aaahhh! its so hard!

so i work in a relatively small office and my coworkers decided some of them would order five guys (if youve eaten at five guys you know where im going with this, if you havent, they make THE BEST fries i have had in my entire life) they come back with their order and thats all i smell is that disgustingly fattening delicious food! i run the numbers and wouldnt ya know it...WAAY to many cals for a gal on a 1200 cal is so hard to be good and make the right choices, but so far ive proven strong enough....instead of having that disgustingly fattening delicious build your own burger and pound of fries they give you, i am settling for a fresco ranchero chicken taco and nacho cheese chips from taco bell....i hate being good.......


  • Warmbloodwear
    Warmbloodwear Posts: 387 Member
    That is amazing willpower!!! Dont be upset think baout the end result and know your making the right decision even though its REALLY hard!!! I have the same problem with in n out burger.. I have to be good though :)
  • HollyMac20
    HollyMac20 Posts: 259 Member
    oh the temptation are everywhere. i have found that no matter what there is to eat at work, i just don't do it. i actually get a little kick out of being about to say no to the cookies in the kitchen, while everyone else stuffs their face a 8am with junk food. then they look up at me with chocolate all over their face and tell me I am "so good".

    somewhere along the lines I read that some things are habit or like 'breaking the seal'. if you allow yourself to or not to do something, that is just how it is. like for example, i love pizza. but i won't eat it for lunch here at work, even if it is free food. i just don't allow myself, it is off limits. same with the cookies in the kitchen. dinner is my struggle meal, so if i have pizza for lunch, that is one more higher calorie meal. it is all eating habits.

    if you love their fries, allow yourself them once a month or a couple times a month. don't think you can never have them again, that is when you go crazy and eat 5 large orders. or pair fries with a salad. that is my favorite out to dinner meal. i love fries, but could care less abaout the burger. so fries and a salad it is.

    you did great not cave to the fries!!!
  • Charlie001
    The title...............ummmmmmmmm
  • klthomas59
    klthomas59 Posts: 100 Member
    I think it was fantastic you looked up the calories before you took a bite of the food and felt sorry later. Give yourself a big pat on the back
  • thehobbyist
    If you look at my signature, you'll know I'm a burger girl, too. I love the meat, cheese, bacon, and white-flour buns. I love the ketchup and the mayo and the fries and soda, too. But here's the thing: it's fleeting. Though I'm cursed with both a sweet and a savory tooth, I'm blessed with a poor memory. I can't remember what I had for dinner two nights ago. You know what I never forget, though? The number on the scale, how comfortable I am in people's pictures of me, what size jeans I wear. Eventually, I'll remember how all my friends take a handful of pills for cholesterol and blood pressure and diabetes and all those other things, while I'm throwing back a multi and a fish oil capsule. I'll remember my friends who broke their hips and the time I spend lifting weight to avoid that. And I'll remember the self-esteem I gained, not from a number, but from my own ability to set goals for myself and fulfill them.

    We got this.
  • amycal
    amycal Posts: 646 Member
    I had the opposite happen - the guys in my office had a "lunch and learn" where cheap fast food pizza and soda was brought in and I couldn't wait to get away from it. I went to a Thai restaurant with daughter and hubby - probably higher cal than my food diary reflects but I felt like I was eating real food.
  • chrissym78
    chrissym78 Posts: 628 Member
    I stay home w/ kids but still face the same kind of torture every stinkin' day! It is hard, but you'll be better off :)
  • Amb1976
    Amb1976 Posts: 241 Member
    yeah im pretty proud of myself....ive found im doing that more and more....if something is over 300 calories (which is all i allow myself for each meal) i wont touch is hard, but rite now i just dont think id be capable of handling my still a work in progress and dont want to use food as a reward for the work i have done...since REALLY trying on here (jan 12 or so) i have lost over 10 lbs...i have no intentions of doing anything that could sabatoge all my efforts....and the cheesey sauce from the nachos, well, my belly didnt like that anyways so i can imagine how it would have reacted to fries lol....@ charlie....leave it up to a man :laugh: :blushing:
  • cclala
    cclala Posts: 190 Member
    I work right near a Five Guys. Torture!

    Here's how I think of it...there are two "hards": being unhealthy and overweight, or resisting temptation. Choose your hard:-).

    Also, have you considered ditching fast food all together in favor of a fresh sandwich or salad with a hunk of whole wheat bread? On top of being better for you it might keep you full longer since it's not as processed, and full = better able to resist!!
  • chrissym78
    chrissym78 Posts: 628 Member
    The title...............ummmmmmmmm

    BAHAHAHA... you perv!! ROFL!
  • pleal
    pleal Posts: 6
    You GO girl! Keep that willpower up - it will pay off in the end when you are svelt and the rest of the workers in your office are not so!!! :wink:
  • 10iss
    10iss Posts: 9
    I understand!!
    I was at bunco last night and had a tsp. of this, a tsp. of that while everyone was pigging out. Then 2 people brought in cheesecakes!!! The calories were 900 per slice!!!!! So, I took a was good, but I was depressed about going over by 40 calories STAY STRONG! You will be so happy when you can be that size 8 or 10 again!! or even smaller!!!
  • forttc
    forttc Posts: 26 Member
    I know how you feel. I recently discovered that my favorite burger has 1540 calories. Instead of giving it up and feeling deprived I ate a really light breakfast and lunch and cut my burger in half. If I want fries I'll adjust my meals and calories the same way. If I want to stick to this I need to be able to enjoy my favorite foods once and a while. If you don't think you could limit yourself than you are better off watching what you eat the way that you are. Good luck. I know you can reach your goal.
  • M1ssBehave
    M1ssBehave Posts: 33 Member
    Yes I understand. Special at the Cafe downstairs from my job is cheese burgers and steak fries. I ate my 200 cal can of soup, and am so far resisting. Just a few more min and they will be closing up. Glad I read your post. It helped me stay strong. I was just about to listen to my co workers saying the fries are baked so they can't be that bad. 1200 cal is just soooooo little.
  • curleesam
    curleesam Posts: 462 Member
    Yes it is hard being good when others around you are indulging. The key is to ALWAYS ALWAYS carry healthy snacks on you. I always carry a bottle of fizzy water and one or two of the following - oatcakes, raisins, cashew nuts, fat free yoghurt, banana.

    Good luck!
  • Amb1976
    Amb1976 Posts: 241 Member
    I work right near a Five Guys. Torture!

    Here's how I think of it...there are two "hards": being unhealthy and overweight, or resisting temptation. Choose your hard:-).

    Also, have you considered ditching fast food all together in favor of a fresh sandwich or salad with a hunk of whole wheat bread? On top of being better for you it might keep you full longer since it's not as processed, and full = better able to resist!!

    Actually i pack my lunch every day....a salad w tuna (or chicken) a slice of swiss cheese cut up and either 2 tbsp salsa or 2 tbsp of italian dressing w 1/2 c of frozen fruit, i VERY RARELY get fast food and drink nothing but happy with my choice and am proud of what i did...
  • darkrider42
    darkrider42 Posts: 5,343 Member
    That's what she said.

    I know! We just got them in our market recently! It's wrong to go there and not get s burger, but I really like the Veggie & Cheese sandwich and especially the Cajun-seasoned fries! Yum!
  • OGFleabag
    OGFleabag Posts: 137 Member
    That's what she said.

    I know! We just got them in our market recently! It's wrong to go there and not get s burger, but I really like the Veggie & Cheese sandwich and especially the Cajun-seasoned fries! Yum!

  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    I feel like I am running on a treadmill reading your post but totally understand what you are saying because sometimes it is really hard making food choices and trying to stay under your calories and the temptations are so great but what I try and do is eat a small portion of it but of course assuming you have enough self control not to eat all the "bad food" because if you can resist it is a win/win scenario.
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    i just think what do I want more yummy fries or really cute new clothes so far clothes are winning