Petite and looking for support!

Hi I'm Courtney, and I've known for a long time that I really need to lose weight to be healthier and feel better about myself but I'm definitely the excuse maker that always says "I'll start tomorrow" or "I'm not that bad." My friend had suggested I try this site and app but I hadn't even looked at yet until today when I had the 'holy cow' ;) moment when I stepped on the scale. I thought it might say 140 or 150 but NOPE! It said I was a scary 161 lbs. I'm not even 5 feet so I carry a lot of weight in my stomach and theighs. Because of depression and anxiety I go on a lot of binges but I need to stop blaming it on that and get healthy again! I'm only 20 for crying out loud! haha anyone looking to connect and work on our journey together?


  • Hey!
    I am also a fellow short person at 5'0. I am currently trying to stick to around 1200 calories per day.

    Feel free to add me. :)
  • eranganm8
    eranganm8 Posts: 37 Member
    mee too...
    5' 1'' and have been eating ruthlessly and ended up in 180lbs when I finally realized I cannot go on anymore. join the train girl.. MFP is a great tool... it might get some time to get used to the clean eating and burning your comfort zone.. but it will all help you accomplish something great.. I'm currently 130lbs and still got more than 30lbs to melt down... feel free to add me too.. good luck for your fresh start :)
  • I am in a very similar boat! I just added you as a friend, I would love to have that extra support and motivation! I am 5'1" and 155 pounds. Like you, I kept telling myself I would "start tomorrow". Its only been a couple days of fully changing my eating habits, instead of "dieting" and I love it!
  • I still I have so much to learn about clean eating and changing my eating habits!