Stretch marks + "Skinny fat"

I know that you don't get stretch marks from losing weight. But I have developed stretch marks since losing weight. I guess it could be muscle that grew? I'm eating at a deficit though. I run/walk, swim, and do leg/arm strengthening exercises. I'm six pounds away from my goal weight and I still look fat. Would it be wise to up my calories and start working out harder? I'm just worried about getting even more stretch marks. I know that sometimes they appear when you lose weight even though they were already there. But these seem really fresh. I have a lot of faded stretch marks from gaining A LOT of weight as a child (I was on medication). The inside of my thighs aren't attractive at all. The new ones are making me really sad because they go all the way down to the back of my knee. I know they will fade in time but I just don't understand how I could be getting them if I'm eating at a deficit. Isn't it "impossible" to gain (not keep) muscle when you're at a deficit? I'm feeling really discouraged and upset right now.


  • emculp1
    emculp1 Posts: 12 Member
    You can definitely get stretch marks from losing weight. Your skin has been stretched and now it isn't. Stretch marks can form from that. I would recommend strength exercises (like squats, lunges, etc) to plump your skin a bit with muscle. Other than cocoa butter, there isn't much else you can do.
  • bebenevaeh
    bebenevaeh Posts: 65 Member
    Im not sure how much weight u lost gettin new stretch marks. But from my experience my old ones are alot more noticable since i am smaller they r closer together! Ewe! As for the gainin muscle on a deficet i would love to know!
  • Chrisparadise579
    Chrisparadise579 Posts: 411 Member
    Yeah starting to lift weights and do resistance training would be a good idea that will help you develop more definition and help the skin tighten up. But when it comes to loose skin after losing weight the kep its really just patience most of the time everything will go back to normal just takes a bit of time. And no that is not true you can put on muscle while losing weight it just isnt alot of muscle mass and it is harder when you are closer to your goal which you are. It would be a great idea to increase your calories by about 200 and see how your body reacts to that. Most likely it will help you lose the last few pounds.