Drinking more water..



  • Cortneyrenee04
    Cortneyrenee04 Posts: 1,117 Member
    I bought a pretty water bottle (silly, but it works!), and fill it up first thing in the morning. I drink that on the short trip to work, then fill it up when I get there. I always have at least a whole bottle of water before I eat and one bottle with food. It's a little bit harder when I'm at home, but I'm working on it. It just becomes a habit.

    I feel a lot more alert than I did before drinking lots of water. Not sure if it's just me, but it's great!
  • andreagenther
    andreagenther Posts: 67 Member
    Bigger cups. Use a 16 oz glass for water instead of an 8 oz one.
  • crazymommy5
    crazymommy5 Posts: 65 Member
    How do you drink more water, even when I drink as much as I can, and still only drink 6 cups. How do some people drink 12 cups a day?

    6 cups a day is fine. I also drink as much as I can, and still drink about 6 cups a day. Sometimes it's less. More than that makes me feel like I am drowning! If my mouth seems dry- then I know I should be drinking. I'm not a fan of water and there have been times when I have actually gotten a headache from being dehydrated. I drink the flavored, vitamin infused, calorie free waters. I also drink tea and I'm a coffee drinker.
  • QuillensMom
    QuillensMom Posts: 100 Member
    I use 32 oz bottles and make sure to drink 4 per day. I keep track on paper where I have my menu/meal plan and try to incorporate into my daily routine so by 4pm I have drank 3 of them. It was hard in the beginning but slowly worked up.
  • benefiting
    benefiting Posts: 795 Member
    Why is it you can only manage to drink 6 cups a day?
  • mandapanda5111
    mandapanda5111 Posts: 12 Member
    I use an app called Water Your Body.It calculates how much water you should drink based on your weight, sends you notifications throughout the day to remind you to drink water, and tracks how much water you drink.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    I average 1.25-1.5 gallons a day. It's all I drink so it's easy.
  • WithWhatsLeft
    WithWhatsLeft Posts: 196 Member
    I just do. I always have water with me, I don't even know how much I drink each day. Yes, I don't go anywhere without my bottle of water, I'm a baby, waa waa. :)

    Many moons ago when the earth was cooling and dinosaurs roamed the land, I drank nothing but cokes. All day every day. I decided to stop drinking sugar - no more coke. I hated water but got myself into the habit of it by using mental imagery - imagined my body as a parched dry riverbed and I was pouring beautiful clear water into it.

    I had read somewhere that by the time you realized you were thirsty, you were already partially dehydrated. No idea if that's true but it worked.

    Coke or any kind of soda (which I mean by coke) now tastes like a mouthful of syrup to me, while water is refreshing, hydrating and necessary.

    I guess it's just a habit!