Loss and thinning hair

I think I posted about this when i first noticed it...a thinning and loss of hair. It's very scary for me. I should of done more about it at the onset, but I really couldn't figure what was causing it, making it hard to fix. I'm on a lot of medications for depression, but I've been on them for longer than the time it noticed this with my hair. I'm stressed but no more than I've been in the last 5 years, actually see an improvement. So that leaves my diet/nutrition. On the fitness pal a couple of people thought I had some sort of eating disorder, not getting enough calories not reaching my protien goal very little fat. Among many other effects they had commented about what it could do to my hair, this was back several months ago before I had gotten below 115.
Anyone else notice such a problem, did you find out the cause, and what did you do for your hair, how long does it take to get it back to normal again.
Drs next week, this is really bothering me, as I worked real hard on my calories to get where I am, to improve my health and my appearance. And now instead of looking chunky, I have droopy loose skin, and my hair looks horrible. I was so happy and proud of myself, and now all I can think about us getting my hair back, without putting my weight back on, or even just how to get my hair back.
Anyone else?


  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 656 Member
    It's happens to many people who drop calories for a while and lose weight quickly, the body is a bit shocked and there's a bit of hair loss that often accompanies it. I take biotin daily which isn't an instant fix, but has helped over time. It usually starts growing back in after several months.

    Do a search on MFP...it's been discussed many times.
  • k8eekins
    k8eekins Posts: 2,264 Member
    Adpalangi: I think I posted about this when i first noticed it...a thinning and loss of hair. It's very scary for me. I should of done more about it at the onset, but I really couldn't figure what was causing it, making it hard to fix. I'm on a lot of medications for depression, but I've been on them for longer than the time it noticed this with my hair. I'm stressed but no more than I've been in the last 5 years, actually see an improvement. So that leaves my diet/nutrition. On the fitness pal a couple of people thought I had some sort of eating disorder, not getting enough calories not reaching my protien goal very little fat. Among many other effects they had commented about what it could do to my hair, this was back several months ago before I had gotten below 115.

    Anyone else notice such a problem, did you find out the cause, and what did you do for your hair, how long does it take to get it back to normal again.

    Drs next week, this is really bothering me, as I worked real hard on my calories to get where I am, to improve my health and my appearance. And now instead of looking chunky, I have droopy loose skin, and my hair looks horrible. I was so happy and proud of myself, and now all I can think about us getting my hair back, without putting my weight back on, or even just how to get my hair back.

    Anyone else?

    People lose hair and develop thinning hair from weight loss, aging or both. From my vantage point, I've observed some of my mother's friends and their appalling eating habits, amongst those who are much older than me. I believe we are of a generation Adpalangi (you at 49 and me at 38), with those who are preceding us in age, who tend to overly restrict. There is an over emphasis on either being fearful about fat or ladling it on. The ones who ladle it on, tend to be morbidly obese with beautiful hair vs the restrictors ~ who are gaunt skinny, frail, with thinning lanky and overly styled hair. Most of my Mum's friends are Caucasian. Being an islander (Oceania-Pacific) however, one does notice women and men of Pacifica extraction with the straighter hair textures (Mela/Poly/Micro ~ Nesians) - suffering from thinning hair post the age of 45; For some it hits at the age of 32, which is why it is common practice for some females to adopt the British-Bob. Beyond the Bob hairstyle it's thin vs the kinky straight or kinky wavy (think Tahiti/Cook Islands/Tonga/Samoa) who carry their thick and voluminous hair well past their 80s even. You need to ask yourself Adpalangi, how much of your hair is affected by your eating plan, your weight loss or any hairstyling porous side-effects? Nature, nurture vs Bought ~ Kai Pacifica Logic

    Much like achieving your ideal body, restoring your hair as close as possible to how it was, is a process. Allow the advice of previous members who'd zeroed in on your calories and lack of fats and proteins, to affect your hair health and beauty. It can't happen as quickly from whence they'd advised you to now (less than 3 weeks or thereabouts, no more than a month). "Peanut Butter Solution," [1985] from our time is fictitious, as was "The Nutty Professor," [1996] ~ Skinny in a bottle.

    Keep at it. Attached is an excerpt addressing hair loss and revitalisation ~ the extreme modern approach: http://www.nytimes.com/2013/10/22/science/new-technique-holds-promise-for-hair-loss.html

  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    You posted this awhile back. I think some people gave you some interesting advice to review. Perhaps your doctor knows best.
  • exelbyplumpton
    exelbyplumpton Posts: 30 Member
    What's the saying. You Are what you eat. When my diet is bad, I notice my appearance looks awful.exhausted
  • Adpalangi
    Adpalangi Posts: 349 Member
    Thank you do much for taking the time to send such an informative post. I suppose the reason the comments earlier on didn't effect me as they should have, because I was also following a different program,, that I paid for. The forum there is quite different then the opinions here. But is about eating healthy and exercise, so I cont on. Anyway, in the meantime I've upped my calories , go over my fat most of the time (which I don't know is healthy or not, seems kinda counter productive. But most advice I received had told me to increase my fat.) and come much closer to my protien level as in the past. Still working on that one.
    Anyway thanks again!