I am Back! And in desperate need for support!!!

It has been 3 years since I used this site and boy what a 3 years it has been. I started my journey back in November 2010 and I weighed in at a whopping 240lbs. I was depressed and felt hopeless. I knew it was time to lose weight. I started with going to the gym 3 days a week only doing 30 mins of cardio. After 5 weeks I had lost 20lbs. I was shocked but felt great and was feeling well on my way to getting healthy. So I continued and started upping my time at the gym, added in weights, started going 4 and 5 days a week, started watching what I was eating and well.........3 years went by and I weighted in at 137lbs. That's 103lbs lost. I looked fabulous, I felt fabulous, I felt like I had conquered the depression and I felt alive. I woke up with energy and motivation every day, I looked forward to going out all the time. It was the best I have ever felt in my life and I held that weight for over 6 months. Well that was last year!!!!! I have gained back almost 25lbs in 8 month, since Jan.1st. I weighted 141lbs. To be honest, I cant even get on the scale anymore. None of my clothes fit, I have lost motivation to exercise, and time, I am back to some of my old binge eating habits and the depression has started to come back full force. I am in desperate need for some help. I think about my weight second of every day, I am obsessed with my body and my size. I want to cry every time i look in the mirror or get dressed because none of my clothes fit, I had to borrow back some of my clothes that I gave to a friend because they were to big for me. They fit again. I need help getting motivated, I need advise and I need a friend to help keep me accountable. Im ready to do this again and this time keep it off. Its the only way to conquer the depression. So if anyone has some kind words of advise or is going through a similar thing, Id love to hear from you.


  • Sim123one
    Sim123one Posts: 36 Member
    I know how you feel - I felt like I was in a never ending cycle i.e.

    eat - gain weight - get depressed - eat because I was depressed - gain weight and so on and so on

    Good luck on your journey :)
  • raysputin
    raysputin Posts: 142 Member
    You held 137 for 6 months and so you know how to do it. There's the best part of your story right there. You need to look back at what it was that made you fall off the wagon and make sure that you do not permit those circumstances to happen again. The rest is easy - do what you done last time.

    I don't have any concerns for your weight loss journey, you are going to succeed - no doubt about it!
  • gwiazdka71
    gwiazdka71 Posts: 4 Member
    i am at the verrry beginning of my journey and im desperate to lose the weight off. I have made every excuse in the world for not to exercise or diet. My husband is the other way round trying to put the weight on so no help for me there. I work full time and have a 3 year old that attends nursery every day, not to mention nobody to look after him when I want to go to the gym as my hubby works till 6pm and I do 5am till 2 or 3pm. So I have made a decision and I have bought the elliptical trainer machine and since Monday I jump on it everyday for at least 30 minutes straight after coming home. looking at what 30 minutes gave you when you started your journey im feeling hopeful :smile: You have done really well last time so you can do it this time round as well ! chin up ! and I hope I can as well as at the moment I feel exactly the same as you, try to make an excuses not to go out with friends standing hours in front of the mirror trying to hide the fat bits...
  • timberowl
    timberowl Posts: 331 Member
    Hi there!!!!

    I started dieting back in 2012. I weighed 176 lbs. I got all the way down to 146 in about 10 months, and was running 10 miles a day 4-5 days a week. I know what you mean--I felt so energetic and happy. I actually loved buying clothes.

    Last year, my shift changed at work. I was changed from nights to days, and working a full 40 hours with a 1 hour commute each way. I also started going out to eat for lunch a few days a week. I finally actually had the ability to go out with friends during the week, whereas I hadn't been able to before due to my shift. I was happy, but didn't have the time or motivation to work out nearly so much.

    I just got on the scale this morning and nearly cried. I was 170. :( So I know how crushing it feels to gain back so much of what you lost, reminiscing all the time about how happy and energetic you were, wondering if you'll ever feel that way again. It's harder every time, being older and your metabolism slowing down with every day that goes by.

    My best advice is to get a BodyMedia band, if you can afford it. Then you'll see how much you're really moving, and it'll motivate you to move more. I just started wearing mine again last week. I forgot how much I loved it when I was running all the time. I started running regularly again two weeks ago. Yesterday I made it up to 6.75 miles, and while I haven't lost any weight yet....my size 8's fit again for the first time in 8 months (even if they are pretty snug).

    We can do this!
  • SchatzieLoosesWeight
    I enjoy posting daily motivational advise and am always available to help answer any questions you may have. Add me if you'd like.

    Hope you all have a great day!

  • sunseeker100
    sunseeker100 Posts: 90 Member
    I could have written this post I feel exactly the same as you! I have to get my weight loss back again so feel free to add me and we can support each other :)
  • caegem
    caegem Posts: 79 Member
    I feel your pain!! I also struggle with my weight, and have for most of my life! I am a yo yo dieter, I do great for a while then I get discouraged and fall off the wagon HARD!! I too binge. Last year I went through some relationship woes and BOoM... I managed to gain 30 lbs in 4 months! I am back on track now, but I still have my days when I feel like giving up. I not only have a super slow metabolism, but my emotional eating habits are horrible!!
  • Gallen88
    Gallen88 Posts: 171 Member
    Welcome back! I feel the same way and will definitely be here to support you! I've added as a friend!
  • Sexybysummer2011
    Thank You all for sharing your similar stories and your kind words, its encouraging knowing Im not the only one. I just realized this passed weekend that I obsess over dieting. My family kindly pointed it out. I literally know the calories in everything I put in my body lol. You think Id be on track and be really good at following a strict diet and your right I am, its the self sabotaging that I need to quit. Ill do so good all week, then I tell myself "its OK, eat the dessert, you'll get back on track tomorrow". Or Ill tell myself "this dieting **** is killing me" or Ill say " why can everyone else eat that, and I cant" sound familiar??? Well that is me, all the time, its those kind of things that have lead me to the 20-25lb weight gain in 4 months. And I like to drink wine and stay up late on the weekends, should I really quit that as well. That just doesnt seem fair. Every one of my friends says, "you have to live a little", Well of course they are all over weight or battling the bulge as well. Im really finding it hard to dig myself out of this hole of self destruction. I want to feel good about myself again but at what cost.
  • Sexybysummer2011
    Also,I have added you all as friends. It sounds like some of us have alot in common, maybe we can help each other out in this process. Some words of encouragement goes along way. For those of you who are just starting this journey for the first time, I may have some advise, I mean... I have done this before. Just dont ask me how to keep it off, that is where I struggle, lol
  • Froody2
    Froody2 Posts: 338 Member
    There is an easier way.


    Let go of the idea that to lose weight you need to restrict anything except calories - there are no good or bad foods. Find a reasonable calorie goal that leads to 1-2 lbs loss per week max, find an exercise you love doing and don't beat yourself up for anything, ever.

    Best of luck.
  • Mindfreak1999
    Welcome back this site is awesome. I have been on this site for just over 700 days. I have an awesome group of ladies who have helped me and also give me grief if i go of the rails lol

    Good luck :smile:
  • onyx1972
    onyx1972 Posts: 133 Member
    Hello Everyone.. I am on this site everyday.. I started my weight loss journey at 248 and got down to 180 and now back to 195 and I am stuck.. :( I will eventually get to my goal of 150 but my mind gets in my way and my emotions take over and I eat mindlessly.. then I get depressed and well you ladies seem to know that cycle well.. Feel free to add me.. maybe together we can help each other break through.. I go to the gym everyday and just recently I became a beach body coach... so maybe I can help motivate all of us through our own battles and mind blocks... Thanks