aaahhh! its so hard!



  • Amb1976
    Amb1976 Posts: 241 Member
    i just think what do I want more yummy fries or really cute new clothes so far clothes are winning

    BAHAHA! I second that!
  • dmoses
    dmoses Posts: 786 Member
    like, just now, my coworker said that we needed to bring in coffee and doughnuts to help with morale. the comment was made 'well, if debbie will eat a doughnut, i'll buy them.' why is it up to me? i choose to eat healthy, and i know doughnuts are a weakness, so i just don't have them. but, hey, help yourself!
  • southern_gurl
    I work in a doctor's office, and our drug reps cater lunch CONSTANTLY!! It is sooo hard to be good and stick to your goal when everyone around you is scarfing cheese and bacon fries. My mouth waters when I smell it. If I have been good and stuck to my diet and exercise plan, I allow myself a small amount of what I want periodically. That way I don't over indulge later!! Way to go for sticking it out!!!
  • cclala
    cclala Posts: 190 Member
    I work right near a Five Guys. Torture!

    Here's how I think of it...there are two "hards": being unhealthy and overweight, or resisting temptation. Choose your hard:-).

    Also, have you considered ditching fast food all together in favor of a fresh sandwich or salad with a hunk of whole wheat bread? On top of being better for you it might keep you full longer since it's not as processed, and full = better able to resist!!

    Actually i pack my lunch every day....a salad w tuna (or chicken) a slice of swiss cheese cut up and either 2 tbsp salsa or 2 tbsp of italian dressing w 1/2 c of frozen fruit, i VERY RARELY get fast food and drink nothing but happy with my choice and am proud of what i did...

    That's great!
  • misscristie
    misscristie Posts: 643 Member
    I eat lunch with my co-workers everyday. I always have grilled chicken breast on a bed of spinach with some balsamic vinegar, sliced cucumbers and sometimes a little fruit salad.

    They have lasagna, onion rings, burgers, fries, vegetables drenched in butter and ranch dressing, etc. I just picture the grease from they're eating coating my tongue and inside of my mouth. Turns off the desire to eat it immediately. Of course it's only been a few days, but it's worked so far!
  • Toaster88
    Toaster88 Posts: 146
    Keep up the good work! My Daughter is in a cake decorating class, so we have 3-4 cakes around at all times. I hit yogurt or rice cakes instead.
  • noltes2
    noltes2 Posts: 202 Member
    LOL @ the title.... hahahaha

    I have a Five Guys literally downstairs at my apartment (it's one of those complexes that has restuarants on the ground floor). And reading this it sounds DELICIOUS! It's so easy to go there when it's downstairs! But stay focused, as you are :) Keep that for your next "cheat" meal that way you don't finish a whole large order of fries!
  • abyt42
    abyt42 Posts: 1,358 Member
    I feel your pain... though it was easier to turn down the boxes of pizza being passed around my classroom. The smell has permeated my clothing.
  • shellyxxxxx
    well done on your 10lb loss i hope you dont mind me asking but what do you drink in between meals if you only allow yourself 300 calories a meal im struggling at the moment x thanks x
  • Amb1976
    Amb1976 Posts: 241 Member
    I eat lunch with my co-workers everyday. I always have grilled chicken breast on a bed of spinach with some balsamic vinegar, sliced cucumbers and sometimes a little fruit salad.

    They have lasagna, onion rings, burgers, fries, vegetables drenched in butter and ranch dressing, etc. I just picture the grease from they're eating coating my tongue and inside of my mouth. Turns off the desire to eat it immediately. Of course it's only been a few days, but it's worked so far!

    :sick: EWWW! yeah....thanks for that reminder...just the thought turned my stomach upside down :laugh:
  • abyt42
    abyt42 Posts: 1,358 Member
    My new favorite junk food: Alexia's Spicy Sweet Potato Fries.... 30 fries for 170 calories... and YUM!

    Paired last night with a portobello-blue cheese-spinach sandwich on a 100 cal English muffin last night and it was amazing, and mostly vegetables! (Added a side of roasted asparagus, because the fries, mushroom and asparagus take approximately the same amount of time in the oven.)
  • Amb1976
    Amb1976 Posts: 241 Member
    well done on your 10lb loss i hope you dont mind me asking but what do you drink in between meals if you only allow yourself 300 calories a meal im struggling at the moment x thanks x
    thank i said...i drink water ALL DAY LONG....about 2 years ago, our company as part of our appreciation gift had given us freezable lunch boxes and water bottles (which i measured to be 2 c of water per so smart :bigsmile: ) any ways thats pretty much all i drink all diary is open so feel free to look
  • LFern
    LFern Posts: 141

    I drove past 2 McDonalds and a Burger King today and did NOT give in to my cheese puffs or potatoe chip craving last night. WE CAN DO THIS!!
  • Amb1976
    Amb1976 Posts: 241 Member
    My new favorite junk food: Alexia's Spicy Sweet Potato Fries.... 30 fries for 170 calories... and YUM!

    Paired last night with a portobello-blue cheese-spinach sandwich on a 100 cal English muffin last night and it was amazing, and mostly vegetables! (Added a side of roasted asparagus, because the fries, mushroom and asparagus take approximately the same amount of time in the oven.)
    ooohh those sweet potatoe fries sound it a recipe?
  • Determinedchica
    Determinedchica Posts: 17 Member
    I can relate!! I have eaten at 5 guys before ONE TIME and yes!! IT IS PROBABLY the best quick burger and fries around!! It sucks that it's there dangling right before your eyes!! Great job for being strong!!! This is my trick remember " You eat to live, you don't live to EAT" and somehow it puts it all back into prospective for me. Just tell yourself this ...

    right now, I am trying to loose weight and I'm not going to get there any faster by eating JUNK so, while one day when I'm maintaining I might be able to eat that or eat half of an order of good ole burger and fries but, right now I need to stay on track because that is what is important to me!! It is my choice to be healthy and I'm going to try to forget about what everyone around you is doing for lunch ... that is their choice to be unhealthy..

    TIP : At The VERY last resort... I let my (very skinny husband) order a burger and fries and I ask for a bite and like 5 fries but the rule is I get NO more than that!!! It's just enough to keep me going... and not feel like I'm a deprived health freak! lol :) GOOD LUCK!!!
  • HawkeyeGuy
    What's hard? Making a decision to be healthy? It's a pretty simple choice. Eat bad, look bad. You simply don't get to eat your cake and have it, too. What's really hard is staying unfit and fat...being fit and hot should make it go from "it's so hard" to "it's so worth it". Change your mind. Now go work out.
  • shellyxxxxx
    thanks il try and give it ago x
  • shellyxxxxx
    thanks il try and give it ago x
  • HawkeyeGuy
    What's hard? Making a decision to be healthy? It's a pretty simple choice. Eat bad, look bad. You simply don't get to eat your cake and have it, too. What's really hard is staying unfit and fat...being fit and hot should make it go from "it's so hard" to "it's so worth it". Change your mind. Now go work out.
  • syl312
    syl312 Posts: 31 Member
    ITS HARD WORK to LOSE weight.. and I LOVE FRIES.. its my LOVE in LIFE haha jk..
    but I do like them .. BUT i think whats important to me.. FRIES?? or losing WEIGHT ?? and it's losing weight..
    WE have to THINK about the BIG picture and LONG TERM!.. for ME it's LOOKING better in a Bathing suit..
    FRIES are ONLY a FEW mintues of ENJOYMENT.. LOSING WEIGHT is LONG term.. LOOKING better and FEELING better
    is more important than a few moments of Fried , GREASY potatoes!!

    GOODLUCK.. ONCE u reach ur GW u can always Eat them in MODERATION!!