Back to Square 1...

Hello MFP world. The last year I have gone through a career change and had a major shift in life (don't we all?!) Needless to say, the last year I have made about 10 trips to the gym but I pay for the membership. My eating has gone to complete crap and I chalked it up to, "you've been busy, cut yourself a break". I was able to lose 55 pounds over the last 2 years thankfully with the help of MFP and now do to my own laziness and neglect, 35 has crept back on. I can blame no one but myself. My oh *kitten* moment, just 24 hrs ago when I saw a picture of me from the weekend. I almost didn't recognize myself. Oh man, I got the swift kick to the *kitten* that I was looking for.

This is my "Take 2", hoping to knock out 45-50 this time again. I know what weight looks healthy on me and I truly don't want to be any lighter than 150-155lbs. I hope this makes sense.

My diary is open. I can take criticism. Just looking for motivators. Inquire within :wink:


  • funchords
    funchords Posts: 413 Member
    Motivator? You've lost 55 lbs., you know this works! You're a motivator! Not only that, someday we will all start gaining weight again. None of us will reach a bottom weight and just stay there. You did something that most people fail to do -- avoid gaining back all the weight plus some.

    Your diary is not open, but you've only been back at this for 24 hours.

    One thing you might do as you lose this time is to get rid of all of your bigger clothes as you shrink. Don't even own any bigger sizes. Avoid clothes with elastic except for sleepwear. That way, you'll get feedback sooner from tighter clothes. Remember, you're not just losing weight -- you're changing your lifestyle. Maybe your goal shouldn't be 150, maybe your goal should be to stick with logging and 3x week of walking for the next 50 weeks: your lower weight is a side-effect of your new habits.
  • ChristineCain
    ChristineCain Posts: 76 Member
    Let me say that my diary is open to my friends. Sorry to sound harsh but I have everything privatized due to my job. I work with local government and everyone finds you everywhere :happy:

    Thanks for the words of wisdom.
  • redscylla
    redscylla Posts: 211 Member
    I'm in the same situation. Lost 37 lbs over 18 months, then I let grief crash my good efforts. Not to brag, but I managed to regain all my weight, instead of part of it. ;)

    As has been said, you're the best motivator. I feel most confident that I can tackle this when I look back at my diary and acknowledge that I'd managed to lose half the weight already. Granted, I have to lose it again, but no problem! You can lose the weight again, and some more. You already know how.
  • I'm back to square 1 too. Though, it sounds like you're not even at square 1, because you haven't gained all the weight back! So, that's good. Regardless, you are back on MFP and you know what worked for you in the past. Those are all important factors, and so now it's just doing the work and having the patience again. You'll do great, because you did before! I am also the same as you, 150 is the place to be. As a teenager, my body always wanted to stay around 150. A personal trainer told me years later, it's because that was the perfectly healthy weight for me. So, here's to 150! :) Good luck!
  • ChristineCain
    ChristineCain Posts: 76 Member
    Thanks for all of the encouragement! I just do get so disappointed in what I have let happen over the last year. To come so far and then fall of so fast, feels like I let myself down. But I can't dwell over what was, have to work on what is going to happen once I put my mind to it again!
  • Life happens! I too regained the weight I had lost. Just as I was ready to face the weight gain head on my gym offered a biggest loser contest. It was the motivation and accountability I needed. Hang in there, if you succeeded once you can do it again! We have all been there!
  • Could be worse, you could have not lost the 55 to begin with and then gained the 35! You should give yourself a good pat on the back for the fact you prepared yourself so the blow of all the changes wasn't so bad. A setback sure, but at least you caught it before you gained it all back.

    I figure if I lose 10, regain 5, lose 10, regain 5 I'll eventually get to where I should be. Better than spending the whole time just gaining.
  • babslich
    babslich Posts: 14 Member
    Some Great Advice!
  • funchords
    funchords Posts: 413 Member
    This came home to roost this week. I talked to my youngest daughter, a beautiful girl who lost 70 lbs and 6 sizes on Weight Watchers. She was crushed that she gained some back, although she's still able to squeeze into the smaller size. I love her so much and I worry about her, and I'm glad that she can pick this up again just like you did -- before all the old weight is back plus some.

    We (society) are so hard on our expectations on women and weight, and consequently women are so hard on themselves.

    NOBODY will lose weight and never gain some back. Your first weight loss wasn't straight down, either. It had faster and slower weeks and probably even a few up days.

    You're going to do great!
  • 1234terri
    1234terri Posts: 217 Member
    You can do it, we can do it! It's the minute by minute choices we make. They either support our goals or make us feel temporarily good, and don't fit. I know which ones I've made that have screwed me up..and now I'm trying like you, to get back to basics...
  • cincysweetheart
    cincysweetheart Posts: 892 Member
    You are not back to square one… for a couple of reasons.

    1-- you haven't regained all your weight back
    2--you know what to do. You know you CAN do it

    And personal opinion only… I don't like the phrase "back to square one." Because you are never back at the very beginning. Even if you had gained all the weight back… You still have a whole lot of experience behind you. Not only do you know how to do it and that you can do it… you now are probably even more aware of your weaknesses and the potential pitfalls, so you can avoid them or make a plan on how to tackle them next time. Think of your previous attempt as "practice." Hardly anybody gets it right the first time… but practice will help you get it right. If nothing else… you know what NOT to do!

    You've totally got this. Not back at square one. Just getting back on track again!
  • ChristineCain
    ChristineCain Posts: 76 Member
    Thanks so much for really giving me the doses of reality that I need. Sometimes I really can be my own worst critic. And not in a bad way but because I expect so much of myself. I feel like I did let myself down by allowing the weight to come back, even if it wasn't all 55 pounds. You are all correct in that I know what to do, I can build from it and move forward! :smile: :smile:

    On a positive note... First week "back to the bump and grind" was awesome and made me realize how much I missed "routine". 5.2 pound loss on the scale just by simply increasing my movement and watching my portions. I know every week will not be like this but it was certainly a great start.

    Good luck to all!!
  • funchords
    funchords Posts: 413 Member