Using Old, Slim Pictures of Yourself for Motivation

For those of you who have old pictures of yourselves in your ideal weight, you can try putting them near places where you eat or exercise around the house (living room, dining table, kitchen, etc.). So that whenever you feel lazy exercising or are tempted to eat more, you can just look at it and motivate yourself.

Using it as wallpaper on your phone could also work especially if you are always on the go. :smile:

Hope this helps.


  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
  • janiceclark08
    janiceclark08 Posts: 1,341 Member
    I have had one of my slim pictures on the side of my frig for years, maybe it needs to move to the front for more motivation.
  • KameHameHaaaa
    KameHameHaaaa Posts: 837 Member
    I've never been slim, ever, in my entire life :[

    I do keep an old picture of me in my teens (17, 18-ish) while I was in martial arts because

    1) I love martial arts and once I lose the weight I'd like to get back into it
    2) I wasn't slim, I was still considered obese but I was fit, agile, high endurance etc from the training
    3) It was taken less than a year before I ruptured a disc in my back and REALLY packed on the pounds.
    4) It's the only picture I have of me looking similar to how I do now but smaller
  • katkins73
    katkins73 Posts: 416 Member
    I look at my old slim pictures and kick myself for thinking I was fat and not appreciating what a hotty I was :laugh:
  • I look at my old slim pictures and kick myself for thinking I was fat and not appreciating what a hotty I was :laugh:

    For reals. "I wish I was as skinny as the first time I thought I was fat."
  • Juliarosemary66
    Juliarosemary66 Posts: 64 Member
    I use a pair of my old big trousers (pants) as motivation for a kind of before and after thing! If I feel fat I put them on and it reminds me how far I've come! It's great - they fall down! And they used to be a very tight squeeze!