Uk Newbie - needs support

fatlass70 Posts: 136 Member
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
Hi all,

I'm coming to the end of my first month here on the site and thought perhaps it was time I introduced myself and interact with you all so I can help motivate you and you can keep me going.

My weight has been steadily creeping up for years and occasionally I do something to tackle it. I lost about 1 stone (14lbs) for my wedding which was 9 years ago today and looking back at those old photos I realise I had some shape abour my face and waist that now seems to have gone - and I'd like to get it back!

After I had my first daughter I decided I didn't want to be the fat mum at the school gates and lost 2 1/2 stone (35lbs) and looked and felt much better. I was at the upper end of a healthy BMI so wanted to lose a little more but was happy. I then fell pregnant again with my second daughter and stupidly decided that I now I knew I could lose weight I would eat what I liked throughout my pregnancy as I knew I could shift the weight post baby.

This is I'm sure a familiar story so will not surprise you to learn my daughter is 4 next week and I have lost just 14lbs of that baby weight!

So this January I decided my destiny is in my hands and I WILL do something about my weight and so logged on here. I joined this site as i find that tracking my food and drink intake really makes me realise just what I have been eating - it's too easy to forget that biscuit I popped in my mouth whilst making dinner!

I started well and lost 6lbs in my first week - I ate well and exercised lots. Since then it's been a bit hit and miss and on Monday morning after two parties at the weekend and a trip away with work last week with no exercise, i found I'd almost gained it all back. So it's now Wednesday and I'm back in control - I'm now down 5.5lbs. I have eaten well over the last couple of days and I'm heading to a new Pilates class tonight which I have pre-paid so no excuses not to go!

Then I will come home and enjoy a nice steak dinner with my husband and a glass of wine - afterall it is our anniversary!

But I'd be really grateful if some (even one) of you could give me a little nudge every now and again and make sure I don't fall off the waggon and so I eat well and get myself back on my exercise bike and knock out some miles.

I look forwards to hearing from you!


  • Always willing to give someone that extra kick when they need it. Feel free to add me to your list of friends.
  • grnqueen
    grnqueen Posts: 35 Member
    While at your classes, try closing your eyes and looking for "the new you" waiting to come out :) I works for me :)
  • debbond64
    debbond64 Posts: 7 Member

    I will say I am in awe by your perserverance. I have three children and your story is very similar to my own. I am now 46 years. old and it is more difficult than ever to lose weight, tighten, and tone my body. I began my diet or change of eating habits about a month or so ago. I strive for quality of food and not quantity. When I began I was in the Obese level of my BMI and now I am currently in the over weight level. My first goal is to get to the healthy BMI level. I exercise by using an elliptical trainer. It is not hard on my joints by I use more muscles than on a stationary bike. I also began using Jillian Michaels 30-day shred. Good luck in everything you do. Do it for yourself first and then do it for your children and your husband. It is a lot of hard work you need to plan for even through the parties, work situations, and whatever might come along. I began by reducing portions and then cut out all processed foods. I have lost a total of 24 lbs. It's like having that anniversary dinner with a 4oz. steak, lg. portion of veggies, and a side of carbs. You still feel full and you didn't cheat yourself out of the dinner or feel hungry. Remember it's all about planning ahead. I'm praying for you. GOOD LUCK!
  • fatlass70
    fatlass70 Posts: 136 Member
    Thanks all - good advice will I will endeavour to take.
  • Hey hun, im a UK wana be slimmer!!! Feel free to add me xx
  • bayles1
    bayles1 Posts: 408 Member
    Hey,also in the uk,good luck with the pilates and have a good anniversary meal.Feel free to add me and I will support all I can.:smile:
  • hi hun i'm also a uk newbie add me as well if u want extra support good luck losing the lbs x
  • elis1985
    elis1985 Posts: 3 Member
    Hey everyone!

    Just thought I'd say that I joined this site and have the app on my phone and very excited to start seeing the pounds fall off me!! Anyone who needs inspiration feel free to add me and we can both help each other achieve our weight loss goals. I believe with the correct amount of effort we are bound to achieve anything! :o)
  • lrns88
    lrns88 Posts: 151 Member
    Good luck lovely =) theres a great Team UK thread if you want some support from the UK specifically, but everyone is fab on here and will keep you on track and provide fantastic support =)

  • U can add me to.
  • tiggys
    tiggys Posts: 32
    Welcome. I am fairly new and in the UK too. I will add you and a few more of you. Hope you don't mind.
  • staceyb_2003
    staceyb_2003 Posts: 396 Member
    Hi feel free to ad me if you like i'm in Nottingham and pop on everyday :-)
  • petithamu
    petithamu Posts: 582 Member
    Welcome! Feel free to add me, I'm an American in London! Let's support each other!

  • madmand0802
    madmand0802 Posts: 14 Member
    Hi !! I'm from the U.K and your story is so similar to my own, I am also new to this site this is my first week. I have lost before on Paul Mckenna but, my life is so hectic I don't have time to sit and think to much lol What I have done for my inspiration is to have a slimmer photo of me as my progress ticker to give me that little reminder. Feel free to add me it would be nice to have some buddies for help and tips along the way.. that goes for anyone else reading this.
  • shimmerlady
    shimmerlady Posts: 43 Member
    I'm in Ireland and have sent you a friend request.

    I am also being cheeky and have sent out a few more friend requests!! :bigsmile:
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,218 Member
    hiya! im from uk too! welcome and good luck. feel free to add me
  • fatlass70
    fatlass70 Posts: 136 Member
    Showing my ignorance and newness on the site - where do i find your friend requests?
  • its a tab under Home hope you find it
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