling motivated and ready to take on a new day.
  • hi! welcome! glad you are feeling motivated and ready to take on a new day.
  • Welcome! I love this site! And congrats on your loss ... :)
  • Hourglass25
    Hourglass25 Posts: 340 Member
    wow!! congrats:smile:
  • musicgirl99
    musicgirl99 Posts: 252 Member
    Hi, I just joined the site and so far I love it. There are so many helpful tools within one site - it's terrific! Over the past couple of years I have gained about 30 pounds and am so frustrated as I cannot seem to be able to lose the weight I gained. I've tried so many fad diets and just when I start to drop the pounds, before I know it, I've gained the weight back plus some. I just joined a gym close to where I work and am hoping it will help me to achieve my goal. The problem is I am SUPER shy and don't like to work out in front of people. I am going to the gym for my first work out in a few minutes and am kind of dreading it because I'm so embarrased. I'm hoping that I overcome my shyness and achieve my goal weight. Good luck to you all in your endeavors. :smile:

    Congrats to you on your weight loss. That's wonderful!
  • hi well done on ur fab loss i'm new here too, good luck losing the lbs x
  • bouldert
    bouldert Posts: 225 Member
    awesome nice work ,good luck
  • Hi i'm new here too and so far I like this site too.
  • Hi I new to the site as of about 1/2 hour ago. I had some health scares the last couple of months and I really need to lose about 50 lbs. I quite smoking 11 days agos. Starting walking 30 minutes a day 4 weeks ago, now going start on the weight lost. So much to do, but eatting healthy will ehlp with not gaining to much after quiting the smoking. Hopefully I'm not taking on to much at one time. But I never believe in doing anything half way, make a decsion and move with it. So look out here I come.
  • fogot to Say - I need friends and support! Anyone who wants to befreind me please do!:smile:
  • Cindijo
    Cindijo Posts: 14
    Bless You! Loosing weight is hard enough to stop smoking at the same time. I can not even immagine. My thoughts and prayers go with you. All the best of luck. I know you can do it. What a personal acheivment when you succede.:flowerforyou:
  • Cindijo
    Cindijo Posts: 14
    Hello fellow nubie. Best of luck in your personal weight loss journey.:smile:
  • Cindijo
    Cindijo Posts: 14
    Thanks for encourgement. Congrats! on only having 8 pounds to go.:smile:
  • Cindijo
    Cindijo Posts: 14
    The shy one. I feel your pain. I can't tell you the countless times I have been suckered by my friends into joining a gym and then feeling I had to go alone because my freind could never make it. I hated it... But you can do it. Never give up. I am there for you. Cheering you on every step of the way.:flowerforyou:
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