New here....waiting on gastric sleeve

A little about me :
While waiting for all pre op and authorizations for the sleeve, I was referred to this site by my Dr. I am on day 2 of using My Fitness Pall app. I am pretty good out of the gate, but usually loose motivation after a couple weeks. I am nervous about this life change in eating. My heart tells me I need to do this and my head tells me I cant. I have had bad eating habits my entire life and I am 45.

My over eating and decrease in activity started in 2002 when our 2nd son was diagnosed with Autism. I weighed more than I had my whole life after 1st son in 2000. But had lost more than half the extra weight by then. I slowly gained weight over the years. Loosing a bit here and there just to gain it back plus some. I quit smoking in January and was also placed on some medicine that makes me gain as well. I have gained 15 pounds just this year. I am not good at diets and I have tried them ALL. I want to be healthy, feel better about myself and be here for my boys as long as possible.

So I have decided on the sleeve. I am nervous, yes... but really want this at the same time. I love Mexican food, Margaritas and beer. I fry almost every thing and bread, potatoes or rice are in every meal. I know the procedure is only a tool to help. I know I will have to make drastic changes in my eating and food choices. I am hoping to get a head start on that before surgery. I am hoping to find some experience and support from this site. What to substitute for what? Tricks to retrain your brain? Post op advice?

I'm all in at this point... Just praying for the strength to stay on this path until it sticks and becomes my norm.


  • trinity9058
    trinity9058 Posts: 149 Member

    Hi! Sounds like my pre-op life lol. I never had a meal without potatoes or rice or pasta. Looking back, I think I used them so much because I was convinced (having been raised that way) that meat and veggies were not a valid meal and something else had to be on the plate. So really I just used them as fillers. I had my surgery on May 14, 2014 and I think I'm doing alright since. It's definitely a change in lifestyle as well as some lessons in perserverence, patience, and self-control. I don't regret it for the world though. I haven't been this small in 10 years and I'm not even close to goal. I also love Mexican food and, if you do it right, you don't actually have to give it up, you just have to wait awhile to have it again.

    So welcome, there are a lot of good people on here. You might want to look into joining the VSG group (just go to groups and put in "VSG" and it should come up) and the veterans in the group are simply amazing. Do you have an idea yet about when your surgery will be?
  • luvnmother
    I hope I can adjust to the meal and portion changes. I think the liquid diet only for awhile will kill me... ha!!
    Thank you so much !! I will look up that group.
    Congrats on the surgery and weight loss. I can't wait to say "I haven't been this small in years".. how wonderful .
    I have 1 more test and a nutrition consult to finish. Then they should be able to get approval from insurance. I am hoping to have the procedure by the end of October.