I have a goal and you can help! :))

LG30 Posts: 72
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
Hello my name is Lisa and I am new to myfitnesspal.com! I am excited and determined to get under 200 lbs, not only for myself but for my two small children who will one day look up to me and be proud of my accomplishment! When I was in high school I was very active with sports etc so weight was never an issue for me. I was tall and slim and never thought that I would be where I am today. At my heaviest two years ago I was 280 and today I am 240.2. It has been a long road but I am more determined this year loose weight then ever. In 2009 my New Year's resolution was the same as many, loose weight and get in shape, well mine was that too and two get pregnant with my second child and two years later I have accomplished those goals and I had my second son in May of 2010, and keep off the weight that I worked so hard to loose, but it is not enough. I look in the mirror everyday and I am not happy with myself. People I see who have not seen me say wow you look great Lisa but I don't see it. So again for the New Year again I set my goal and again the plan is to achieve weight loss but greater then I have in the past. So my first weigh in for 2011 was 248, and my current weight is 240.2 so I have done great thus far. But the problem that I have and I am sure many others do as well is that I still what everything that I can't have. I have been really good with my dieting but yet I still crave for so much and I am hungry constantly, but with the help of water, gum, and peppermint candy it helps sway those cravings and with my hunger. So I am looking forward to this site, and the help and encouragement of fellow site members! :smile:


  • amie1004
    amie1004 Posts: 65 Member
    Welcome! You came to the right place :)
  • hi lisa i joined today and want to lose at least 20lbs (that will do for a start ) if i can lose another 10 on top of that great, good luck losing the lbs val x
  • Welcome. And congrats on meeting your goals last year. Here's to the new year and an even better you! Feel free to add me as a friend if you like!
  • i'm always here for anything to encouragment to just talk!!:) i'm also trying to loose weight i was also in high school and tall and thin...my kids and my heart problems have destroyed my body in more ways then none...i'm just putting out there a helping hand :)

  • fitnewlife
    fitnewlife Posts: 339 Member
    Welcome to MFP. Here for you.
  • LG30
    LG30 Posts: 72
    Thanks! But ? for you how would I add you as a friend?
  • tauns
    tauns Posts: 29
    I understand where you are at and you CAN do it! It is hard (especially when you have little ones). Food is the biggest thing...watch your food and what you eat. When I start to gain back even 2 lbs of the 165 lbs I lost without fail when I start tracking food again I see even with exercise I have increased the intake more than I should have...I cut it back down and the weight comes back off. It is NOT an easy battle and it is not one that ever goes away either. Your kids will be proud of you and HEALTHIER because you have to have healthier habits to loose weight. That is something that will pass down to them and help them.

    Biggest help for me: Incorporating all foods I eat into family foods. I do not eat a salad while they eat pizza. We all have the same healthy dinner. That way our family is gaining healthy habits together. I hope and pray my children never have to go through what I did and I am trying to help them by showing and teaching them proper foods and amounts.

    You have already done awesome and you have shown your desire and drive. You can and will do this! Good Luck!
  • jfer1977
    jfer1977 Posts: 139
    Hi Lisa and welcome. You are on the right path to a healthier you.
    One mistake a lot of people make is "dieting". In my opinion, you shouldn't "diet" you should make a life change and eat healthy. When you "diet" that normally means when you reach your goal you stop the "diet". Then when people do that they gain the weight back.
    As for your cravings I'll tell you what my husband and I do. We take one day a week as our "free day". It's the day that we get to satisfy those cravings. I believe it is the only way we are able to stay on track in eating healthy. Once your body gets used to eating healthier and portion sizes your stomach will adjust and you shouldn't feel hungry any more. Feel free to add me as a friend if you want. I'm always here for support.
  • Nysie5
    Nysie5 Posts: 215 Member
    I joined just yesterday! i'm also hoping to brake that 200 # mark!

    here for ya

  • LG30
    LG30 Posts: 72
    Thanks all for the advice and the great support thus far! I am looking forward to meeting my goals along with you all! :)
  • Welcome to the team, you can do it and we are here to help!
  • Hi and welcome! I agree that together we can get healthier! :)
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