I can't even do 1 pushup on my knees...

I'm trying to lose some weight and I know it's all down to calories but also most of the reason I gained it was being sick and in and out of hospital/sleeping half the day because of my illness and drugged to my eyeballs.
I'm a woman and I remembered in high school the guys making fun of me for doing "girly" pushups in PE. But I tried to do one yesterday and I couldn't even do one! My lower body is stronger but I'm basically weak as a newborn kitten.
Where do I start to get back to a basic level of strength like that?


  • icrushit
    icrushit Posts: 773 Member
    I'm trying to lose some weight and I know it's all down to calories but also most of the reason I gained it was being sick and in and out of hospital/sleeping half the day because of my illness and drugged to my eyeballs.
    I'm a woman and I remembered in high school the guys making fun of me for doing "girly" pushups in PE. But I tried to do one yesterday and I couldn't even do one! My lower body is stronger but I'm basically weak as a newborn kitten.
    Where do I start to get back to a basic level of strength like that?

    Start with a wall pushup :)

    Bodyweight progressions are what you want, as there's very easy, gentle ways to start with each major category of bodyweight exercise, and then variations that crank up the difficulty slowly.

    Don't worry you'll get there :)
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    Start with wall push ups, then if you have stairs work your way down the stairs. If you don't have stairs, use a counter, anything that you can keep gradually decreasing the incline. Keep working on them.
  • alereck
    alereck Posts: 343 Member
    Most women who do not exercise or lift weights cannot do a push up. I have been trying for a pull up for quite a while but unless I swing I just can’t do it. You are at a disadvantage because you have been ill for a while. But the body adapts to your requests fairly quickly, keep going at it and you will become stronger. Start with body weight exercises, look at videos to find moderations of such exercises and keep increasing intensity as you start to feel more comfortable. Soon enough you will be doing 3 sets of 12 with no problem.
  • ducati45
    ducati45 Posts: 54 Member
    Thanks for the suggestions guys I've been googling all these terms and I'll try working my way up :)
  • PurringMyrrh
    PurringMyrrh Posts: 5,276 Member
    Here's something I just started looking into which may be extremely helpful to you as well...

  • trm68
    trm68 Posts: 55 Member
    Hey D45, I'm 68 and I started 3 months ago doing what you call a girl push-up and I do them for warm ups. Now I am up to a grand total of ,,,,wait for it,,,wait,,,, 6 big regular push-ups, not exactly Mr . Hercules yet, but I'm working on it.

    Now , you are having a difficult time getting going, so here you go:: The wife ordered this 3 months ago: It is a Richard Simmons 3 DVD set you use over 3 months, do each DVD for 30 days. Yes I thought it was sissy,,,,I was wrong. If you have been sitting and ill off and on this one is great and it will not intimidate you and you will feel great for doing it. I call it " Starting over from rock bottom", lol.

    The name of the Richard Simmons 3 dvd set is: PROJECT HOPE. Get it on line.

    It does work, go at your own speed. Now I am doing some light Tae Bo,,,very light, no I cannot do it very well, but I am doing it. We still use the Richard Simmons for some warm ups and so on. On YouTube, look up Leslie Sansone, " 1 mile walk and 2 mile walk, those are great................you can do this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • BombshellPhoenix
    BombshellPhoenix Posts: 1,693 Member
    Start with wall push ups, then if you have stairs work your way down the stairs. If you don't have stairs, use a counter, anything that you can keep gradually decreasing the incline. Keep working on them.


    I couldn't even do a real push up when I started last year either. Or a pull up. And I always failed physical fitness tests in high school, even at a healthy weight. Don't feel badly. We all start somewhere and starting is the first step.♡
  • aethre
    aethre Posts: 150 Member
    Couldn't do a pushup at the start of August, really struggled with knee pushups. So I started doing them against the kitchen counter, every time I put the kettle on to boil or whatever waiting I had to do in the kitchen. I'm currently doing the 30 day challenge for easy push-ups and I'm up to nine. Start from where you can and keep going, you'll get there!
  • dreaming13000
    dreaming13000 Posts: 68 Member
    When I began this journey I was like you, barely even one knee pushup. Every night before bed and every morning I worked on them. When I could only do one, I'd try two, then three etc.. over timeI started working on regular pushups. I can now do 25 regular pushups with our dying!!! If I take a break though I lose power, so I do pushups often. I have a pull up bar in my house, same thing, I work on negatives and use a stool, still can't do one un assisted (after months!) But one day I know I will if I just keep working at it!
  • Wall push-ups are great! Not only does your arms and chest get stronger, but so does your core! Unlike knee push-ups the wall ones make sure your entire body is progressing at the same rate.
  • DjinnMarie
    DjinnMarie Posts: 1,297 Member
    Make sure you are getting adequate calories for your body to recover from illness.

    Wall push-ups are great, but accessory exercises will get you there quicker than wall push-ups alone. Dumbbell flies for chest, lateral raises for shoulders, tricep dips or kick backs, and planks for core.

    Those struggling with pullups, in addition to doing negatives, do bent over rows and dumbbell pullovers for lats, and biceps biceps biceps. When doing pullups and/or negatives, make sure you roll your shoulders back and down to maximize lat activation.
  • AuroraD82
    AuroraD82 Posts: 56 Member
    I can't do em anymore but when I learned how it was off a futon (low) bed. I slowly crept further out until I was eventually doing 'em girly, and then finally full up on the toes. This time around I will try the stairs.
  • AuroraD82
    AuroraD82 Posts: 56 Member
    I can't do em anymore but when I learned how it was off a futon (low) bed. I slowly crept further out until I was eventually doing 'em girly, and then finally full up on the toes. This time around I will try the stairs.

    I started 'em again. So far I'm hanging off the weight bench (in my basement ;P) OP, how is it going?