Fed up of being the token fat friend

lrpxo Posts: 17 Member
Hey, i'm 22 and as my title suggests, fed up of being the fat one,
would love to walk into topshop and pick out something without walking around with my eyes on the floor feeling ashamed of being there.

I pretend that i have no clue why im fat- i binge and i dont do enough exercise.
i have a pretty ambitious goal ahead of me- i want to lose 4 stone by the end of sept.
taking me from 14st to 10st. Would love to go to back to uni looking completely different.

would love some motivation/advice/tips to keep me on track, so add away!


  • SeanAdlen
    SeanAdlen Posts: 3
    Hey I'm Sean, nice to meet you :) I'd love to help keep you motivated and on track, I want to see you smashing through your targets! I put up inspirational posts for my kickboxing and weight management clients so feel free to add me on Facebook for them and regular conversation about how you're getting on etc...
    Sean-Herbalife Defence-Fitness
    ...Good luck and hopefully speak to you soon! :D
  • kirstiejess
    kirstiejess Posts: 60 Member
    Hia, im 23 and probably the same as u!

    My weights been up and down and was 8.10 stone at my lightest a year ago and now im 10.4. Massive difference. None of my clothes fit. Like u, i dont have an excuse, just total binge eating!

    I now go to the gym 4 times a week and tomorrow i make it my goal to get my food and diet in check, im starting uni in sept and want to be a size 8!! So over 2 stone to lose it!!

    We can do it xx
  • TKhamvongsa
    TKhamvongsa Posts: 287
    Research the best diet/lifestyle you'd like to start with.

    I'm currently on If it fits you macros (Flexible Dieting)

    You're allowed to eat anything you want but in proportion and accordingly to your goals/macros/calories/micros.

    Start moving more. Start drinking more water (stop with the fizzy pops/juices). Buy a scale and weigh all foods so you can get an accurate number/calories on MFP.

    =) hopefully that helps!
  • justmagickit

    I absolutely know what you mean and how you feel. It can be so depressing being the bigger one when you're in a group but you're in the right place to change things for yourself. I think the key thing to remember though is that make sure all the hard work you put in is for you, and not for someone else. That's what will keep you going!