Only three weeks and I've noticed I can ...

Shamrock40 Posts: 264
edited September 23 in Success Stories
* I can do 10 leg raises without stopping (when I started, I could barely do 1 and I had to rest before I did another one)

* I can do 35 minutes of kick-*kitten* cardio without needing my inhaler

* I am full and satisfied on my daily calorie goal (maybe time to change it?)

* I can tie my shoes without discomfort and without contorting myself into a funky position so I don't have to bend over

* I can put some of my clothes on without them being tight around the waist

* I can see a difference in the "puffiness" of my face

* I can put my wedding rings on without a struggle

10.5 lbs down and 86.5 lbs to go!!!

What about you??


  • mzw00dy1964
    mzw00dy1964 Posts: 21 Member
    Good for you!!!!!
  • cakeordeath
    cakeordeath Posts: 229 Member
    im in the same boat! its amazing how jsut getting those rings on easily can make you feel so good. congrats on your progress!
  • Awineburg
    Awineburg Posts: 196
    Thats wonderful! Im proud of you! :happy:
  • That's awesome!
  • rhiannon1979
    rhiannon1979 Posts: 166 Member
    That is awesome! Congrats! If that's not motivation to keep it up, I don't know what is.
  • meadowski
    meadowski Posts: 3 Member
    Ohhh my gosh you just decribed me I'm almost the same as you "Atta Girl " great Job
  • Leannek74
    Leannek74 Posts: 374 Member
    Yay, I love this kind of post! You're on your way!
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    im sleeping better at night
    i have more energy during the day
    i have to wear a belt really tight with almost all of my jeans
  • fitoverfifty
    fitoverfifty Posts: 192 Member
    That's so exciting......You don't have to be at your goal weight to feel so much better! It's so much fun every step of the way......every pound you shed makes a difference!

    I'm happy for you!
  • Congrats!!!!
    3 weeks & I've lost 9 lbs so far
  • Yay You!!!! that's excellent!! I also have noticed the puffiness gone down in my face and fingers and my waist too, lost and inch and a half. and finding it easier to get up and go than the :I don;t feel like doing anything" factor!!! But didn't notice any of that until you posted this so thank you!!! and yay me!!!
  • thats great! I'm only almost a week in i think.
    my only big accomplishment so far is that i have given up my pop and been drinking WATER all day long! Someone I NEVER used to do.
  • Well done.... inspiring and reassuring that these site help x x
  • thats great keep up the good work!!!!:wink:
  • Great job! Keep it up it only gets better!
  • I'm really Happy for you! Continued Sucess
  • blessedmomof8
    blessedmomof8 Posts: 215 Member
    Sounds pretty much what it was like for me. Doesn't it feel GREAT?!
    AND it gets better! :happy:
  • Thats is great way to go Keep up the good work:happy:
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    That's fantastic! I've only been "at it" (lol) for just over a week but I managed 2 minutes (not massive but massive for me!) on the cross trainer in the gym - i've NEVER managed to do that piece of equipment before for longer than about 30 seconds...

    I'm more aware of what I'm eating - and yes I do feel a little guilty if I eat something I know I probably shouldn't be eating (like my pasty today) but it's a far cry from sitting on the sofa and polishing off a whole box of cadburys chocolate fingers... which I have discovered contain 30 calories EACH!

    I drink much more water now than I used to and a lot less fizzy pop - even though Pepsi Max counts as 0 cals - it's now a treat to have a can and not my regular drink...

    Can't wait to see what new things I'll be changing and doing over the next few months!
  • johaleesi
    johaleesi Posts: 55 Member
    * I can do 10 leg raises without stopping (when I started, I could barely do 1 and I had to rest before I did another one)

    * I can do 35 minutes of kick-*kitten* cardio without needing my inhaler

    * I am full and satisfied on my daily calorie goal (maybe time to change it?)

    * I can tie my shoes without discomfort and without contorting myself into a funky position so I don't have to bend over

    * I can put some of my clothes on without them being tight around the waist

    * I can see a difference in the "puffiness" of my face

    * I can put my wedding rings on without a struggle

    10.5 lbs down and 86.5 lbs to go!!!

    What about you??

    That is awesome. Congrats. I am down 18 lbs 2-1/2 weeks and I have noticed lots of changes too.

    * My clothes are looser, specifically around my hips and thighs. Waist too, but not as much as the previous two.
    * I don't notice the difference in my face, but other people do, and they are asking me what it is I'm doing to lose weight.
    * Ditto on tying my shoe laces.
    * On the elliptical, I used to barely do 20 minutes and now I'm up to 60 minutes without stopping and with minimal slowing down.
    * Ditto on feeling satisfied with the amount of food I'm eating now. In fact, sometimes I feel that I'm eating way too much because I get so full so fast.
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